Term English Papers Class 12 | 2079 | Compulsory English Class 12 | Neb English Support Class 12

First Term English Paper Class 12 | 2079 | Compulsory English Class 12 | Neb English Support Class 12
Neb English Support Class 12

Term English Papers Class 12 | 2079 | Compulsory English Class 12 | Neb English Support Class 12




FM: 75         

PM:  30                                                                      


Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt ALL the questions.

1. Read the text and do the activities that follow. [15]

The entire world is divided into three parts finger feeders, fork feeders and chopstick feeders. The topic of technology of eating is one that is rife with dispute over the utensils used to eat food. It is also a subject loaded with chauvinism. Supporters of one implement may often regard others as uncivilized or even.

According to Dr. Lynn white fork feeders are most common in Europe and North America, Chopstick feeders in most Eastern Asia and finger-feeders in much of Africa, the Middle East, Indonesia, and the Indian sub-continent. Academics agree fork-users have historically been in the minority. As little as three centuries ago, most Western Europeans still used fingers regarding the fork as decadent or worse. French historians Fernard Braudel tells of one medieval preacher in Germany who condemned the fork as a diabolical luxury: God would not have given us fingers if he had wished us to use such an instrument.

Forks and chopsticks became popular because they made it easier to handle hot food. Before this, people generally scooped up hot meals on flat bread. According to Dr. K. C. Chang, the chairman of Harvard University’s anthropology department, Chinese Cuisine was characterized by small portions which didn’t require cutting by a knife and fork eaten from bowls. “There was a need for morsels to be carried from a bowl to the mouth, and chopsticks met that need”, he said.

A. Choose the correct answer. [ 5 x 1= 5 ]

a) The word 'dispute' in the text is synonymous with the word............................

i) agreement ii) disagreement  iii) fight

b) 'It is also a subject loaded with chauvinism' What does 'Chauvinism' mean here?

i) excessive patriotism ii) having much ego iii) much friendlier

c) Both Forks and chopsticks made it easier to manage.................................

i) the crisis  ii) hot food items  iii) arguments

d) The synonym of the word "Anthropology" is...........................

i) the social study of humanity ii) the scientific study of animals iii) study of medicine

e) The word "Chopsticks" is mainly used in.................................

i) gripping food stuffs  ii) painting flowers  iii) scratching back

B. Answer the following questions. [ 5 x 1= 5 ]

a. What are the three different types of feeders the author has introduced in the passage?

b. In which part of the world these different types of feeders are common?

c. How do forks and chopsticks become popular among people?

d. What does the Harvard Scholar K. C. Chang claim?

e. Why does the historian Braudel from France condemn the fork?

C. Make sensible sentences of the above highlighted words in the passage. (5 × 1= 5 )

2. Write short answers to the following questions. [ 5 x 2=10]

a) Describe the paralysed child? (The Half-Closed Eyes of the Buddha and the Slowly Sinking Sun)

b) What did Rakesh do against his parents' will? (A Devoted Son)

c) Why does the speaker call the inhabitants of his town as "Poor creatures"? (Every Morning I Wake)

d) What is the theme of the short story "Neighbours" by Tim Winton? (Neighbours)

e) What symbolic meanings do you find in the poem? (A Day)

3. Write long answers to the following questions. [2 x 5 =10)

a) An old man became the centre of attraction for all. Why did people eventually lose their interest over him? Discuss. (A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings)

b)  The twentieth century novel had not prepared the narrator for this. Explain the meaning of this statement. (Neighbours)

4. Write a letter to the editor of Kantipur Post about the growing use of phones by the students in the schools and colleges in about 150 words. [7]

5. Write a job application letter in about 180 words to a school for the vacant post of Secondary Level English teacher. [8]

6. Put forward your opinions regarding your school's good as well as bad aspects in about 300 words. List out some of your suggestions you would like to see in your school. [10]

7. Do as instructed. [10 x 1=10]

a) Choose the correct form of adjective for the given sentence:

Brinda is an.......................baby.

victorious ii) proud iii) mammoth iii) adorable

b) The actress, along with her Manager and some friends,.....................(is/have been/are) going to the party tonight. (Choose the correct form of verb from the bracket)

c) All of them meet...................Dashain. (Complete the sentence with the correct preposition.)

d) What does the modal verb 'could' express in the sentence "I could speak two different languages"

i) ability  ii) permission  iii) possibility iv) deduction

e) Michael didn't ............his new car.

i) buy   ii) buys    iii) buying iv) bought

f)....................along the beach is a great way to relax.

i) walk ii) walking iii) walks iv) walked

g) I am good at English .................I am not going to help Amy.

i) because ii) but iii) or iv) so

h) Mr. Paudel teaches us Nepali. He works in a school. (Join the sentences by using the relative pronoun who)

i) Are they killing tigers? (Change into passive) 

j) Jim said, "Where do teachers go?" (Change into indirect speech)

8. Do as instructed. [5 x 1=5]

a) What is the word class of the word 'who' in the sentence 'John, who met me yesterday, is my teacher."

i) adjective ii) pronoun iii) noun iv) determiner

b) The tag question of the statement "You invited me,....................?" is:

i) didn't you  ii) don't you  iii) did you  iv) do you

c) Which one of the following words has a different vowel sound in the following words?

i) bread  ii) break   iii) deaf   iv) said

d) Fill in the blank: Neither Sona nor I ............ present in the office.

i) is ii) are iii) were iv) am

e) Fill in with the right degree: Hunger is the.................sauce.

i) good ii) better iii) best iv) most good


                           The End


Compulsory English Model Question Paper





Compulsory English XII

Full Marks: 75

Time: 3 hours

Subject: Compulsory English (ENG. 004)

                        Grade: XII

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt ALL the questions.

1. Read the text and do the activities that follow. [15]

If there were no mountains or oceans; and if the winds circled the earth with perfect regularity then the amount of heat and length of the farmer's growing season would progress uniformly from north to south. Instead, there are all kinds of unexpected differences in climate, as temperature maps of the United States show. For instance, all along the western coast, the temperature changes little between winter and summer. In some places, the average difference between July and January is as little as 10 degrees centigrade. The climate along the northern part of this coast is similar to that of England. But in the north-central part of the country, summer and winter are worlds apart. There the average difference between July and January is 30 degrees centigrade and more violent extremes are common. The coldest days of a typical January may be 40 degrees centigrade, and the hottest July day may be 45 degrees. This is the sort of climate that is also found in central Asia, far from the moderating influence of the oceans. In the eastern part of the United States, the difference between summer and winter is also very distinct, but not nearly so extreme. Near the southwestern corner of the country, the climate is mild and spring-like in winter, but in summer the temperature may reach equatorial intensity. In Alaska, almost continuous daylight in summer makes the short growing season an intense one. The variations in temperature within the United States have had a marked effect on the country's economy and living standards.

A. Choose the correct answer. [5x1=5]

a) The word 'unexpected' in the text is synonymous with the word....................

i) designed  ii) hoped iii) accidental

b) 'The difference between summer and winter is also very distinct". What is the antonym of the word 'distinct' here?

i) separate ii) similar iii) different 

c) The climate is mild and spring-like in winter, but in summer the temperature may reach equatorial intensity. Find the synonymous of the underlined word.

i)  moderately warm ii) extremely warm   iii) cold 

d) The hottest day of July may be ............. centigrade.

i) 45 degree  ii) 40 degree  iii) 55 degree

e) The word "variations" in the last sentence means............................

i) changes  ii) uniformity  iii) rigid

B. State whether the following sentences are True or False or Not Given. [5×1=5]

a. The northern part of this coast has a climate similar to that of England.

b. Temperature maps of the United States show unexpected differences in climate.

c. The African continent also has similar differences in climate.

d. Changes in temperature haven't brought about changes in the economic and social sectors of the United States.

e. If there were no mountains or oceans;  And if the winds circled the earth with the same regularity, the amount of heat and the length of the farmer's growing season would increase equally from north to south.

C. Answer the following questions. [5x1=5]

a. What are the causes of unexpected differences in climate?

b. In which part of the United States are summer and winter worlds apart?

c. What is the temperature of the coldest days of a typical January in the north?

d. What is the effect of continuous daylight in summer on the growing season in Alaska?

e. Which sectors are affected by the variations in temperature in the United States?

2. Write short answers to the following questions. [5x2=10]

a) How did the neighbours respond to the woman’s pregnancy? (Neighbours)

b) What is the cause of conflict in Mrs. Baroda’s mind? (A Respectable Woman)


What do pious Muslims believe about the human history? (Humility)

c) How did the speaker have ‘a feeling of intimate liberation’?  (I was My Own Route)

d) Why was the forlorn child wailing? (Soft Storm)


What is the goal of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? (Human Rights and the Age of Inequality)

e) Why does Laxminarayan run ahead of the convoy at Thulo Gauchar? (The Bull)

3. Write long answers to the following questions. [2x5=10)

a) Sketch the character of Monsieur Duran. (Facing Death)


Sketch the character of Famous Actress. (A Matter of Husbands)

b)  The author says, “I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener.” Justify it with textual evidence. (On Libraries)

4. Create a beautiful readable story in about 150 words. The story must include characters, setting and theme. [7]

5. Write an email in about 180 words to one of your friends about a meeting related to a football match. [8]

6. Write about a travelogue/ memoir in about 300 words. [10]

7. Do as instructed. [10x1=10]

a) Fill in an appropriate adverb of your choice for the given sentence:

Don't worry about me. I will drive my car................

b) Neither of the choices.................................. (Choose the correct form of the verb)

(a) appears satisfying.

(b) appear satisfying.

(c) were appearing satisfying.

(d) are appearing satisfying.

c) The pilot jumped.................. the aeroplane. (Complete the sentence with the correct preposition.)

a) of  b) off  c) from  d) with

d) It is a rule and you .................obey it strictly.

(a) should  (b) could  (c) must  (d) need to

e) Fill in the blank with the correct option.

The teacher taught us that the earth ...............round.

(a) was  (b) are (c) is (d) were

f) They hate...............in the exam.

i) cheat ii) cheating iii) cheats iv) to cheated

g) They visited an art gallery ............ a museum.

(a) therefore (b) but (c) so (d) and

h) Diamond is so hard. It has been used for cutting (Join the sentences by using the relative pronoun who)

i) Teachers are preparing their papers? (Change into passive) 

j) Hary said, "Does she bring money back?" (Change into indirect speech)

8. Do as instructed. [5x1=5]

a) Which of the following vowels is an example of a back vowel?

a) i  b) e:  c) u  d) a

b) There was some _________agreement over the topic.

(a) dis  (b) mis (c) un  (d) anti

c) Spot the correct spelling.

a) comittee  b) commitee   c) committee  d) committey

d) Which of the following is not a pronoun?

a) him b) say c) them d) she


e) Choose the correct statement:

a) She is one of the most prettiest girl in the class.

b) She is the prettiest girl in the class.

c) She is the most prettiest girl in the class.


                          The End

Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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