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Unit 9: Ecology and Environment: Living in a Redwood Tree | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | NEB English Guide
Unit: 9 Ecology and Environment Living in a Redwood Tree
Unit 9 Class 12 English
a. What would you like to do to contribute to the protection of the environment in your area? How much time can you spend in doing so?
Yes, I would like to contribute to the protection of the environment in my area. In a matter of time, I can devote much time to the protection of the environment by managing my time.
b. Do you know what Julia Butterfly Hill did to save the redwood forest in California?
Yes, I know what Julia Butterfly Hill did to save the redwood forest in California. She lived in a tree for 738 days in an act of civil disobedience to prevent clear-cutting of the ecologically significant forest.
Unit 9 Class 12 English
A. The words/phrases in the box are from the text. Check their meanings in a dictionary and use these words to complete the given sentences.
redwood, propane, occasional, wake-up call, logging, detrimental, stint, resolution, transformation, debris
a. …………… is one of the main reasons behind the rapid deforestation in the world.
Answer: logging
b. That's one example of how the pandemic should be a ……………
Answer: detrimental
c. …………… is a gas used as a fuel for cooking and heating.
Answer: Propane
d. Emergency teams are still clearing the …………… from the plane crash.
Answer: debris
e. What a ……………! You look great.
Answer: transformation
f. My father made a New Year …………… to give up smoking.
Answer: resolution
g. He has worked in the Army for two years. He hates that two-year ……………
Answer: wake-up call
h. Emissions from the factory are widely suspected of having a/an …………… effect on health.
Answer: stint
i. My father is an …………… smoker. He doesn't smoke often.
Answer: occasional
j. …………… is a very tall type of tree that grows especially in California and Oregan.
Answer: redwood
B. The words redwood, barefoot, single-burner, short-term, fast-paced, mudslide, windstorm and childhood from the above text are made of two words and they yield a new meaning. Compound words can be written in three ways: open compounds (spelled as two words, e.g., ice cream), closed compounds (joined to form a single word, e.g., doorknob), or hyphenated compounds (two words joined by a hyphen, e.g., long-term). Choose one word from each box to make sensible compound words.
rattle, sun, touch, moon, day, fire, water, basket, pass, wash, weather, grand, cross
down, port, light, snake, cloth, mother, walk, flower, dream, man, ball, works, melon
rattle snake
touch down
moon walk
day dream
C. Match the following words/phrases related to the ecology with their meanings.
Words/Phrases 👇
a. sustainability 👇
ii. to keep in existence; maintain. To supply with necessities or nourishment
b. tree line 👇
i. the height on a mountain above which the climate is too cold for trees to grow
c. precipitation 👇
iv. water that returns to the earth as rain, hail, sleet, or snow
d. tropical zone 👇
x. the region between latitudes 23.5 degrees S and 23.5 degrees N
e. Kyoto Protocol 👇
iii. an agreement between countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. It was established in Japan in 1997 but didn't become international law until 2004
f. pollutants 👇
vii. substances that destroy the purity of air, water, or land
g. geosphere 👇
vi. the soils, sediments, and rock layers of the Earth's crust, both continental and beneath the ocean floors
h. deciduous 👇
ix. a plant that sheds all or nearly all its leaves each year
i. ephemeral 👇
viii. an organism that has a short life cycle
j. trash 👇
v. items that are discarded
D. Pronounce the following pairs of words and notice the differences.
men: main 》 /mÉ›n/: /meɪn/
gem: game 》/d͡Ê’É›m/ : /É¡eɪm/
sell: sale 》/sÉ›l/ : /seɪl/
dell: dale 》/dÉ›l/ : /deɪl/
pen: pain 》/pÉ›n/ : /peɪn/
bell: bail 》/bÉ›l/ : /beɪ̯l/
well: wale 》/wÉ›l/ : /ˈweɪl/
knell: nail 》/nÉ›l/ : /neɪl/
met: mate 》 /mÉ›t/ : /meɪt/
hell: hail 》/hÉ›l/ : /heɪl/
shed: shade 》 /ʃɛd/ : /ʃeɪd/
fell: fail 》 /fÉ›l/ : /feɪl/
fed: fade 》 /fÉ›d/ : /feɪd/
bed: bade 》/bÉ›d/ : /beɪd/
bet: bait 》 /ˈbÉ›t/ : /beɪt/
pet: pate 》/pÉ›t/ : /peɪt/
set: sate 》/sÉ›t/ : /seɪt/
get: gate 》/É¡É›t/ : /É¡eɪt/
let: late 》/lÉ›t/ : /leɪt/
cell: sail 》 / sÉ›l/ : /seɪl/
Unit 9 Class 12 English
A. Choose the best answer.
a. The author of the text above has the opinion that Julia Hill ……..
i. did a wonderful job
ii. made her pastime in a tree for two years more
iii. chose redwood forest to learn environmental skills
i. did a wonderful job
b. The sentence ‘Julia had occasional visitors’ indicates she had ……........
i. a host of visitors around the tree
ii. a few visitors now and then
iii. no visitors at all
ii. a few visitors now and then
c. The logging company managed 24 hour security service around the tree to ….......
i. protect Hill from the wild animals
ii. discourage her from her campaign
iii. provide her with supplies
ii. discourage her from her campaign
d. Ms. Hill began to respond the loggers with songs and conventional conversations because she …............…...
i. was sorry for them
ii. had unconditional love for all nature’s creations
iii. wanted to influence them
ii. had unconditional love for all nature’s creations
e. Julia Hill climbed down the tree after 738 days when her demands were .....……..
i. fulfilled
ii. partially fulfilled
iii. about to be fulfilled.
i. fulfilled
B. Answer the following questions.
a. Who was Julia Butterfly Hill? How did Hill’s campaign gain popularity?
Julia Butterfly Hill is an American environmental activist as well as a tax redirection advocate. Hill's campaign gained popularity because she lived in a tree for 738 days in an act of civil disobedience to prevent clear-cutting of the ecologically significant forest.
b. What made Hill start her mega campaign to save redwood trees?
Regular cutting and decreasing of redwood trees made Hill start her mega campaign to save redwood trees.
c. What kinds of amenities were there to support Hill’s life in the tree?
Following were the amenities to support Hill's life in the tree:
▪︎ A sleeping bag
▪︎ A solar-powered cell phone for media interviews
▪︎ A single-burner propane stove to cook food and heat water
d. Did Hill's value of life change after her car accident? How?
Yes, of course, Hill's life changed after her car accident. She described the experience of the car accident as a wake-up call and a visit to spiritual sites around the world. She paid attention to the plight of the Redwood Forest after that.
e. Deforestation causes natural calamities. What evidence do you have in the text to prove this?
Due to deforestation, natural calamities occur. Landslides and floods are the major causes of natural disasters. In the text, there is evidence of mudslides 20 feet high that carried trees, stumps, and debris from that hill to the city, leaving seven families in Stafford, California, without homes due to several trees being cut down.
f. How did the logging company try to discourage Hill in the early days of her sit-in?
The logging company decided to starve her out or drive her away. They hired 24-hour security guards to harass her and to ensure her support team couldn’t deliver her supplies. She was menaced by a helicopter at dangerously close range. A neighbouring tree was felled, hitting Luna’s outer branches and nearly causing Hill to fall. She was verbally abused, threatened with violence, rape, and death, kept awake with floodlights, and bugles and air horns were blown through the night.
g. How were the vagaries of nature unwelcoming to Hill?
Her scariest time was a 16-hour, 70-mph windstorm, one of the worst Northern California storms in decades. The wind shredded the tarps that surrounded her and even ripped huge branches off the tree. Sleet and hail sliced her roof and wall off with tattered pieces. Her feet once turned black with painful frostbite.
h. What is the purpose of the author to write a review on Hill’s book? Do you think the author stands for ecological sustainability? Give reasons.
The purpose of the author's review of Hill's book is to draw attention to the adverse effects of deforestation. Yes, I think the author stands up for ecological sustainability because he chose Julia Butterfly Hill's sacrifice to control and preserve the redwood forest in California. Julia Butterfly Hill is an American environmental activist and tax redirection advocate and one of the most admired and inspired women in many ways to protect and preserve the forest in the world. She sacrificed half of her life to stop it and, at last, stood to control the redwood trees and value the forest.
Unit 9 Class 12 English
Suppose you are Julia Butterfly Hill. After staying one year in the tree, the government offered you five million dollars and requested you to drop the strike. Write in about 200 words responding them that the money is a mean thing for you in comparison with the woods.
Hello, it's me, Julia Butterfly Hill. I'm a native of America. I'm an environmental activist and tax redirection advocate. I was born in the year 1974, on February 18. At the age of twenty-two, I suffered a lot from a serious car accident. In that terrible car accident, I lost my short-term memory and motor skills. It took me one year to recover from that serious injury. That unfortunate event in my life was quite a bad experience for me. I struggled a lot during the time of my recovery. After that accident, my life was completely changed. After my recovery, I got to know the real essence of my life and its goal. That experience was a backup call and a trip to spiritual destinations around the world.
Talking about the redwood forests, the condition of the forests wasn't good enough. I lived in a redwood tree for 738 days in an act of civil disobedience to prevent clear-cutting of the ecologically significant forest. In California, logging companies were clearing redwood trees. I encountered many difficulties with the redwood trees taken by the logging company. Many groups of environmental activists have been fighting for redwood trees in California.
The logging company and the forest department wanted to cut down all the redwood trees, but I went against all those companies and the forest department. I strongly opposed them and didn't allow them to cut down those trees. The logging company and the forest department did a lot of tricks to get me away from the forest. I was threatened much to stop my protest. The government even offered me five million dollars and asked me to stop the strike, but I refused. We know that forests and trees are the main source of oxygen, without which we cannot survive. Many animals were living in the forest, and there was a big question regarding their existence. I thought about those pitiable animals, and a serious question was raised in my mind: Where did those innocent animals go when the government cut down the trees? All creatures on this earth have equal rights to live and work on this earth. The government was also violating the rules. I strongly suggested that the government spend Rs 5 million on tree planting. Everyone knows that the entire earth's environment is deteriorating due to large-scale deforestation. In the present time, due to increasing pollution, we are not getting fresh and good oxygen. The environment has deteriorated due to the growing population and rapidly growing cities. The ozone layer that filters ultraviolet rays is getting thinner due to pollution from cities and factories. We can create an environment by solving all these problems. First, we have to plant a lot of plants; we don't have to cut down this tree. We, humans, are living only because of trees, plants, and forests, and we are living independently. If trees stop giving oxygen, our lives will be in question.
The decision of the government to provide me with five million dollars to destroy forests was very bad. We must all speak out against deforestation, to heal the earth, and for better environmental conditions. In this regard, everyone should be aware of deforestation.
The government should spend billions of rupees to plant trees and protect forests. According to some reports, more than 15 billion trees are cut down in a year, which is frightening to hear and very harmful to human existence on earth.
My life is completely dedicated to the redwood forest, and I am happy in the forest. I don't need Rs 5 million from the government. Instead, I would strongly suggest to the government that it spend on forestry.
Unit 9 Class 12 English
A. Write a review of a book/film which you have read/watched recently.
Film review
Book review
B. Your school is going to organize a speech competition on coming Friday. The subject of the speech is “Let’s save the trees and protect our environment.”
Draft a speech using the following prompts.
Natural world - plants, elements and animals - billions of living beings and billions of trees- environment – entire air, soil, trees, water- co-existence of allgood environment- human being - greedy/selfish/consumerist- thinking him owner- other things property- urbanization- industrialization- road construction canal/dam construction- airport construction- loss of trees- control greed/appetite- good environment- quality life- bad environment- bad life.
Lets Save the Trees and Protect Our Environment
Hello and good morning, everyone. It's me, Raghav. Today, I would like to welcome you all to this speech competition at our school. I'm feeling so fortunate to get this tremendous chance to put forward some of my opinions regarding an important topic, which is "Leť's Save the Trees and Protect Our Environment.".
Our planet has been serving us for ages. Here in this natural world, billions of living as well as non-living things are present. It combines plants, elements, and animals. This natural world is the home of billions of living beings. The environment of this natural world is made of various essential elements such as trees, air, soil, water, etc. The presence of trees in this natural world has made this planet unique and beautiful. The existence of these things in this natural world has made the environment so good for living creatures. In this natural world, trees are one of the most important natural resources that provide life to everyone who is in existence. All the living beings in this world are dependent on this natural resource. Trees always serve others without demanding anything from them. In the present world, humans are on the way to destroying trees in a very high rage, which is so bad for the future of this natural world.
People in the world have become quite money-minded and selfish. They are only thinking about their own betterment, ignoring the future of this natural world. Trees are serving humans, whereas humans are destroying trees in return. Trees have provided shelter to billions of animals. But humans keep on doing their misdeeds against this natural world. They considered themselves the owners of this natural world. They think of this planet as their property. In the name of development, they keep on destroying this natural world.
I would like to make my heartfelt request to all human beings to avoid harming our natural world. Try to be sensible and think positively about the future of our planet. Keep spreading awareness among all people about the importance of trees in our lives. Save trees and save the planet. If we have a good environment, we will have a good life. Save trees for our healthy lives.
Thank you.
Unit 9 Class 12 English
Reported Speech
A. Study the following expressions.
Interviewer: Julia, can you share your experiences of living on the branches of a tree for two years?
Julia: It was wonderful! I can't express that in words.
Somebody reported the above expressions in the following way.
The interviewer asked Julia to share her experiences of living on the branches of a tree for two years.
Julia replied that it had been wonderful. She could not express that in words
B. Someone says something to you which contradicts to what they told you earlier. Match the beginnings of the conversations with the correct endings.
a. I'm going to Pokhara on holiday. 》vi. You said you were going on business.
b. He's a lawyer. 》iii. You told me he was a teacher.
c. She's had a baby girl. 》 i. You said she'd had a boy.
d. I haven't seen Binesh for ages. 》viii. You told me you'd seen him previous week.
e. I love these new boots. 》v. You said you hated them.
f. I only cheated in one exam. 》ii. You admitted you cheated in all your exams.
g. She doesn't speak Hindi or Chinese. 》iv. You told me she was fluent in both.
h. He works in Kathmandu. 》vii. You told me his office was in Biratnagar.
C. Change the following sentences into indirect speech.
a. The principal said, “You can phone from my office, Rita.”
》The principal told Rita that she could phone from his office.
b. “You must not neglect your duty,” said the teacher to the student.
》The teacher told the student that he/she must not neglect his/her duty.
c. The student said, “Sir, please, grant me a leave for two days.”
》The student requested sir to grant him/her a leave for two days.
d. I said to her, “Go to school or you will be fined.”
》I warned her to go to school or she would be fined.
e. The headmaster said, “Don’t make any noise, boys.”
》The headmaster asked boys not to make any noise.
》The headmaster forbade boys to make any noise.
f. “Work hard if you want to rise in life,” said the old man.
》The old man said to work hard if we wanted to rise in life.
g. He said, “Goodbye, my friends!”
》He bade goodbye to his friends.
h. She said to me, “Have a pleasant journey ahead.”
》She wished me to have a pleasant journey ahead.
i. “Don’t give me the book, please,” Sharmila said.
》Sharmila requested (me) not to give her the book.
j. “Where have you been these days?” she spoke on the telephone.
》She spoke on the telephone where I had been those days.
k. The teacher said, “Have you submitted your assignments, students?”
》The teacher asked students if they had submitted their assignments.
D. These are the exact words Dinesh said to you yesterday.
"I've just got engaged! We're getting married next month. We're going to Pokhara for our honeymoon. It's all going to be very expensive. Luckily, my friend is a photographer so he'll take the photos for us. We'll be having the reception in my parents' back garden. My mum is baking the cake for us and my sister's band is playing free for us. I hope you'll come to the wedding."
Now, you're telling your friend what Dinesh told you. Complete the text.
He said he (1)…………just got engaged. He told me that he (2) ………… next month. He told me (3) ………… to Pokhara for their honeymoon. He mentioned that it (4) ………… very expensive. He said that his friend (5) ………… and he (6) ………… the photos for them. He mentioned that they (7) ………… the reception in his parents' garden. He admitted that (8) ………… . He said his sister’s band (9) ………… . He said he (10) ………… I'd come to the wedding.
He said he (1) had just got engaged. He told me that he (2) was getting married next month. He told me (3) they were going to Pokhara for their honeymoon. He mentioned that it (4) was all going to be very expensive. He said that his friend (5) was a photographer and he (6) would take the photos for them. He mentioned that they (7) would be having the reception in his parents' garden. He admitted that (8) his mum was baking the cake for them. He said his sister's band (9) was playing free for them. He said he (10) hoped I'd come to the wedding.
Unit 9 Class 12 English
A. Rabina was introduced to Jack by Peter. Now, read what Rabina says about her meeting with Jack.
Peter introduced me to Jack who said he was pleased to meet me. I replied that it was my pleasure and that I hoped Jack was enjoying his stay in Seattle. He said he thought Seattle was a beautiful city, but that it rained too much. He said that he had been staying at the Bay View Hotel for three weeks and that it hadn't stopped raining since he had arrived. Of course, he said, this wouldn't have surprised him if it hadn't been July! Peter replied that he should have brought warmer clothes. He, then, continued by saying that he was going to fly to Hawaii the following week, and he that he couldn't wait to enjoy some sunny weather. Both Jack and I commented that Peter was a lucky person indeed.
Now, work in groups of three and act out the actual conversation that Rabina, Jack and Peter had.
B. Ask your partner the following questions. Make notes of his/her answer.
When you finish, find a new partner and report what you have learned about your first partner.
a. What is your favorite sport and how long have you been playing/doing it?
Ramesh: My favourite sport is football and I have been playing it for ten years.
I report Ramesh's answer to my next partner:
Ramesh told me that his favourite sport was football and he had been playing it for ten years.
b. What are your plans for your next vacation?
Ramesh: I will go to my uncle's house in my next vacation.
I report Ramesh's answer to my next partner:
Ramesh told me that he would go to his uncle's house in his next vacation.
c. How long have you known your best friend? Can you give me a description of him/her?
Ramesh: I have known my best friend since my childhood. My best friend is tall, dark and handsome.
I report Ramesh's answer to my next partner:
Ramesh told me that he had known his best friend since his childhood. His best friend was tall, dark and handsome.
d. What kind of music do you like? Have you always listened to that kind of music?
Ramesh: I like classical music a lot. Yes, I always listened to that kind of music.
I report Ramesh's answer to my next partner:
Ramesh told me that he liked classical music a lot. He agreed on listening to that kind of music.
e. What did you use to do when you were younger that you don't do anymore?
Ramesh: I used to move to my old home.
I report Ramesh's answer to my next partner:
Ramesh told me that he used to move to his old home.
f. Do you have any predictions about the future?
Ramesh: No, I don't have any predictions about the future.
I report Ramesh's answer to my next partner:
Ramesh denied me of having any predictions about the future.
g. Can you tell me what you do on a typical Saturday afternoon?
Ramesh: On a typical Saturday afternoon, I often move to cinema with my friends.
I report Ramesh's answer to my next partner:
Ramesh told me that he often moved to cinema with his friends on a typical Saturday afternoon.
h. What were you doing yesterday at this time?
Ramesh: I was enjoying a birthday party at my friend's house at this time.
I report Ramesh's answer to my next partner:
Ramesh told me that he had been enjoying a birthday party at his friend's house at that time.
i. Which two promises will you make concerning learning English?
Ramesh: I will learn more English words and listen English news much.
I report Ramesh's answer to my next partner:
Ramesh promised me that he would learn more English words and listen English news much.
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