Neb Class 12 Final Question Paper 2080 / 2081: Solution | Compulsory English Class 12 | Province 3 | Neb English Support


Neb Class 12 Final Question Paper 2080 / 2081: Solution | Compulsory English Class 12 | Province 3 | Neb English Support
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Neb Class 12 Final Question Paper 2080 / 2081

     Solution | Compulsory English Class 12

           Province 3 | NEB English Guide

                   NEB-GRADE XII

                     2081 (2024)

                Compulsory English

(For regular and grade increment students whose first two digits of registration number starts from 78, 79 and 80)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Time: 3 hrs.

Full Marks: 75

Attempt all questions

1. Read the following text and complete the tasks that follow.

The day after Thanksgiving is the start of the holiday shopping season. Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday, so the day after is Friday. This day has come to be known as Black Friday. Because it is a holiday in the United States, it has long been a popular day for consumers to start shopping for Christmas. It has been the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005. Most stores offer great deals on Black Friday. They open their doors in the wee hours of the morning. They try to attract shoppers with big discounts. Some items like TVs are much cheaper than usual. Stores may even lose money on these items. They hope that shoppers will buy gifts for other people while they are in the store. A surprising fact is that people in the USA spent an estimated $86.6 billion from November 1 to 24 in 2023.

Black Friday is a great time to get good deals. The problem is that there are not enough low priced items to go around. Each store may only have a few. These items are in high demand. People stand in long lines to get such great deals. They may line up hours before a store opens. They may be hoping to get a low price on a TV cr laptop, but not everyone who wants one will get one. Some people leave disappointed.

Many of us love to get a bargain, but some feel that events like Black Friday encourage people to buy things that they don't really need and can't afford. Many people seem to completely lose control of both their spending and their tempers. The situation can be tense. Some Black Friday events have been violent. Large eager crowds have trampled workers. Fights have broken out over toys or people cutting in line. People have shot one another over parking spots. It is easy to find video online of customers physically fighting each other over bargains. But most Black Friday events are safe and fun.

Still, if you plan on going, expect large crowds and a bit of shoving. It is also argued that Black Friday is bad for small shopkeepers, who cannot afford to offer the kinds of price cuts that the big companies can.

So, where does the name "Black Friday" come from? It was first used in Philadelphia in the 1950s. The police called this day Black Friday because of the heavy traffic it drew. In the 1960s, stores tried to rename the day "Big Friday." It did not stick. The name "Black Friday" continued to spread across the country. It seems that it is here to stay.

Now, people all over the country take part in the event known as Black Friday. It is even spreading to other parts of the world. Stores have held Black Friday events in the U.K., Australia and Brazil since 2012. In Costa Rica, Black Friday is known as "Viernes Negro." And in Mexico, stores offer an annual weekend of discounts. They call it "El Buen Fin" which means "the good weekend" in Spanish.

A. Complete the following sentences using the appropriate words highlighted in the text. Two of those words are not necessary.

a. I need more space to .............. my books out.


b. The average mean age of the respondents was six times the age ............... by the researcher.


c. The demand for a product is the sum of the demand of individual ..............


d. The park has been the scene of ............ attacks in recent months.


e. His activities made the society feel ..........


B. Read the text again and write :

TRUE if the statements agree with the information given in the text.

FALSE if the statements contradict the information given in the text.

NOT GIVEN if there is no information in the text. [5x1=5]

a. Supermarkets and shopping Malls remain closed on Black Friday.


b. Stores may often sell TVs for less than their cost price on Black Friday.


c. Many People want to buy cheaper items on Black Friday.


d. People buy expensive things like cars on Black Friday.

》Not Given

e. Black Friday has a different name in Costa Rica.


C. Answer the following questions. [5x1=5]

a. What is surprising about the sale of items in the USA in 2023?


The surprising about the sale of items in the USA in 2023 is that people in the USA spent an estimated $86.6 billion from November 1 to 24.

b. Why is everyone not likely to buy cheaper items on Black Friday?


Everyone is not likely to buy cheaper items on Black Friday because there is limited availability of low-priced items in stores and these items have high demand too.

c. In what way is Black Friday not the choice of low-scale shopkeepers?


Black Friday is not the choice of low-scale shopkeepers because they cannot afford the steep price cuts that big companies offer on Black Friday.

d. Would you go shopping on Black Friday if you were in the USA? Why, why not? Give a reason.


I would not go shopping on Black Friday if I were in the USA because I feel insecure in the large crowds.

e. What can be concluded from the last paragraph?


It can be concluded from the last paragraph that Black Friday has expanded globally and has even been observed in various countries with different names.

2. Write short answers to the following questions in about 75 words each. [5×2=10]

a) In your observation, how was Mrs. Yang's character? (My Old Home)


In my observation, Mrs. Yang's character was so funny and greedy. She was about fifty years old. She seemed so funny with her actions and speech. She surprised the narrator with her activities. She didn't feel ashamed of talking in front of the narrator. She asked for furniture items from the narrator for free. She referred to her as a poor person whereas the narrator is a rich person. 

b) What was the atmosphere of the celebration in the Varma family? (A Devoted Son)


The atmosphere of the celebration in the Varma family was outstanding. It was a really very joyous occasion where all the people of the community attended and celebrated Rakesh's success in a very splendid way. After knowing about Rakesh's achievement, community people arrived at Rakesh's house and congratulated him as well as his family members. They celebrated the day as a festival with sound and colours. They blessed Rakesh by providing blessings and gifts. People were served delicious halwa. All of them became quite happy and felt pride in Rakesh's achievement.


Why is marriage better to men? (Marriage as a Social Institution)


Marriage is better to men because it provides structure to their lives, settles their ambitions and curbs their uncontrollable longings and irrational desires. Marriage improves the civic qualities of men and helps them find the purpose of their lives. Married people are less likely to commit suicide than unmarried people. Marriage is an effective way of curbing one's irrational desires and wants. To the desire of love, marriage binds a man to only one woman throughout his life, which provides moral balance to his life. Men must get married, as it gives them direction in life and helps them achieve their goals.

c) What route did the Persona in the poem 'I was My Own Route' prefer? Why?


The persona prefers her present new route in the poem. It is because her present new route is far better than her past route. Here, she finds her route quite flexible to move on. She feels joy and intimate liberation. She feels like a blossom that can freely grow on any part of the earth. She feels quite ease in her life without the restrictions of patriarchal ideologies. She realises the meaning of life within herself.

d) Why does the world need more wisdom than knowledge in the future? (Knowledge and Wisdom)


The world needs more wisdom in the future because wisdom is the only thing that can balance the lives of the people with good outcomes and maintain peace everywhere. With every increase in knowledge and skill, the purposes in people's life may be unwise. This can be a great threat to the future of the world. Wisdom helps people use their knowledge and skill in a very proper way for their own advantage as well as the benefit of humanity. Wisdom guides people to apply the information they've gained in a right manner. 


What impression did the author have about the library at The Albert Einstein College of Medicine? (On Libraries)


The author had very positive impression about the library at The Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

When he moved to New York City in the year 1965, he had a horrid, pokey little apartment. The apartment wasn't spacious. It was quite difficult for him to read or write there. He longed for spaciousness a lot. Fortunately, he started working in the library at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He had a very good time over there due to its spaciousness. He would easily sit at a large table to read or write for a while and then wander around the shelves and stacks. 

e) What explanation related to the love letter helped the Famous Actress to convince the Earnest Young Woman? (A matter of Husbands)


The Famous Actress explained that she never received any letters from her husband Alfred. Alfred was pretending to love her to make his wife jealous and get her interest in him again. She also admitted that she helped her husband in writing a love letter. She also played a role mainly to unite both husband and wife. She did so for their better relationship. She told the Earnest Young Woman that men in theatre often use tricks like this to bring back love and affection in their marriages.

3. Write long answers to the following questions in about 150 words each. [2×5=10]

a) The writer mentions the eyes of different places with their significance. What are those eyes and what do they symbolize ? Do you also agree with their significance as mentioned in the story? Give reasons. (The Half Closed Eyes of the Buddha and the Slowly Sinking Sun)


In the story, the author mentions the eyes of different places with their significance. Those eyes are: the eyes of shaven-headed monks and nuns, the eyes on carved windows, the eyes on the painted doors, the eyes of stupas, the eyes of miserable and welcoming people, the eyes of Himalaya and the half-closed eyes of the Buddha.

The eyes of shaven-headed monks and nuns in the text and referred to them as "samyak gaze" which means a gaze of purity that perceives everything in its true form.

All these eyes show the strong presence and watchfulness of the area's spiritual and cultural heritage, especially the half-closed eyes of the Buddha, which mean peace and alertness.

These instances of eyes represent the whole country of Nepal as a land of eyes that has been guarded by the half-closed eyes of the Buddha. These eyes always display a new culture, civilization, religion, natural beauty and the land of Buddha. These eyes display the immense feelings of the people. 

I agree with their meaning in the story. The eyes represent constant watchfulness and a link to history, spirituality and culture. They remind us that even if written records are lost, the culture and spirit will still live on through the people and the land. The eyes show the deep traditions and the living culture that still exists.


Describe the story 'An Old Man With Enormous Wings' as a story of realism and supernatural elements.


'An Old Man with Enormous Wings' is a story that blends realism with supernatural elements. With this blend, it has created a unique narrative style known as magical realism. Here in the story, we find both these aspects:


Setting and Characters:

The setting of the story is a small rural village. It presents a realistic and relatable environment. The characters in the story such as Pelayo, his wife Elisenda and their neighbours are presented as ordinary people with everyday concerns.

Everyday Life:

The depiction of the life of Pelayo and Elisenda, their baby’s illness and their attempts to deal with the old man in their courtyard are portrayed in a very realistic manner. This fact presents the story in a realistic context.

Supernatural Elements:

The Old Man with Enormous Wings:

The arrival of the old man with wings in Pelayo and Elisenda’s courtyard is a clear example of supernatural element in the story. His strange description is quite an unusual and magical which is against the realistic explanation.

Prediction by the Neighboring Woman:

The neighbouring woman's prediction that the old man is an angel introduces a supernatural interpretation of his presence. This explanation adds a mystical dimension to the narrative.

Incomprehensible Dialect of the old man:

The old man’s strange and gruff dialect adds to his otherworldly nature. This suggests that he comes from a realm which is beyond ordinary human experience.

Transformation of the Woman into a Spider:

The story includes the bizarre transformation of a woman into a spider. This instance adds an another fantastical element that is opposite of the natural laws of the real world.

The Old Man’s Flight: 

In the end, the old man’s successful attempt to fly away is a quite magical moment. It illustrates his supernatural abilities and also adds a sense of wonder to the story.

All these combination of realistic and supernatural elements makes "An Old Man with Enormous Wings" a compelling example of magical realism. The ordinary setting and characters present the story in reality while the extraordinary events in the story present it as supernatural. This blend of the worldly and the magical helps to explore deeper themes about human nature, belief and the extraordinary within the ordinary.

b) Explain the following lines of the poem, 'The Awakening Age' with reference to the context.

O ye who travel the meridian line,

May the vision of a new world with in you shine.

May eyes that have lived with poverty's rage,

See through to the glory of the awakening age.


These lines are taken from Ben Okri's poem 'The Awakening Age'. This is the very first stanza of this poem. The speaker of the poem is the poet himself. Here, the poet is addressing all the people of his nation who are living their lives in fragmentation. In this stanza, the speaker wishes for all his people especially the Nigerian people.

The speaker wishes African inhabitants may have the vision of a new world - a world of hope, prosperity, unity, truth, wisdom and creativity. He wishes that all Nigerians who travel along the meridian line i.e. who have been divided into fragmentations of the South and the North due to the devastating civil war, may have the shining vision of a new peaceful world within them after the outbreak of civil peace in the nation. These people have travelled a long path of hunger, poverty, unemployment and other aspects of their lives during their survival in fragmentation.

Here, the speaker desires to see all his people in a new with a new vision without violence. 

4. Write a news story in about 150 words using the clues given below. [7]

Women's Demonstration

A large number of women .......... demonstration in two places: Tinkune, Kathmandu and Mangal Bazaar in Lalitpur.... demanded ....... speedy supply of water from Melamchi Project ....... project stopped in June 2023 ........... previously supplied in Dec. 2022 supported by ADB .............. "Why the government turns deaf ear to our demand?" Said Parmila.


Women’s Demonstration Demands Quick Supply of Water from Melamchi Project

Last day, a large number of women held demonstrations in two different locations: Tinkune, Kathmandu, and Mangal Bazaar, Lalitpur. All of them demanded a quick water supply from the Melamchi Project. The demonstration was halted in June 2023. The project had previously supplied water in December 2022, supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Most women in that demonstration expressed their frustration against the government's inaction. Parmila, one of the demonstrators, talked the group's sentiment: "Why does the government turn a deaf ear to our demands?" The demonstrators carried placards and chanted slogans. They were continuously urging the authorities to address the water shortage problem. According to them, the shortage has severely impacted their daily lives. Their protest highlighted their urgent supply of water. They wanted the government to prioritize the completion and maintenance of essential infrastructure projects like Melamchi to ensure a reliable water supply for the residents of both places: Kathmandu and Lalitpur.

5. Write an email in about 180 words to the Dean of ABC University asking for a scholarship to study Bachelor's in Information Technology. Mention why you should receive the scholarship. [8]




Subject: Application for Scholarship to Study Bachelor's in Information Technology

Respected Dean Ramesh Kaushal,

My name is Rajan Kafle. I am writing this email to you especially to express my deep interest in applying for a scholarship to study Bachelor's in Information Technology at ABC University.

I'm quite passionate about technology. I believe that technology is the real solution to various problems in the world. In high school, I maintained quite a good and strong academic record. I excelled in subjects like mathematics and computer science. I also participated in a variety of coding competitions and tech fairs. I demonstrated my skills and earned praise and several awards.

Even though I am very passionate and willing to study, the major problem for my higher education is money. My family has limited income and in the lack of financial help, I may not be able to afford to study at your reputed institution.

I am so confident that with this particular scholarship, I would focus to my studies and contribute a lot to the university community. I have even plans to participate quite actively in tech-related clubs, research projects and community services. I will aim to make my learning and my classmates' experiences better.

I would be very thankful for the opportunity to study at ABC University. I hope that you will consider to provide me with this opportunity of scholarship.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Rajan Kafle 


6. Most societies are based on rules, regulations and laws. If individuals were free to do whatever they wanted, the society couldn't function well. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Write an essay in about 300 words for expressing your opinion. [10]


The Importance of Rules, Regulations and Laws in Society

In the present time, most societies thrive on the foundation of rules, regulations and laws. These societies serve such guiding principles which makes a fine environment for all for harmonious living. Yes, I firmly agree with the statement that a society cannot function well if individuals are free to do whatever they want.

In any society, rules and laws are the pillars to maintain order and stability. All these rules and laws establish fixed and clear boundaries that differentiate acceptable behaviour from actions that may cause harm to others. Without these guidelines, we can't imagine order and stability. In the lack of rules, chaos and disorder would likely ensue because individuals could prioritize personal interests over collective welfare. For example, in the absence of traffic rules, roadways would become dangerous. It leads to frequent accidents and loss of lives.  

Moreover, regulations ensure fairness and justice. They provide a fixed framework to protect the rights of individuals, especially those who are vulnerable. Without laws, the powerful might exploit the weak. This could bring inequality. For example, labour laws safeguard all workers from exploitation. These laws ensure fair wages and safe working conditions.  

A society without laws also has a risk of losing its moral compass. Legal systems often reflect the ethical values of a community. They deter behaviours such as theft or violence. When individuals are left to their own ways, some may act selfishly or recklessly. They may undermine the trust and cooperation which are necessary for the progress of society.  

However, it is also very important to recognize those laws suitable for all. They must be just and equitable. Oppressive or outdated laws can hinder freedom and innovation. A balance between individual liberty and societal order is very important for the progress of the community.  

In conclusion, while personal freedom is important, it must co-exist with rules and laws to maintain harmony, safety and justice in society. A lawless world would inevitably lead to anarchy and make it impossible for a society to function effectively.

7. Do as instructed in the brackets and rewrite the sentences. [10x1=10]

a) Students did well on the Mid Term examinations. (Identify the adverb in this sentence.)


b) Bears belong .......... (in/on/to/with) the family of mammals. (Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence.)

 》Bears belong to the family of mammals.

c) At the moment, neither students nor their teacher........ (is/are/has been/have been) participating in this play. (Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence.)

》At the moment, neither students nor their teacher is participating in this play.

d) My fingernails ............... (will be/may be/need/must) cutting. They are so long. (Fill in the blanks with an appropriate auxiliary verb.)

》My fingernails need cutting. They are so long. 

e) Suddenly, the girl felt very disappointed and didn't know what to do while she is waiting. (Identify which bolded verb form is incorrectly written and correct it.)

》Suddenly, the girl felt very disappointed and didn't know what to do while she was waiting.

f) I am thankful for his ............ (come/to come/coming /have come) in time. (Fill in the blanks choosing appropriate infinitive or gerund to complete the sentence.)

》I am thankful for his coming in time.

g) I had to work until midnight. I was very tired. (Combine the pair of sentences using appropriate connective.)

》I had to work until midnight although I was very tired. 

h) The hotel was very comfortable. We stayed there. (Join the pair of sentences using appropriate relative pronoun)

》The hotel, where we stayed, was very comfortable.

i) It is winter. Everything ......... (is covered/are covered/were covered/must be covered) with snow. (Choose the appropriate passive form of the verb and write it.)

》It is winter. Everything is covered with snow.

j) He asked, "Did she agree with me?" (Report the speech using the verb 'wondered')

》She wondered if she had agreed with him.

8. Choose and copy the correct alternatives. [5x1=5]

a) Which of the following words has a different initial consonant sound?

(i) knit  (ii) gnaw  (iii) gnash  (iv) snore


(iv) snore

b) They usually weed the flower beds and water them in the morning. In this sentence, the word "water" is a/an ...........

(i) noun

(ii) verb

(iii) adjective

(iv) adverb


(ii) verb

c) Mr. Thompson is really good at conjuring so much that people enjoy how his quick flips seem to make coins appear and disappear. In this sentence, the word "conjuring" is similar in meaning to .........

(i) creating humour

(ii) doing tricks

(iii) frightening someone

(iv) confusing someone


(ii) doing tricks

d) Choose the likely guidewords for the headword 'grunt' .....

(i) grudge/grungy

(ii) gruel/grumble

(iii) gruff/guard

(iv) grubby/grumpy


(iii) gruff/guard

e) The argument between the two friends continued for long, but finally one of them gave in as his points sounded too weak. In this sentence, the phrase "gave in" is close in meaning to ........

(i) admitted

(ii) conquered

(iii) rejected

(iv) defended


(i) admitted

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