The Tempest | William Shakespeare | Neb English Support Class 12

The Tempest | William Shakespeare | Neb English Support Class 12
Neb English Support Class 12

The Tempest | William Shakespeare | Neb English Support Class 12

The Tempest

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The Tempest by William Shakespeare 

A group of men are shipwrecked on a magical island and are tormented by an old man and his slaves.


The Tempest by William Shakespeare 

Prospero uses magic to afflict the survivors of a storm and a shipwreck, including the King of Naples and Prospero's treacherous brother, Antonio. One of Prospero's slaves, Caliban, plots to get rid of his master but is defeated by Prospero's spirit servant, Ariel. King Alonso's young son, Ferdinand, who is thought to be dead, falls in love with Prospero's daughter, Miranda. Their celebration is cut short when Prospero confronts his brother Antonio and reveals his identity as the usurped Duke of Milan. The families are reunited, and all conflicts are resolved. Prospero offers Ariel his freedom, and he prepares to leave the island.


The Tempest by William Shakespeare 

Act I

Near a Mediterranean island, a storm overtakes a ship carrying King Alonso of Naples, his son Ferdinand, and his brother Sebastian. They were on their way home from Tunis to Italy when a storm struck and wrecked their ship. He is accompanied by the shipwrecked courtier, Gonzalo, and the Duke of Milan, Antonio.

From the island, Prospero, former Duke of Milan, watches the scene of the storm and shipwreck along with his 15-year-old daughter Miranda. Miranda fears for the crew of the ship, but Prospero assures her that all is well. He decides to reveal his past, telling her how, 12 years ago, his brother Antonio overpowered him.

With Gonzalo's aid, Prospero escaped in a boat with the infant Miranda and her magic books. They roamed the island and made it their home. They enslaved the only native islander, Caliban. The only other inhabitants of the island are the spirits, including Ariel, whom Prospero rescued from a tree's imprisonment. Since Antonio was on the boat that is now destroyed, Prospero hopes to make amends for his past.

As Miranda sleeps, Prospero discusses with Ariel his role in the shipwreck. They plan what to do with the men now that they are ashore.

The courtiers are thrown ashore without any harm from the ship. But the king is close to despair, believing that his son Ferdinand drowned. Ferdinand has in fact arrived safely on an isolated part of the island, where he meets Miranda, and they immediately fall in love. Prospero, fearing for his daughter, captures Ferdinand and forces him to do the task of carrying the wood. Meanwhile, Ariel seeks his freedom. Prospero promises that he will free Ariel from slavery, but only after the completion of a few more tasks.

Act II

Spirit Ariel uses music to disorient the courtiers, while Sebastian and Antonio plot to kill the king while he is asleep. Their attempt to kill the king is foiled by Ariel. Everyone on the ship becomes more confused as they wander around. In another part of the island, Trinculo, the timid court fool has come ashore and discovered Caliban. Trinculo hides himself from an approaching storm aboard Caliban, and Stephano, the ship's butler, finds them.


At Caliban's suggestion, Stephano, Caliban, and Trinculo intend to kill Prospero and make Stephano master of the island. They get very drunk before going to the cell to kill Prospero. Ariel, who saw everything in his invisible state, informs his master of this evil plot. Meanwhile, Prospero relents and gives his blessing for Ferdinand and Miranda's marriage. He then entertains them with a masquerade of gods and goddesses and dancers before recounting Caliban's plots.

Later on, Prospero and Ariel set a trap for the three conspirators. Stefano and Trinculo fall for the plot and are taken aback by the gaudy clothes hung for them.  After touching the clothes, they are driven away by spirits disguised as dogs.

Act V

Ariel brings all the courtiers to the cell, where Prospero reveals himself by giving up his spell. Instead of exacting his revenge, he forgives them and accepts the return of his dukedom. Ferdinand and Miranda are engaged. The sailors appear to announce that the ship is safe. Prospero keeps his promise and releases Ariel, while Caliban and the drunken servants are rebuked. The play ends as everyone goes to celebrate their reunion, and Prospero asks the audience to release him from the play.


The Tempest by William Shakespeare 

1. Why was Prospero banished?


Prospero was banished because his brother Antonio overpowered him, leading to his loss of the title of Duke of Milan.

2. Who is Ariel and why does he work for Prospero?


Ariel is a spirit servant who works for Prospero because Prospero rescued him from imprisonment in a tree.

3. Why does Caliban hate Prospero and Miranda?


Caliban hates Prospero and Miranda because Prospero enslaved him after arriving on the island.

4. How does Prospero manipulate Alonso and his company?


Prospero manipulates Alonso and his company through magic, creating the storm that leads to their shipwreck and orchestrating events to confront them.

5. Why does Prospero give up magic?


Prospero gives up magic to reconcile with his past, forgive his enemies, and return to his role as the Duke of Milan.

6. Is The Tempest a tragedy or a comedy?


"The Tempest" is considered a comedy.

7. Who causes the shipwreck at the start of the play?


Prospero, using his magic and the spirit Ariel, causes the shipwreck at the start of the play.

8. Who helped Prospero and Miranda escape?


Gonzalo helped Prospero and Miranda escape by providing them with a boat and provisions.

9. What happens to Caliban at the end of the play?


Caliban is rebuked at the end of the play, and his fate is not explicitly mentioned.

10. How does Caliban describe the island?


Caliban describes the island as a place of torment and suffering under Prospero's rule.

11. What tasks does Ariel perform for Prospero?


Ariel performs various tasks for Prospero, including creating the storm, disorienting the courtiers with music, and thwarting the conspiracy against Prospero.

12. What does Gonzalo say he would do if he were lord of the island?


Gonzalo says if he were lord of the island, he would ensure it became a utopia with no corruption or evil.

13. What is the significance of Trinculo and Stephano?


Trinculo and Stephano are significant as they form a comical subplot, attempting to overthrow Prospero and failing.

14. What is the significance of the masque in Act 4?


The masque in Act 4 serves as entertainment for Ferdinand and Miranda, featuring gods, goddesses, and dancers.

15. What happens to Ariel at the end of the play?


Ariel is released by Prospero at the end of the play as part of Prospero's promise to free him after completing specific tasks.



Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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