Unit 8: Human Culture: Land of Plenty | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | Neb English Support

Unit 8: Human Culture: Land of Plenty | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | Neb English Support
Neb English Support Class 12

Unit 8: Human Culture: Land of Plenty | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | NEB English Guide

Unit 8: Human Culture: Land of Plenty



Unit 8 Class 12 English

a. What kinds of things do you throw away from your home as trash? 


The things that are really old and useless, I throw away from my home as trash.

b. Do people pick up goods from the pile of trash for their personal use in Nepal? If yes, what do they usually pick up? 


Yes, people pick up goods from the pile of trash for their personal use in Nepal. They usually pick up old metals, machinery items, bottles, canes, etc.

c. Is it good to use such goods thrown by others? Why?


No, it is not good to use such goods thrown by others because old goods always bother others through different means.


Unit 8 Class 12 English

A. Complete the given sentences with the suitable words from the box.

wrapped       embarrassment      abundance

ordinary        teetering     outskirts    dragging

a. The annual report has caused acute …………………… to the government.

Answer: embarrassment

b. Ellen has worn high-heels. She is ………………

Answer: teetering

c. Look! The poor horse is ……………………………. a heavy load. 

Answer: dragging

d. As they approached the …………………….. of the city, Ella's mood visibly lightened. 

Answer: outskirts

e. The parcel was ………………………. in plain brown paper. It still looks attractive. 

Answer: wrapped

f. Fruits and vegetables grow in ………………………. in the Terai region. 

Answer: abundance

g. They can abstract precious medicines from …………………… substances. 

Answer: ordinary

B. Word formation is a process in which new words are formed from base or root words by adding prefixes or suffixes. A root word can be a verb, noun, adjective or an adverb. See the following examples. 

Root word         Suffix            New word

govern (v.)        -ment         government (n.)

perfect (adj.)     -ion           perfection (n.)

service (v.)        -able         serviceable (adj.) 

beauty (n.)         -full           beautiful (adj.)

warm (adj.)        -ly             warmly (adv.)

C. Add suitable suffix to the root words given and write the parts of speech of each newly formed word. 

Root word        

neighbour, comfort, shop, husk, squeamish, 

change, shine, colloquial, collect, embarrass, 

persuade, type, differ, ship, tropic, drive, 

reside, brother, fresh


 ment, ly, ion, hood, ness, er, ical, ic, able, y, ive

New word


neighbourhood, comfortable, shopper, husky

squeamisher, changeable, shiny, colloquially

collection, embarrassment, persuadable, typical

differly, shipable, tropical, driver, resider, 

brotherhood, fresher

D. Look for the following words related to waste management in an English dictionary. Make sentences of your own using them.

sewage, sludge, organic waste, inorganic waste, methane, waste reduction, monofil, market waste, incineration, hazardous waste



In most of big cities the system of sewage is in poor condition.



In the present time, the sea is major place to dump sewage sludge. 

organic waste:


Oraganic waste materials should be decomposed for kitchen garden.

inorganic waste:


The world is packed with inorganic wastes.



Methane has decreased earth's Ozone layer.

waste reduction:


We must think about the best waste reduction method to make our surroundings hygienic.



We can't use monofil (man made fibre) here in this object.

market waste:


Market waste should be managed properly in order to live healthy life.



The process of incineration is essentially needed here in this area.

hazardous waste:


This will be a challenging task for us to get rid of all these hazardous waste.


Unit 8 Class 12 English

Answer the following questions.

a. How does the author describe the Japanese waste management system? 


The author describes the Japanese waste management system in a very funny and sarcastic way. According to him, Japanese people throw goods during the day publicly and receive them at night secretly. It is quite shameful to pick up second-hand goods publicly in Japan.

b. What are the two reasons behind the existence of sodaigomi in Japanese culture?


The two reasons behind the existence of sodaigomi in Japanese culture are as follows:

▪︎  The first reason is the small size of the typical Japanese house, with its lack of an attic, cellar, garage, or spare room.

▪︎  The other reason is that the Japanese people always desire freshness and purity.

c. What, according to the author, do the Japanese feel at the thought of buying second hand items?


According to the author, the Japanese feel very awkward at the thought of buying second-hand items. They really don't enjoy used as well as second-hand items.

d. How is Malaysian culture different from Japanese culture concerning the used items?


Malaysian culture is different from Japanese culture concerning used items, as Malaysia is a land of tropical abundance where no one throws anything away from their houses like Japanese culture.

e. Why did the author feel awkward at the sodaigomi pile?


The author felt awkward at the sodaigomi pile because he felt too confused and timid to grab anything from the sodaigomi pile. The task of grabbing second-hand items was supposed to be a kind of shameful act.

f. How many articles did the author bring to his house one after another?


The author brought numerous articles, such as a breakfast table with a full-length lawn chair, a shiny new bell for one son's bicycle, a small but attractive wooden cupboard, a complete set of wrenches and screwdrivers in a metal toolbox, a Naugahyde-covered barstool, a lacquer serving tray, a dozen tape cassettes from the Advanced Conversational English series, and one bookcase to his house one after another.

g. Why do most people try to find things in trash pile ‘in the dead of the night’? 


Most people try to find things in the trash in the dead of night because it is a shameful act to find things in a trash pile during the day time publicly. In the dead of night, most people secretly pick up their essentials.

h. How did the author’s family assimilate Japanese culture in using consumer goods?


The author's family assimilated Japanese culture in using consumer goods through their experience regarding sodaigomi and people's activities. Most people in Japan don't use consumer goods. They observed objects during the day and changed their objects at night. The author also learned to do the same. He didn't take anything from the nearby piles that day. When there was no one to meditate in the middle of the night, he skimmed a lot, took things to his room, and put them back if those things weren't any longer usable. He filled the room with chairs, tables, and trays that his family needed.


Unit 8 Class 12 English

a. If you happen to be in Japan someday, will you collect articles from sodaigomi? Why or why not? 


If I happen to be in Japan someday, I will collect articles from Sodaigomi because I'm quite habitual about using second-hand items. In the case of using second-hand items, our country, Nepal, is quite different from Japan. Most Nepalese people who are right now living in Japan use second-hand items in their lives. I really like the way of collecting articles from Sodaigomi during the nighttime in Japan. I will also collect articles from Sodigomi during the night, as the writer did in the text. Nepali people have to struggle hard for their settlement in the land of Japan. As a Nepali citizen, I will try my best to save my earnings properly.

b. There are some second hand shops in Nepal, too. But, people are not much interested in them. What practice would be suitable in managing second hand items in Nepal? 


There are a number of reasons why we are uninterested in buying used items from such second-hand shops in Nepal.

The first reason is that we feel quite hesitant to buy second-hand products in our lives. There is always a question mark in our minds with doubts about these products. We really don't prefer to invest in buying second-hand products from stores.

The next reason is that we feel ashamed to buy such products publicly. Our closers start criticising if they learn about our act of buying second-hand products.

The next reason is that we don't believe in such products or their durability. We find ourselves in a doubtful state, holding second-hand products.

Following are the practices that would be appropriate in the management of second-hand goods in Nepal:

▪︎   Most second-hand shops should be opened all over Nepal.

▪︎  Sellers of second-hand products should try their best to satisfy the customers by providing them with durable as well as original second-hand products.

▪︎  They should try to shift their businesses using digital marketing strategies.


Unit 8 Class 12 English

A. Write a paragraph elaborating the idea of 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) in garbage management.


In garbage management, the idea of the 3 Rs plays a very important role in keeping our environment neat and clean. With the help of this management system, we can bring unprecedented changes to our environment. For this kind of management, each of us needs to do our job, keeping as much material from landfills as possible. Waste management in the 3Rs is a way to implement a reduction, reuse, and recycling plan. Here, to reduce is to create less garbage. This is the best way to keep the environment clean, so it is the first way to manage the 3 Rs. By minimising, you can prevent problems at the source. Creating less garbage in the beginning means less garbage to clean. The next management of the 3Rs is reuse, which means finding new ways to use things that would otherwise be thrown away. Reusing is taking old or unwanted items you might otherwise throw away and finding a new use for them. There are all sorts of ways you can reuse items to help reduce your trash. The last one from this management is the concept of recycling. By recycling, we mean turning old and dirty (such as plastic milk containers) into new ones and making them ready to use again. In other words, recycling is changing discarded materials into new products to avoid using more new resources. We can make this garbage useful again, such as the garbage thrown at picnic spots, benches, playgrounds, equipment, recycle bins, etc.

B. Garbage management is a big problem in most of the cities in Nepal. Write a letter to the editor to be published in the daily newspaper suggesting the ways of ‘Solving Garbage Problems.’


To the Editor

Kantipur Post


Subject: Garbage Management and the Ways of Solving its Related Problems


Respected Sir,

I would be grateful if you would publish my article entitled "Garbage Management and the Ways of Solving its Related Problems" in your daily newspaper.

Garbage management is a big problem in most of the cities in Nepal. Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, has been plagued by garbage for the past 20 years. In the present time, most cities in Nepal are also suffering from this problem.

In most cities in Nepal, garbage management is considered one of the major problems. At present, most cities and towns in Nepal are badly polluted. Talking about our capital city, Kathmandu, it is on the list of polluted cities all over the world. This capital city has been suffering from garbage management for the last two decades. The other cities in Nepal are also experiencing the same pollution. Most Nepalese people in the city areas are facing this problem of pollution every single day. Due to this increase in pollution, people are suffering from different kinds of air-borne diseases. In the present, people are seen leaving the attractions of city areas due to pollution problems. The foreign tourists also seem disappointed to find the worse conditions in our cities. The odour of garbage is everywhere in the city areas. Garbage and its management have become the number one problem for the government too. Pollution has affected most of the places in Nepal.

In this article, I would like to suggest some ways of solving garbage management for all our Nepali people. Following are some ways:

1. The government, as well as concerned authorities, have to think seriously about this management system.

2. People should be much more responsible and avoid throwing garbage randomly.

4. We should try to recover and recycle inorganic garbage according to its nature.

5. Household waste should be properly managed. Organic waste from the house should be properly used to make compost manure.

6. Plastic bags should be banned. Cotton bags should be used instead of them.

Both the government and the people must take this issue seriously. Therefore, I would like to request that you publish this letter in your newspaper and put pressure on the concerned authorities to take immediate action to solve this problem as soon as possible.

Thank You

Yours truly,



Unit 8 Class 12 English

Adjectives and Adverbs

A. Observe the following examples carefully.

a. The trash is wrapped in neat bundles. 

b. We realize that sodaigomi is a part of larger cycle.

c. In the morning, the choicest items are gone.

d. I looked around me quickly, and I happily picked up one bookcase with both arms.

B. Use the words from the brackets to complete the sentences. 

a. This house is very small. I want to buy a ……………….. one. (much / big)


much bigger

b. I liked the magic show. It was ………… than I’d expected. (far / exciting)


far more exciting

c. It was very cold yesterday. It’s …………… today. (a bit / warm)


a bit warmer

d. The warmer the weather the ………………. I feel. (good)



e. An average American earns ……………….. than an average Nepali. (considerably / high)


considerably higher 

f. Health care in Nepal is not as ……………… as it is in the US. (expensive)



g. I think the problem is ………………… than it seems. (far / complicated)


far more complicated 

h. You are driving very fast. Would you please drive …………? (a bit/ slowly)


a bit more slowly 

i. Your handwriting is not legible. Can you write ……………? (a bit/ neat)


a bit more neatly

C. Rewrite the following sentences with the sentence beginnings given below.

a. Kabir is less intelligent than he pretends. He is not as ………………..


Kabir is less intelligent than he pretends. He is not as intelligent as he pretends. 

b. I am busy today but I was busier yesterday. I’m not ………………


I'm not as busy as I was yesterday

c. Hari has lived in Kathmandu for 10 years but Bikram for 20 years. Bikram has ……........


Hari has lived in Kathmandu for 10 years but Bikram for 20 years. Bikram has lived far more years in Kathmandu than Hari.

d. I used to study 12 hours a day but nowadays I study only 5 hours a day. I don’t ……………


I used to study 12 hours a day but nowadays I study only 5 hours a day. I don’t study as much as I used to.

e. It’s a very good room in our hotel. In fact, it’s the …………………


It’s a very good room in our hotel. In fact, it’s the  best room in our hotel.

f. He earns 30 thousand rupees a month but spends 40 thousand. He spends …………..


He earns 30 thousand rupees a month but spends 40 thousand. He spends more than he earns.

g. There is no other mountain higher than Mt. Everest in the world. Mt. Everest is the ……………..


There is no other mountain higher than Mt. Everest in the world. Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

h. The place was nearer than I thought. It was not as ………………..


The place was nearer than I thought. It was not as far as I thought.

i. Bharat can play better than Mohan. Mohan can’t ………………..


Bharat can play better than Mohan. Mohan can’t play as good as Bharat.


Unit 8 Class 12 English

Making Comparision and Contrast

A. Complete the second sentences in each pair orally so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence. Use the word given in the brackets.

a. Nitesh thought that the party would be more exciting than it turned out to be.

The party …………………. as Nitesh had thought it would be. (not) 


The party wasn't as exciting as Nitesh thought it would be. 

b. Nimesh doesn't speak English nearly as well now as he used to.

Nimesh used to …………….. he does now. (much)


Nimesh used to speak much better English than he does now.

c. There is not much difference between your essay and mine.

Your essay is …………. mine. (very)


Your essay is very similar to mine.

d. We have similar opinions on global warming.

Our opinions on climate change ……… common. (quite)


Our opinions on climate change are quite common. 

e. The journals' titles are absolutely identical.

The journals ……………… titles. (exactly)


The journals are exactly identical with titles. 

f. Our ideas on how to change the school have absolutely nothing in common.

We ………….. on how to change the school. (different)


We are quite different in our ideas on how to change the school. 

g. Compared to his holiday, mine was luxurious. My holiday …………….. his was. (than)


My holiday is more luxurious than his was.

B. Ask your partner about the similarities and differences between things. You can use the given clues.

a. Is ...…. (exactly) the same as …....?/Are ...…. and .......… (really) identical?

b. Is …..... similar to …...... ?

c. What's the difference between …....... and ...…. ?

d. How similar are …...... and ......… ?

e. How different are …...... and …..... ?

C. Work in pairs. Take turns to compare and contrast two things in the following questions.

a. What are the differences between letters and emails?


How different are letters and emails?

b. What are the differences between living in the city and in the countryside?


How different are living in the city and in the countryside?

c. How are the houses today different from the ones in the past?


What are the differences between houses today and past?

d. What changes have you seen in the past few years in your town/village?


Is your town/village really changed in the past few years?

e. Do young and old people like listening to the same kind of radio programmes?


Are young and old people really like listening to the same kind of radio programmes?






Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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