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Coriolanus Summary | Play by William Shakespeare | Neb English Support Class 12
Coriolanus by William Shakespeare
Coriolanus by William Shakespeare
Roman general Coriolanus hates the people of Rome, and they ban him from Rome. He loves his mother very much, and she prevents him from attacking Rome. He finally dies.
Coriolanus by William Shakespeare
Roman general Coriolanus makes a name for himself by defeating an enemy army and defending Rome. The Senate nominates him as consul, but he can't win the vote of the people, so he was exiled from Rome and made allies with his old enemy. He arrives to attack Rome, but his mother dissuades him, and his new ally kills him for his betrayal.
Coriolanus by William Shakespeare
Act I
In Rome, a group of rebellious citizens are enraged over food shortages and resentful of their rulers. Menenius Agrippa, a popular aristocrat, succeeds in pacifying them. But then enters an arrogant young general named Caius Martius. He criticises the fact that the tribunes (delegates), Sicinius Velutus and Junius Brutus, have been appointed to speak for the populace. He shows his disdain for all plebeians (common people). During this class struggle, an invading Italian army known as the Volscians threatens Rome. The Senate sends Martius with an army to oppose the Volscian forces. Martius' archenemy, Tullus Aufidius, leads the Volscian army.
Act II
Meanwhile, Martius' mother, Volumnia, takes pride in her son's valour. He discusses the importance of military prowess with his gentle wife, Virgilia. Martius almost single-handedly defeats the Volscians in their city of Corioli. He earns the title 'Coriolanus'. Upon his return to Rome, the aristocracy selects Coriolanus as consul (the second rank of authority). Volumnia pressures Coriolanus into confessing. According to the custom of the time, potential consuls were expected to ask for the votes of citizens in the marketplace as a mark of humility. Coriolanus, although eager to accept the position, held back on the idea of going before the people. He is persuaded to perform his duty. Despite their doubts, the people initially approve of the election. Shortly afterwards, Sisinius and Brutus urge them to reverse the decision, and they do so.
In the ensuing public argument, Coriolanus demonstrates his hatred for both the people and the idea of popular rule. He denies them the right to supply corn. Despite encouragement from the senators and his mother, he can't make peace with the tribune and plebeians. He is expelled from Rome out of anger and hatred. With nowhere else to turn, he plans to go to the Volscian city of Antium. Aufidius shows his admiration and respect for his former enemy, so he welcomes Coriolanus. They plan to attack Rome together.
Act IV
Back in Rome itself, the tribunes and people are happy that Coriolanus is gone until they hear that he has joined forces with Aufidius to challenge the city. They sent various embassies, including Comnius and Meneius, to try and dissuade him. Coriolanus rejects all of them. Finally, Volumnia, Virgilia, and Coriolanus's young son go to make requests for their people. Coriolanus cannot resist his mother's persuasion, and he eventually agrees to make peace.
Act V
Aufidius is furious at this betrayal of trust and, along with his chosen soldiers, kills Coriolanus. Once his anger subsides, Aufidius agrees to attend the funeral rites of a worthy warrior.
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