Model Question Paper Revised 2079 | Compulsory English Class 12 Solution
NEB - GRADE XII 2079 (2023)
Revised Model Question
Compulsory English
Sub. Code. 0041
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Time: 3 hrs.
Full Marks: 75
1. Read the following text about a fitness activity and complete the tasks that follow. 15
You want to be healthy. You know, you need to exercise more. But if you are not ready to grunt through an hour of kickboxing, don't despair. There is a growing agreement among exercise researchers that the intense physical activities offered by most health clubs are not the only or even the preferable path to better health. Indeed, the best thing for most of us may be to just walk.
Yes, walk. At a reasonable vigorous clip (five to six km/h) for half an hour or so, maybe five or six times a week. You may not feel the benefits all at once, but the evidence suggests that over the long term, a regular walking routine can do a world of preventive good.
Walking, in fact, maybe the perfect exercise. For starters, it's one of the safest things you can do with your body. It's much easier on the knees than running and doesn't trigger untoward side effects. Dr.Johnna Manson, chief of preventive medicine at a leading Harvard woman's hospital says, "If everyone to walk briskly 30 minutes a day, could cut the incidence of many chronic diseases by 30 to 40 per cent." She further says, "Regular physical activity is probably as close to a magic bullet as we will come in modern medicine."
And for those of us who don't have half-hour chunks of time, the news gets even better. Several recent studies suggest that walking briskly three or four times a day for 10 minutes at a time may provide many of the same benefits as walking continuously for 30 minutes.
Here's how to make the most of your walking routine. First, get into gear. Walker's shoes need to have enough room at the front for the feet to spread. Then, ease on down that road. Avoid muscle aches by starting slowly and incorporating gentle stretches into both your warm-up and cool-down. You must plot your course. Some people walk at a specific time each day. Others shoehorn walking into their routines by parking the car a few minutes from the store or taking the stairs instead of the lift. Record your efforts, including how long and how far you walked. Jotting down improvements keeps you motivated and challenges you to do better.
Since walking affects you in so many ways at once, it's difficult to determine precisely why it's good for you. But much of the evidence gathered so far is compelling.
Brisk walking is good for the heart-which makes a lot of sense. The heart is a muscle after all, and anything that makes the blood flow faster through a muscle helps keep it in shape. But regular walking also lowers blood pressure, which decreases the stress on the arteries. It can boost the amount of HDL cholesterol (the good one) in our blood. It even seems to make the blood less "sticky", and therefore less likely to produce unwanted clots. This all adds up to as much as a 50 per cent reduction in the risk of suffering a heart attack.
A. Complete the following sentences using the words highlighted in the text. Two of those words are not necessary. 5x1=5
a. He looks like a bodybuilder as he has a strong .........................
b. You can still get a good house for a very ..................... price.
c. It was really freezing. So, we .................
some wood to build a fire.
d. Although he lost his job, he didn't ................
e. Jogging regularly is the best.................measure for a heart disease.
B. Read the text again and write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information given in the text.
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information given in the text.
NOT GIVEN if there is no information in the text. 5x1=5
a. According to the author, only strong physical exercise keeps people healthy.
b. The author thinks that walking is better than running in the initial stage.
c. Regular exercise frequently releases our brain cells.
》Not Given
d. Physical exercise ensures the overall growth of a person.
e. The author advises people to make notes of the duration and distance of the daily walk.
C. Give short answers to the following questions in ONE SENTENCE each. 5x1=5
a. Why does the author mention 'exercise researchers' in the first paragraph?
The author mentions 'exercise researchers' in the first paragraph to acknowledge their agreement on the intense physical activities offered by health clubs.
b. Where does Johnna Manson work?
Johanna Manson works at Harvard woman's hospital.
c. Why does the author use the phrase 'a magic bullet' in the third paragraph?
The author uses the phrase 'a magic bullet' in the third paragraph to show the importance of physical activity.
d. Do you agree or disagree with the author's point of view? Why, why not?
Yes, I agree with the author's point of view. It is because he has presented the facts related to physical activity and its benefits to our health.
e. How is the author in this text trying to convince the readers?
The author in the text trying to convince the readers by providing authentic knowledge regarding living a healthy life through simple remedy of walking.
2. Write short answers to the following questions in about 75 words each. 5x2=10
a. Why was the success of Rakesh a matter of discussion in the neighbourhood? (A Devoted Son)
The story "A Devoted Son" is a realistic story of a middle-class Indian family. Varma's son Rakesh's success was a special matter of discussion in the neighbourhood because he was the first son in Varma's family who passed his higher education with top marks in the whole country. His parents had sacrificed their whole life doing hard labour to make their son literate. The people of the neighbourhood liked Rakesh and his manners. They felt pride in his achievement.
3. A Devoted Son by Anita Desai Detailed Summary
A Devoted Son by Anita Desai Short Summary & Questions and Answers
b. Describe the irritating things that the people do with the strange old man. (A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings)
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings’ is a magical realist story. Following are the irritating things that the people do with the strange old man:
▪︎ When they find the old inactive, they try to pull out his feathers to touch defective parts.
▪︎ They throw stones at him to make him stand.
▪︎ They prod him with hot iron pokers.
The strange old man shows his patience and anger both. He flaps his wings and yells out in strange language in pain with tears in his eyes.
7. A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Detailed Summary
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Short Summary & Questions and Answer
Describe marriage as a social institution. (Marriage as a Social Institution)
The essay 'Marriage as a Social Institution' has been written by Stephen L. Nock. Here in this essay, the author has examined the national marriage debate by reviewing the social and demographic trends that have changed the role of marriage and the family. In this essay, the writer has stated Marriage as a social institution. Marriage is a social institution as it is culturally patterned and integrated into other basic social institutions, such as education, economy, and politics.
2. Marriage as a Social Institution by Stephen L. Nock
Marriage as a Social Institution Short Summary & Solution
c. 'Human beings are connected with hope.' Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons. (The Awakening Age)
This poem 'The Awakening Age' has been composed by Nigerian poet Ben Okri. Here in this poem, the poet is making his wishes for all the Nigerian people who have experienced a lot of hardships during the time of civil war. Yes, I agree with this statement. Talking about hope in human beings' life, hope always plays a very vital role. Human beings are quite hopeful beings. Hope helps in reducing feelings of helplessness and stress in people. It increases happiness and even improves the quality of life.
4. The Awakening Age by Ben Okri Detailed Summary
The Awakening Age by Ben Okri Short Summary & Questions and Answers
d. Do you agree with the author's view that history has been a major debatable issue in the present world? Give your opinion. (Humility)
This essay 'Humility' has been written by Israeli writer Yuval Noah Harari. Yes, I agree on agree with the author's view that history has been a major debatable issue in the present world. I think people in this world are too concerned with their own religions, cultures, traditions, rituals etc. They are full of egotism. Due to this egotism (self-centredness), most people think they are the centre of the world and their culture is superior to all other cultures. They think of their history as the oldest one and everything originated from their culture.
How can wisdom be taught? Give examples. (Knowledge and Wisdom)
Here in this essay “Knowledge and Wisdom”, the writer defines wisdom and lists various methods for achieving it. Yes, wisdom can be taught. It can be taught as a goal of education. More than moral instruction, wisdom education should include a strong intellectual component. In the course of imparting knowledge, the disastrous consequences of hatred and narrow-mindedness to those who feel them can be mentioned. When teaching the composition of an atom, for example, the disastrous consequences of its misuse, such as the creation of an atom bomb, must also be taught.
e. How does Famous Actress try to convince Earnest Young Woman? (A Matter of Husbands)
Famous Actress tries to convince Earnest Young Woman by putting forward a fake story regarding men and actresses associated with the theatre. When the Famous Actress gets blamed by Earnest Young Woman, she states that there was a misunderstanding between her and her husband. She convinces Earnest Young Woman saying that her husband is playing a trick on her to make her jealous and get her love back. After hearing her opinions, the Earnest Young Woman innocently realizes her mistake and apologizes to her. She even kisses the famous Actress at last being convinced and satisfied.
A Matter of Husbands by Ferenc Molnar Short Summary & Questions and Answers
3. Write long answers to the following questions in about 150 words each. 2x5=10
a. Explain the following lines with reference to the context. (I was My Own Route)
And I was all in me as was life in me...
I wanted to be like men wanted me to be:
an attempt at life;
a game of hide and seek with my being.
But I was made of nows;
when the heralds announced me
at the regal parade of the old guard,
the desire to follow men warped in me,
and the homage was left waiting for me.
These lines have been extracted from Julia de Burgos' poem "I was My Own Route". This poem is about gender discrimination. This poem has presented the agenda of gender discrimination as a response to the social inequality that existed in contemporary times. There are altogether 6 different stanzas here in this poem.
These lines of the sixth stanza begin with the same lines of the stanza first. These lines show the speaker's past life under patriarchal ideology where she lived her life according to the men. There was a question mark in her existence. Her self-being was a game of hide and seek. But the speaker in the present with her resolution seems quite strong. She wants to combat the patriarchal ideology. She doesn't want to follow the old guard (traditionalist). She protests male domination. When the messengers announce her at the royal's parade of the old guard, her desire to follow men warp within her. For this great deed, high respect was waiting for her. She wants to move ahead because she is her own route.
3. I was My Own Route by Julia de Burgos Detailed Summary
I was My Own Route by Julia de Burgos Short Summary & Questions and Answers
Sketch the character of Monsieur Durand. (Facing Death)
This one-play "Facing Death" has been written by a Swedish writer, playwright, and painter Johan August Strindberg (1849–1912).
Monsieur Durand is the main character of the play "Facing Death". He is a widower, the lodge owner and former railway worker. He is a financially ruined person who has three daughters. All of them live in the lodge. The relationship between Durand and his daughters isn't good. Here, in this play, we find him so loving, caring as well as protective father. Due to his bankruptcy, he is spending his miserable life along with his three daughters. His daughters hate him and blame him most of the time. But he keeps on thinking about the well-being of his daughters. He sacrifices his life for the welfare of his daughters who hate him. He is quite an enduring man who endures injustice from his late wife and remained silent for the rest of his life, blaming her for the financial ruin. He is also a loving husband. He is a patriot too who loves his native France, although he is forced to live in Switzerland. He is a tragic hero who faces financial difficulties and eventually ends his life tragically committing suicide for the well-being of his three daughters.
Facing Death by August Strindberg Short Summary & Questions and Answers
b. How does the play make a satire on feudal system of Nepali society of late 18th century? (The Bull)
The play "The Bull" has presented a very harsh society where people had to live very fearful life under the king/ lords. The condition of ordinary people wasn't so good. They were badly treated by their lords. They got severe punishment if they acted against their lords. We can get a fine example of people's miserable conditions in this play. If people didn't do swosthi (bowing down to the lords with respect) to the lords/kings, they were punished for their disrespect. There were no fundamental rights provided to the people. The awareness of politics among the people was very low. The patriarchal norms and values were there in most societies.
This play has presented the feudal system and its bad deeds against ordinary people. Here, we find suppression, domination and dehumanization of the feudal system. The cowherds have been presented so panic who live by the mercy and grace of their lord. These people have fearful lives where the lord's animal is given more facility, respect and care than them. Both of them hide the fact of the dead bull and pretend in front of the king to save their lives. The play makes a satire on the feudal system by presenting dehumanization and suppression of the feudal lord against their workers.
The Bull by Bhimnidhi Tiwari Short Summary & Questions and Answers
4. Summarise the following text in approximately 150 words. Write only the ideas of the original text but do not include your own opinions, interpretations, deductions or comments. [7]
Madhav Prasad Ghimire is a renowned Nepali poet who has given a great contribution to Nepali literature. He is one of the last of the oldest generation of poets in Nepal. He was motivated by the works of Rabindranath Tagore. He is a poet of the romantic tradition. He has written many incredible books such as Gauri, Malati Mangale, Himal Pari Himal Wari, Aswathama, Rajheswari, and Shakuntala and he is well known for his inspiring works. He was honoured as Rashtra Kavi (poet of the nation) of Nepal. He is undoubtedly one of the rare poets in Nepal to gain fame and fortune, and not the unfortunate forgetfulness they normally receive.
But the greatest asset of his life is its simplicity. He is a very simple person with a simple taste, but his verses are varied and complex. However, for some, he is a Himalayan poet and for some the poet of love and harmony. However, this truth cannot be denied: he is a lyric poet and one of the true servants of Nepali literature.
It is also a national treasure associated with the golden age of Nepali literature. He is one of the last of the oldest generation of poets whose contemporaries, Bal Krishna Sama and Laxmi Prasad Devkota, have become historical figures in the annals of Nepali literature. It is known that in his masterpieces such as Gauri and Malati Mangale he portrayed terrible truths of society. This literature was most praised by the Nepali people. Some of his other important literary works include Himal Pari Himal Wari, Rajeshwori, Aswathama, and Shakuntala which are most appreciated.
He is a simple man with a complex and different perception. Rastra Kavi Ghimire was cited as a source of inspiration in the Nepali literary brotherhood. Not only writing but also his will to live has inspired many Nepali people. According to him, there are three mantras to live longer; Easy exercise or yoga, positive thinking, and creativity.
For him, education in his own life is very important, since it takes a person from darkness to light and it is very important that Nepali youth should learn these things from him. He is respected by the people of Nepal.
"I think poets should be able to go beyond the social hierarchy and bring visions to humanity, and by using their poetic abilities, they should be able to expand the mind and pursue the truth.", this is a great sentence by Madhav Prasad Ghimire.
Madhav Prasad Ghimire is one of the renowned Nepali poets who has given a great contribution to Nepali literature. In his life, he was highly motivated by the works of Rabindranath Tagore. He is the poet of the romantic tradition. His, he has written many incredible books such as Gauri, Malati Mangale, Himal Pari Himal Wari, Aswathama, Rajheswari, and Shakuntala and he is well known for his inspiring works. He was honoured as Rashtra Kavi (poet of the nation) of Nepal. The greatest asset of his life is its simplicity. He got his name and fame through his popular creation such as Gauri and Malati Mangale. He portrayed terrible truths of society. This literature was most praised by the Nepali people. He is a simple man with a complex and different perception.
He gave much priority to education. For him, education in his own life is very important and poets should be able to expand the mind and pursue the truth.",
5. Write a letter to your cousin recommending him/her a book/novel that you thought worth reading in about 180 words. Describe the factors that you liked most. [8]
Date: 2023-1-24
Tekanpur – 6
Sindhupalchok (Nepal)
Dear Steve,
I’m very much glad to get informed through your letter this morning that you are going to visit Nepal in the coming month. I’m fine here and also hoping for your fine health. Today, I would like to recommend you a thriller novel which may provide you with an extremely refreshing experience. Furthermore, it will be your best companion on your long journey to Nepal ahead.
This novel is unique my dear friend. This novel has been published by Sky Publication. It was released in December. The storyline of this novel is so mysterious. It starts with a group of teenagers and their adventurous trip in the dark forest. They get killed one by one mysteriously. Even the cops who come there for their investigation get killed brutally. It's really very interesting to read line to line to get its mystery cleared. The story moves to create confusion among the readers most of the time. The ending part of the story is extraordinary. It is superbly twisted at the climax. The readers get extremely shocked to get the realization of the real murderer. This novel's writing strategy is the main feature here. Apart from it, the dialogue of the characters is awesomely written which has created fear as well as laughter at the same time. It's my recommendation to you to buy this interesting novel called "Dark Corpses" by Zeren Hitchcock.
Now, I'm going to stop my pen. More discussion will be in our meeting in Nepal. I'm getting late for my college. Okay, take care. Bye, bye.
Your Best Friend
Kaley Pumpkin
6. 'Privatization in education creates two class citizens.' To what extent do you agree with this opinion? Write an essay in about 300 words on why you think so shading light on pros and cons of privatizing education, issues and Government responsibilities. [10]
By this term privatization, we understand the concept of transfer of authorities, ownerships, assets or business from the sector of government to the sector of private. Here in this case, the government ceases to be, the owner of the unit or business. In other words, we can say privatization as the process in which a publicly traded company is taken over by a few people.
In the present time, the privatization of education has been widely seen all around the world. People have made privatization of education especially to make an increase in their earnings by providing concept of quality education to the students. In the context of Nepal, most students are taking education from boarding schools and private colleges. In the name of quality education, most schools and colleges are providing knowledge taking a high level of fees. Parents who can afford to seem satisfied with the education for their children in the private sector. But those parents who can't afford private education send their children to government-based schools and colleges. The privatization of education creates two-class citizens. I agree with this opinion. Those students who can afford to pay for private education deserve quality education but those students who don’t have funds remain quite away from the quality education which they really deserve. Private schools create this divide. The students of the same level seem different.
Now talking about the pros of privatisation of Education:
There are various things that privatisation of education has contributed positively to our society, which include the following:
1. Quality education has become accessible across the country. It has become accessible to those students who can afford to pay the school fees.
2. Most private schools and colleges have a fine and improved infrastructure where students feel joyous to learn things.
3. The teaching methodology is too advanced in private schools and colleges. Private schools and colleges introduce modern techniques of teaching, which help children to better learn and increase their performance.
4. Due to the increase in the number of schools and colleges, parents have got an opportunity to choose the right academic institution for their children.
4 In private schools and colleges, they mainly focus on extracurricular activities that can help students to learn new things and become active in all aspects.
Now talking about the cons of privatisation of Education
1. Due to the standard of private schools and colleges, government-based schools and colleges are seen with disparity because they can't match up to private schools' benchmarks.
2. Due to pricey fee structures most students don't get a chance to get admission and take quality education.
3. These academic institutions' main focus is finance. They work for money and provide knowledge on a fund basis.
4. There is the concept of discrimination in private schools and colleges. Poor students aren't allowed there to study.
5. Lack of trained teachers. Most teachers are hired on a salary basis. They seek profit even in the matter of teachers' selection.
Thus, the privatization of education has both aspects. But in my opinion, students should be given priority because they are the backbone of the nation. The role of government is so important here. In the matter of education, the government should also focus on quality education and even help those bright students who want to achieve quality education. They shouldn't be boycotted just because of their economic status.
7. Do as instructed in the brackets and re-write the sentences. (10x1=10)
a. I have to go to the dentist because my tooth is aching terrible. (Find the mistake in this sentence and correct it.).
》I have to go to the dentist because my tooth is aching terribly.
b. His house is .......... (in/ at/by/on) the way from Itahari to Biratnagar. (Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence)
c. Ram assured me that he would meet me at the bus station exactly at 8 a. m. It is now 10 a. m. I have waiting for him since early morning. (Identify which bolded verb forms is incorrect and rewrite.)
》have been waiting
d. You .......... (will/must/has to/had to) stop smoking. It is very harmful. (Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate auxiliary verb).
e. He usually ........ (do/did/has done/does) his homework in his room. (Identify which bolded verb forms completes the sentence.)
f. As a part of the project work, the students had to work physically. Therefore, they requested their teacher to stop study. (Identify which bold-faced word needs to be rewritten and correct it.)
》study= project work
g. Ganesh is a doctor. His wife is a doctor. (Combine the sentences using the conjunction both ............. and.)
》Both Ganesh and his wife are doctors.
h. The man is in the garden. The man is wearing a blue jumper (Join the two sentences using appropriate relative pronoun).
》The man, who is wearing a blue jumper, is in the garden.
i. My uncle wrote a wonderful play. (Change the sentence into passive voice).
》A wonderful play was written by my uncle.
j. Mohan said, "My brother arrived home late". (Change the sentence into reported speech).
》Mohan said that his brother had arrived home late.
8. Choose and copy the correct alternatives: 5x1=5
a) Which one of the following words has a different final sound?
i) brushed
ii) glanced
iii) looked
iv) filled
b) You went for a long run this morning. The word 'run' in this sentence is:
i) a noun
ii) a verb
iii) an adverb
iv) an adjective
》a verb
c) Which one of the following words does not take the prefix 'Im'?
i) pure
ii) fertile
iii) moral
iv) proper
d) Which one of the following words comes between 'example' and 'exchange' in the dictionary entry?
i) excavate
ii) examine
iii) excite
iv) exclude
e) The administration has officially asked transportation employees to ............... their demonstration.
i) call on
ii) call off
iii) call at
iv) call for
》call off
The End
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