King David's Crime Summary | Ancient Tales | Flax Golden Tales | BBA / BBS First Year

King David's Crime Summary | Ancient Tales |  Flax Golden Tales | BBA / BBS First Year
Neb English Support Class 12

King David's Crime Summary | Ancient Tales |  Flax Golden Tales | BBA / BBS First Year

King David's Crime 


King David's Crime 

This Biblical short story, "King David's Crime," has presented the concept of how absolute power ruins the lives of people and becomes a source of tyranny. Here in this story, we find King David's immorality and cruelty.

A long time ago, King David ruled over Israel. He sent Joab, along with his servants and others, to destroy Ammon and besiege Rabbah. The king stayed back in Jerusalem. One day, he saw a beautiful woman named Bathsheba on the roof of his house. She was taking a bath. The king was attracted to her. He sent his messengers for that woman. When she was brought, King David cleansed her of impurity and slept with her to have sex. The woman became pregnant and went back to her home. She sent the message that she was with her child. The woman was the wife of one of King David's men, named Uriah the Hittite.

King David called Uriah back from the battlefield and wanted to know how the battle had ended. Then he asked him to go to his house. Uriah departed but did not go home. He slept at the entrance of the royal palace with all his master's servants. When King David asked him why he didn't go to his house, Uriah replied that when so many people were camping on the battlefield, how could he go to his house to eat, drink, and lie down with his wife? Then King David wrote a letter to Joab, asking that Uriah be put at the forefront of the battle so that he would die. Joab, as ordered by his king, appointed Uriah to a place where he knew there were brave men.

The people of the city went out and fought with Joab and his men. Some of David's servants and the Hittites were killed in the battle. Joab sent a messenger to King David to inform him how the enemy had overpowered them and how Uriah the Hittite had died.

When Uriah's wife heard of her husband's death, she was shocked and mourned for him. After some days, David brought the widow to his house and made her his wife. Bathsheba gave birth to her son. Thus, King David, having absolute power, did wrong by killing Uriah and marrying his wife. This act of King David displeased God.


King David's Crime 

1. Literal Comprehension

Once King David sent his commander Joab to fight, but he remained in Jerusalem. One evening, he saw a beautiful woman named Bathsheba taking a bath. She was the wife of Uriah, an officer on the battlefield. The king sent his men to fetch her and sleep with her. When she became pregnant, she asked Joab to send Uriah. When Uriah came to the palace, the king told him to go home, but Uriah refused because his commander was on the battlefield. When he did not go home a second time, the king sent him to the battlefield with a letter to Joab. Joab put him at the forefront, as the king had ordered. Uriah was killed on the battlefield. This message was sent to the king. Bathsheba mourned upon hearing of her husband's death. When the mourning ended, the king married her, and a son was born to her. But the Lord was unhappy with the king.

2. Interpretation

This story is probably trying to tell us that everyone is a victim of obsession. Rulers use and enjoy their special power, but others suppress their desires. It can also be interpreted to mean that everyone is forgivable in politics. The king is free to do whatever he wants. But an ordinary citizen is punished if he does not help the rulers satisfy their whims.

3. Critical Thinking

When I read this story, I had a misconception about the Bible. Aren't there other gods' characters in the Bible story? Does King David stand for a good king? If he is a good king, what are the thoughts of other rulers? We can appreciate it by reading this story as a political story, regardless of morality. This story describes the weaknesses of humans. Even the King is not free from anger and malice.

4. Assimilation

This story has helped me a lot to understand myself better. It has also taught me that I shouldn't follow the example of a great man if his work is bad. Absolute power always corrupts the leadership of the rulers. If the rulers are corrupt, the whole society perishes. Now, I realise why my country has not improved. Unethical and undemocratic politicians have used their power not for the welfare of the citizens and the development of the country but for their own profits and gain. Due to such rulers, the condition of my country is getting worse day by day.



Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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