Class 12 Final Question Paper 2079 I 2080: Solution | Compulsory English Class 12 I Province 7 | Neb English Support

Class 12 Final Question Paper 2079 I 2080: Solution | Compulsory English Class 12 I Province 7 | Neb English Support
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Class 12 Final Question Paper 2079 I 2080: Solution | Compulsory English Class 12 I Province 7 | NEB English Guide

Compulsory English Final Question 2080 

            NEB-GRADE XII 2080 (2023)

                 Compulsory English

                        New Course

            (For regular students only)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Time: 3 hrs.

Full Marks: 75

Attempt all questions             

                          Group 'A'

1. Read the following text and complete the tasks that follow: [15]

For centuries, time was measured by the position of the Sun with use of sundials. Noon was recognised when the Sun was the highest in the sky, and cities would set their clock by this apparent solar time, even though some cities would often be on a slightly different time Daylight Saving Time (DST), sometimes called summer time, was instituted to make better use of daylight. Thus, clocks are set forward one hour in the spring to move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening and then set back one hour in the fall to return to normal daylight.

Benjamin Franklin first conceived the idea of daylight saving during his tenure as an American delegate in Paris in 1984 and wrote about it extensively in his essay, "An Economical Project." It is said that Franklin awoke early one morning and was surprised to see the sunlight at such an hour. Always the economist, Franklin believed the practice of moving the time could save on the use of candlelight, as candles were expensive at the time.

In England, builder William Willett (1957-1915) became a strong supporter for Daylight Saving Time upon noticing blinds of many houses were closed on an early sunny morning. Willett believed everyone, including himself, would appreciate longer hours of light in the evenings. In 1909, Sir Robert Pearce introduced a bill in the House of Commons to make it obligatory to adjust the clocks. A bill was drafted and introduced into Parliament several times but met with great opposition, mostly from farmers Eventually, in 1925, it was decided that summertime should begin on the day following the third Saturday in April and close after the first Saturday in October

The U.S. Congress passed the Standard Time Act of 1918 to establish standard time and preserve and set Daylight saving Time across the continent. This act also devised five-time Zones throughout the United States: Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific, and Alaska. The first time zone was set on "the mean astronomical time of the seventy-fifth degree of longitude west from Greenwich" (England). In 1919, this act was cancelled. President Roosevelt established year-round Daylight saving Time (also called War Time) from 1942-1945. However, after this period, each state adopted its own DST, which proved to be disconcerting to television and radio broadcasting and transportation. In 1996, President Lyndon Johnson created the Department of Transportation and signed the Uniform Time Act. As a result, the Department of Transportation was given the responsibility for the time laws. During the oil embargo and energy crisis of the 1970s, President Richard Nixon extended DST through the Daylight Saving Time Energy Act of 1973 to conserve energy further. This law was modified in 1986, and Daylight Saving Time was reset to begin on the first Sunday in April (to spring ahead) and end on the last Sunday in October (to fall back).

A. Complete the following sentences using the words highlighted in the text. Two of those words are not necessary. 5x1=5

a. Attendance at school is .....................


b. Some people believe that the universe was ............... by a big explosion.


c. Everyone knows that he made a mistake. So, his guilt is ............ to everyone.


d. God is often .................... of as male.


e. The committee finally ............... his suggestions. 


B. Read the text again and write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information given in the text.

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information given in the text.

NOT GIVEN if there is no information in the text.

a. People often say summer time for Daylight Saving Time.


b. Benjamin Franklin wrote the essay 'An Economical Project'.


c. Sir Robert Pearce passed the bill in 1909. 


d. The U.S. Congress passed the Standard Time Act in 1919.


e. President Johnson signed the Uniform Time Act. 


C. Read the text again and answer the following questions in ONE SENTENCE each. 5x1=5

a. What does DST stand for?


DST stands for Daylight Saving Time.

b. Why does Franklin think it was a good idea to move the time? Give a reason.


Franklin thinks it was a good idea to move the time because he believed that the practice of moving time could save the use of candlelight, as candles were expensive at the time. 

c. What decision was made in 1925?


In 1925, the decision was made that summertime should begin on the day following the third Saturday in April and close after the first Saturday in October.

d. Why do you think DST was called War Time during the 1940s? Give your opinion.


I think DST was called War Time during the 1940s because the Second World War started in 1939 and lasted for 6 years.

e. What is the purpose of this text?


The purpose of this text is to inform all the readers about a way to save energy and get more use out of our natural daylight.

2. Write short answers to the following questions in about 75 words each. 5x2=10

a) Why did the writer go back home after twenty years? (My Old Home)


The story "My Old Home" has been written by the Chinese writer Lu Xun. This story is based on the writer's memories regarding his old home and friend. The writer went back home after twenty years because he had the sole purpose of saying 'Goodbye' to his relatives. Actually, his old home had already been sold to another family. He wanted to hand over his house before New Year's Day and take his family to his workplace, which was quite far from his home.


5. My Old Home by Lu Xun Detailed Summary

My Old Home by Lu Xun Short Summary & Questions and Answers

b) According to the author, what are the different things that Nepal has given to the West? (The Half-Closed Eyes of the Buddha and Slowly Sinking Sun)


The story "The Half-Closed Eyes of the Buddha and Slowly Sinking Sun" has been written by Nepali writer Shankar Lamichhane. This story is all about the beautiful country of Nepal and its various aspects related to its history, culture, religion, people, and their survival. According to the author, the following are the different things that Nepal has given to the West:.

▪︎  the Purans

▪︎  civilization

▪︎  Images of brass

▪︎  ornaments of ivory,

▪︎  Palm leaf manuscripts

▪︎  Copperplate's inscriptions, etc.


6. The Half-Closed Eyes of the Buddha and Slowly Sinking Sun by Shankar Lamichhane Detailed Summary

The Half-Closed Eyes of the Buddha and Slowly Sinking Sun by Shankar Lamichhane Short Summary & Questions and Answers


Why was the author biased towards science? (On Libraries)


The essay 'On Libraries' is an autobiographical essay that has been written by British author Oliver Sacks. The author was biassed towards science because the subject of science was his area of interest. The next reason was that there seemed to be many books with wider sections that he couldn't study. Therefore, he preferred science subjects very much. He was inclined especially to astronomy and chemistry subjects at St. Paul's School, where he went when he was twelve. He had a kind of hunger for these two subjects.


c) Whom does the poet call 'poor creature' and why? Give reasons. (Every Morning I Wake)


The poem "Every Morning I Wake" is a poem of prayer to God that has been composed by Welsh poet Dylan Thomas. This poem has presented the glorification and magnificence of God. The poet calls 'poor creature' all the living creatures, especially the inhabitants of the town living under Milk Wood. He calls them so because he knows that all these living creatures, including him, under the Milk Wood, have temporary lives and are born to die.


2. Every Morning I Wake by Dylan Thomas Detailed Summary

Every Morning I Wake by Dylan Thomas Short Summary & Questions and Answers

d What makes the author conclude that morality, art, spirituality and creativity are universal human abilities embedded in our DNA? Give your opinion. (Humility)


This essay, 'Humility', has been written by Israeli writer Yuval Noah Harari. The writer has presented the claims of humans' superiority and mastery in this world. According to him, due to these false claims of superiority, there is always conflict between human civilizations. He exemplifies the virtues of humility and claims a lack of humility in most cultures. For him, these claims are false and only the result of crass egotism. People in the world don't like to criticise their own people, culture, religion, and customs. Instead, they glorify them. Thus, all these things lead the author to conclude that morality, art, spirituality, and creativity are universal human abilities embedded in our DNA.



Do you agree with the author that wisdom is more important than knowledge? Why, why not? Give reasons. (Knowledge and Wisdom)


Yes, I agree with the author that wisdom is more important than knowledge. It is because wisdom is very essential in every aspect of people's lives and their knowledge. Wisdom is defined as the practical application and use of knowledge, mainly to create value. Wisdom is gained through learning and practical experience, not just memorization. Wisdom has various important factors such as a sense of proportion, an awareness of the ends of human life, emancipation from personal prejudice, impartiality, intellectual elements, etc. For better outcomes, there must be the involvement of wisdom in any sort of knowledge. Knowledge itself can be disastrous. Wisdom can only bring the right solutions to a variety of problems.


3. Knowledge and Wisdom by Bertrand Russell

Knowledge and Wisdom Questions and Answers

e) What role does the letter' have in the play 'A Matter of Husbands?


The letter has a very crucial role in the play 'A Matter of Husbands". Due to this letter, this entire play has moved further. When Ernest Young woman gets this apology letter of her husband, she becomes quite restless. Her husband has forgotten this letter in a hurry. After reading this letter, she becomes tense and moves to the Famous Actress's place for her further inquiry. This letter has made her quite suspicious about her husband's relationship with the Famous Actress. 


A Matter of Husbands by Ferenc Molnar Short Summary & Questions and Answers

3. Write long answers to the following questions in about 150 words each. 2x5=l0

a) As the chief of a local government unit of your country, what would you do to address the feelings of the women like Julia de Burgos? Explain. ( I was My OWn Route)


As the chief of a local government unit in my country, I would do the following things to address the feelings of women like Julia de Burgos:.

1. I would maintain the rules regarding social equality among men and women.

2. I would try my best to provide full opportunities and support to the women.

3. I would maintain a strict punishment system for those who try to act against women.

4. I would provide them with a chance to choose their own free way for their upliftment.

5. I would place women as leaders and give them decision-making roles for their empowerment.

6. I would try to create more job opportunities for women.

7. I would try to invest in women's entrepreneurial ideas, emotionally and financially.

8. I would try to mentor women professionally and personally for their welfare.

9. I would give more preference to women's unity.


3. I was My Own Route by Julia de Burgos Detailed Summary

I was My Own Route by Julia de Burgos Short Summary & Questions and Answers

b. Do you think it was the right step that Monsieur Durand took at the end of the play? Why, why not? Justify your opinion. (Facing Death)


This one-act play "Facing Death" has been written by a Swedish writer, playwright, and painter, Johan August Strindberg.

This play has presented the very miserable state of the main character, Monsieur Durand. He was a widower, the lodger, and a former railway worker. He was a financially ruined person who had three daughters. All of them lived in the lodge. The relationship between Durand and his daughters wasn't good. Here, in this play, we find him a loving, caring, and protective father. Due to his bankruptcy, he was spending his miserable life with his three daughters. His daughters hated him and blamed him most of the time. But he kept on thinking about the well-being of his daughters. At the end of the play, he took the terrible step of facing death for the well-being of his three daughters.

I don't think it was the right step that Monsieur Durand took at the end of the play. Life is so important and valuable. Monsieur Durand kept on expecting love and affection from all his daughters throughout his lifetime. But he got humiliated most of the time. He finished his life for those daughters who didn't have positive feelings for him. As a good and responsible father, he took that step. I think it was not a sensible step by him. Killing himself isn't the only solution. There is no guarantee that his daughters will be happy forever after getting insurance money. The loss of their father would always make them feel sad. Monsieur had taken such a hasty decision, which I think was a stupid decision. Death never brings happiness to others.


Facing Death by August Strindberg Short Summary & Questions and Answers


Recall Runtu's case in the Chinese society. Also decide whether the living Conditions of average Nepali people at present are getting better or worsening, Now, explain your position with examples. (My Old Home)


Runtu's case is far different in the text. The text has presented a very ancient Chinese society, its people, and their ways of living. Comparing Runtu's case with the living conditions of average Nepali people at present isn't justifiable.

Runtu's village life during his childhood days and his later married life both have presented a carefree and responsible life. He has been presented as completely changed. His carefree childhood days have been transformed into a serious and tense life due to the many burdens in his life. He seems so old, mature, and reserved in his meeting with the narrator.

Talking about the present context of Nepal, I don't think average Nepali people have the same condition as Runtu. In the present time, education among people in Nepal has brought about lots of changes. Even in most rural places, small kids go to school. Small kids never work as slaves here. They have a better life than that of Runtu's. I think the living conditions of average Nepali people at present are getting better. Yes, the hardships of people are at their peak, but they are doing well to survive. Average Nepali people are engaged in a variety of jobs and running their lives smoothly. Runtu's life was under pressure from various things, but Nepali people are on their way and far away from the concepts of feudalism as well as taxes. They can do different kinds of jobs without fear or pressure from others. Talking about myself, my life is so good. I'm right now a student and doing my best in my studies. I don't have to face any hardships. I have to do hard work for my studies. As a member of a middle-class family, I have every facility in my life. My father is doing his best in his business. He seems to be happy all the time. It means we have no problem. 


5. My Old Home by Lu Xun Detailed Summary

My Old Home by Lu Xun Short Summary & Questions and Answers

4. Summarise the following text in about 150 words. Write only the ideas of the original text but do not include your own opinions, interpretations, deductions or comments. [7]

Anuradha Koirala was born on 14 April 1949. She was born as the first child to Colonel Pratap Singh Gurung and Laxmi Gurung. She belonged to an educated family and, therefore, pursued her education at St. Joseph convent school she says, her mother and sister in her school motivated her to do social work and regards Mother Teresa as her huge inspiration. She spent her 20 years teaching in schools in Kathmandu.

Ms. Koirala was married at a very young age. But, her relationship did not work well as she suffered from domestic abuse from her husband. She believed the domestic abuse was the sole reason she had to mIscarry her baby there times she felt hopeless and tortured each time So. she left her husband, She had nowhere to go. The only place where a woman, in that situation, thinks to-go is "Maiti". But unfortunately, some women are even thrown out from Maiti. That's when Anuradha felt a need for an organisation that would support and shelter those women.

It was April 1993, Anuradha Koirala started "Maiti Nepal" in a small house in Kathmandu with her own savings. "Maiti Nepal" refers to "Mother's home", with an aim of empowering women and protecting them from domestic violence and trafficking, Maiti Nepal was born. Koirala, with her own income, initially started up the organization and helped eight women, who were victims of domestic violence, open their own shop and be independent. The network grew and UNICEF decided to support the organisation. This is how Maiti Nepal grew from small house organization to multi-branch organization. Maiti Nepal now has various branches and a wide range of services. Its vision is to create a society free of sexual and other types of exploitation against children and women. It has been actively working on making their vision come true. It is conducting various activities including social awareness, counselling, participation, skill development, women empowerment, etc. It protects girls from being trafficked and also rescues trafficked girls from brothels in India. After rescuing them, as they are not accepted in their own dogmatic society, Maiti Nepal shelters them, counsels them, and, gives them new life.

Koirala says, her organisation has been giving an impact on society and she is happy to bring some change in the society from her side. She also says her happiest day will be when Maiti Nepal ceases its existence as it will be the day, society will be free from human trafficking and domestic violence. Anuradha Koirala has been awarded 38 National and International awards for her contribution to the society/ Some of the best awards she received include the Best Social Worker of the Year Award in 1998, Prabal Gorkha Dakshin Bahu Medal (Nepal) in 1999, Trishakti Patta Award in 2002, The Courage of Conscience Award from the Peace Abbey Foundation in 2006, German UNIFEM prize in 2007, Queen Sofia Silver Medal Award in 2007, CNN Hero Award in 2010, Mother Teresa Award in 2014 and Padma Shree Award in April 2017.


Anuradha Koirala was born in 1949 and was educated at St. Joseph convent school. She was married at a young age and suffered from domestic abuse from her husband. She left her husband and started Maiti Nepal, an organisation to empower women and protect them from domestic violence and trafficking. The network grew and UNICEF decided to support the organisation. Maiti Nepal is a multi-branch organization that works to create a society free of sexual and other types of exploitation against children and women.

It protects girls from being trafficked and rescues trafficked girls from brothels in India. Anuradha Koirala has been awarded 38 National and International awards for her contribution to the society, including the Best Social Worker of the Year Award in 1998, Prabal Gorkha Dakshin Bahu Medal (Nepal) in 1999, Trishakti Patta Award in 2002, Courage of Conscience Award from the Peace Abbey Foundation in 2006, German UNIFEM prize in 2007, Queen Sofia Silver Medal Award in 2007, CNN Hero Award in 2010, Mother Teresa Award in 2014 and Padma Shree Award in April 2017.

5. Your school/college has allocated some money for purchasing sports goods.

Being the General Secretary of the sports club in your school/college, write a letter in about 180 words to Ekta Books and Stationery, Thapathali, Kathmandu, requesting them to supply their trade catalogue. You may mention the items you intend to buy and ask for a discount on the catalogue prices. [8]


Date: 2080-01-26


To the Manager, Ekta Books and Stationery

Thapathali, Kathmandu (Nepal)

Subject: A Request for Providing a Sports Trade Catalogue

Respected Sir,

I'm the general secretary of the sports club at my school, Kalika Secondary School. This school is located in Sindhupalchok district. As the general secretary of the sports club, our team has allocated some funds for purchasing sports goods from your institution. I would like to request that you, through this letter, especially provide us with the sports trade catalog. We would like to provide all the essential sports-related goods for all students of all grades. If we get your sports trade catalogue, we will have ease in selecting the right goods at reasonable prices. Some of the goods are a must. The following goods are essentially required:.

1. Football (10 pieces)

2. Volleyball (10 pieces)

3. Football and volleyball trophies

4. Racket sets (badminton and table tennis)

5. Different sports nets

6. Skipping sets

7. Cricket kits, etc.

We have mentioned more goods in our list. We have made a decision together to purchase all these goods from your institution. We have expected some discounts from your side too. We are expecting a catalogue with discount rates for each good.

I am expecting your kind response.


General Secretary
Sports Club
Kalika Secondary School
Sindhupalchok (Nepal)

6. Suppose you are the General Manager of Udayapur Cement Factory. Issue a press release in about 300 words on behalf of the factory about the delay in the product of the highest quality cement. [10]


Udayapur Cement Factory

Jaljale, Udayapur (Nepal)


                    PRESS RELEASE 

The largest and government-owned cement factory in the nation, the Udaipur Cement Factory, which is situated in Jaljale of the Udaipur District, is having problems with its modern machines right now. Due to technical problems, we are unable to release our highest-quality cement to all the customers around the country. This delay in the production of the highest-quality cement has made us feel so bad. We would like to offer our heartfelt apology for this inconvenience.

Due to this delay in our factory, we are facing lots of comments from our customers. The factory itself is facing heavy losses every day. We are trying our best to solve these problems as soon as possible. We have summoned highly experienced technicians from abroad to tackle these technical problems with machines. These technicians are continuously doing their tasks of inspecting and repairing. They are inspecting every single part of the machines to find out the real solutions to problems. Our commitment is to provide quick fulfilment of demands. But this time, we have become a failure in fulfilling our demands.

Our factory has been continuously providing quality products to its customers for years. All of our products have a very high satisfaction value among customers. We won't provide you with another chance to make a complaint. We have even decided to replace the machines as soon as possible. We promise to fulfil your demands in the coming week. We would like to request that all our customers keep patient. All your demanded cement would be supplied to your homes the next week. Thanks for keeping high trust in our factory.

We won't let you have any chance for further complaints. I apologise once again for your inconvenience.


The General Manager

Udayapur Cement Factory

Jaljale, Udayapur (Nepal)

7. Do as instructed within the brackets and rewrite the sentences. 1× 10 = 10

a) This year the whole winter season was dry. There was very (many/few / little) rain. (Choose the appropriate word and rewrite the sentence)

This year the whole winter season was dry. There was very little rain.

b) The Principal along with other experts ........(has/have/was/were) present at the meeting. (Rewrite the sentence using the correct verb, from the brackets)

The Principal along with other experts was present at the meeting.

c) We got wet in the rain. We had an umbrella. (Join the sentences using appropriate connective)

We got wet in the rain although we had an umbrella.

d) People ............ think it is interesting but I think it is pathetic. (Use one of the verbs- are/might/could/should to complete the sentence.)

People might think it is interesting but I think it is pathetic.

e) The experts go for a walk on Saturdays. (Use often in the appropriate place)

The experts often go for a walk on Saturdays.

f) Health care in Nepal is not as ................ as it is abroad. (Use 'expensive' appropriately to fill in the blank)

Health care in Nepal is not as expensive as it is abroad. 

g) "You must not ignore your study", said the class teacher to the student. (Change it into indirect speech)

The teacher advised the student that he didn't have to ignore his study.

h) Parents gave children a bar of chocolate. (Change it into passive voice)

Children were given a bar of chocolate by parents.

i)  These leaders have great respect ................ the academicians of the country. (Use since/for/to/by to fill in the blanks.)

These leaders have great respect for the academicians of the country. 

j) This is the house. The house belongs to my uncle. (Join the sentences using one of the appropriate relative pronouns-who/whom/where/which).

This is the house which belongs to my uncle.

8. Choose and copy the correct answers. [5]

a). The beauty of nature must be praised by all. Here the word beauty is a ......................

i) a noun

(ii) adjective

(iii) adverb

(iv) verb

(ii) adjective

b) Which one of the following words does not take the prefix 'un'?

(i) satisfy

(ii) attended

(iii) cultured

(iv) civilized

》(i) satisfy

c) Which of the following words has the correct spelling?

(i) writing

(ii) comming

(iii) puting

(iv) runing

》(i) writing

(d) The antonym of 'deficient' is ....................

i) faulty

(ii) perfect

(iii) short

(iv) scarce

(ii) perfect

(e) Which of the following words has the same vowel sound?

(i) sew, so

(ii) cat, men

(iii) kite, rate

(iv) pan, pen

(i) sew, so

Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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