Unit 4: Technology: Hyperloop Class 12 Exercise & Grammar | Language Development | Neb English Support


Unit 4: Technology: Hyperloop | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | NEB English Support
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Unit 4: Technology: Hyperloop Class 12 Exercise

         Neb English Support Class 12

               Class 12 English Guide

Unit: 4 Technology: Hyperloop

Table of Contents


Unit 4: Class 12 English

a. Do you know the means of transportation shown in the pictures? What are they?


Yes, I know the means of transportation shown in the pictures. They are ultra-high-speed ground as well as air transportation systems such as aeroplane, bullet train and hyperloop.

b. Do you enjoy travelling at high speed? How do you feel when you travel at high speed?


Yes, I enjoy travelling at high speed. I feel quite excited when I travel at high speed.

c. What means of transportation do you think we will be using in 50 years' time? What makes you think so?


I think we will be using hyperloop the most in 50 years' time. People will even prefer to use air transportation. The ultra-high-speed technology of hyperloop as well as its cheap cost make me think so.


Unit 4: Class 12 English

A. Choose the correct words from the box to complete the following sentences.

freight   levitation   gridlock   pneumatic
predecessor   envisioned   equivalent  
subsonic    turbulence     deceleration

a. I think that covering up the facts is …………………… to lying really.



b. If there is not a substantial move to public transport, we will have …………………… and the whole regeneration will not work.



c. Each new leader would blame his …………… for all the evils of the past.



d. We have, in fact, ……………… a better world and have made it happen.



e. The main linear actuators of the …………………… systems are cylinders.



f. The barrel was short and the bullet emerged at …………………… speed.



g. The city is said to receive two-fifths of the total……………………delivered in the country.



h. It would still take four hours to get down, in a spiral of ……………………



i. Apparently, the magician will be doing some …………………… on the stage tomorrow.



j. We might be experiencing some …………………… on this flight due to an approaching electrical storm.



B. Add three more words that are formed with the following prefixes.

a. hyper- : hyperloop,
…………….., …………….., ……………..


hypertext, hypertension, hyperspace

b. ultra- : ultrahigh,
…………….., …………….., ……………..


ultralight, ultrapink, ultabasic

c. up-: uphill,
…………….., …………….., ……………..


upcoming, upbeat, upside

d. over-: overcoming,
…………….., …………….., ……………..


overall, overcast, overdue

e. multi-: multibillion,
…………….., …………….., ……………..


multimedia, multinational, multitask



Unit 4: Class 12 English

Answer the following questions.

a. What is a hyperloop? How does it work?


A hyperloop is an ultra-high-speed ground transportation system for passengers and cargo. It could see freight and passengers travelling as high as 760mph (1,220 km/h) in a 'floating' pod that shoots through giant, low-pressure tubes, either above or below ground.

b. How is the hyperloop more beneficial than the traditional trains?


Hyperloop is more beneficial than traditional trains, as it could be quicker and cheaper than traditional high-speed trains.

c. Does the hyperloop have a successful history? How?


No, it doesn't have a successful history, as the idea of developing a hyperloop was limited to the waggon and pneumatic tubes to send mail and packages between buildings.

d. Write the contributions of Robert Goddard and Elon Musk for the development of the hyperloop.


The clear predecessor of the hyperloop is the 'vactrain' concept developed by Robert Goddard early in the twentieth century. Since then, many similar ideas have been proposed.

e. What relation does speed have with air resistance? Explain.


Overcoming air resistance is one of the biggest uses of energy in high-speed travel. Airliners climb to high altitudes to travel through less dense air and to create a similar effect at ground level. Hyperloop encloses the capsules in a reduced-pressure tube, effectively allowing the trains to travel at aeroplane speeds while still on the ground.

f. What are hyperloop capsules compared with? How are they similar?


Hyperloop capsules are compared with a Boeing 747. They are similar in that they will accelerate with the same tolerable G-forces.

g. How do the passengers feel while travelling via hyperloop? What will be done to make it luxurious?


While travelling via hyperloop, the passengers feel about the same as riding in an elevator or a passenger plane. The beautiful landscape will be displayed in the cabin, and each passenger will have access to their entertainment system.

h. Why does the writer doubt about the success of the hyperloop? What does the success depend on?


The writer doubts the success of the hyperloop because a huge multibillion-dollar investment is an unanswered question, and the projects are still very much in the pilot and experimental stages. The success of the hyperloop will vary depending on the destinations, local economics, and geography.


Unit 4: Class 12 English

a. Is the hyperloop the future of transportation or just a dream? What do you think? Justify your opinion with suitable reasons.


I think the hyperloop is the future of transportation. In the matter of high-speed land transportation, bullet trains are still on the track, serving millions of people around the world. We can't forget this wonderful invention of the bullet train (Shinkansen) by Japanese inventor Hideo Shima.

In this world, there is still competition in the matter of inventions. In the modern world, the concept of the hyperloop is unique because it is based on scientific technology. The concept of the hyperloop was invented by one of the great inventors of the 21st century, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. He invented the concept of hyperloop in the year 2013.

Hyperloop is a quite new and advanced technology of advanced mass transportation systems that is based on the simple theory of reduction of air pressure and magnetic levitation. It is an ultra-high-speed ground transportation system for passengers and cargo.

Hyperloop has benefited people a lot. It has been considered the most convenient transportation system because it saves time, money, and energy. Hyperloop is the fifth mode of transportation as well as a much-awaited system because it travels at ultra-high speed, saves 90% energy, reduces travel time by 75%, and reduces 50% of construction costs.

This transportation system has cut travel time drastically between cities. It is also cost-effective and more environmentally friendly than other transport systems currently used worldwide.
Hyperloop consists of pneumatic steel tubes that transport pods to carry people from one end of the tube to another, all at supersonic speeds. It floats inside the tubes and levitates from the ground by just a few centimetres. Hyperloop isn't just about speed; it also aims to be environmentally friendly.

Hyperloop is still in the experimental stage. Most companies around the world are ready to launch this unique transportation system. Up to now, some human-less experiments have been made. It will have provided the service by the year 2027.

b. The number of private vehicles is increasing day by day in Nepal beyond the capacity of our infrastructure. What do you think should be done to curb the ever-growing number of private vehicles? Discuss.


The number of private vehicles is increasing day by day in Nepal beyond the capacity of our infrastructure. Nepal is a small and less developed country. In the present time, most people are using their own private vehicles. It's a kind of fashion for Nepali people to ride in their private vehicles, no matter how expensive they are. The government is not against this act of the Nepali people because they believe in collecting high taxes. In the present time, we can find stuck traffic in most of the cities of Nepal.

Due to this high increase in private vehicles, the price of fuel is at a high peak. Due to the high usage of private vehicles on the roads of Nepal, there is degradation in the environmental sector. These vehicles are increasing the amount of harmful gases in the air, which is one of the serious problems for the future of Nepal. Our government seems quite backward in managing this biggest problem in our country.
I think the following things should be done to curb the ever-growing number of private vehicles:

1. We should give priority to public vehicles instead of private vehicles.

2. All private vehicles should be banned.

3. The environment should be given priority. The government should penalise those who try to pollute the environment.

4. The government should launch a high tax system for all those who have private vehicles.

5. There should be improved digital access to the public transportation system.

6. Electric public transportation systems should be more widely used.


Unit 4: Class 12 English

B. Suppose you are the General Manager of Nepal Airlines. Issue a press release on behalf of the airlines about the cancellation of flights to the mountain regions due to the poor weather condition.



RE: Cancellation of Flights, November 24, 2021, Kathmandu

ISSUED: Friday, November 24, 2021Kathmandu, Nepal

Nepal Airline would like to inform all the travelling public that our scheduled flights for Friday, November 24, 2021, have been cancelled due to inclement weather in the mountainous regions of our country. We are really very sorry for your inconvenience.

We had to make this cancellation due to excessive stormy rainfall at Bajhang Airport. Due to this bad weather, we have cancelled all our flights from Kathmandu to Bajhang. Most of the airports in Bajhag have cancelled their flights due to the bad weather.

All the passengers are kindly requested to have patience till the weather gets fine. All passengers are informed that they can travel on the same ticket that they booked for them. We will soon notify you about our flights towards Bajhang.
We would like to thank all travellers for their trust in us. We intend to provide a safe and reliable service to you consistently as we strive to be the airline of choice, connecting every destination in and outside the country.


Unit 4: Class 12 English

Subject Verb Agreement

A. Study the following examples. 

a. Neither she nor I am guilty. 

b. I am not sure whether you or he has created the trouble.

c. Either the students or their English teacher is responsible for the misinformation. 

d. Neither boiling of water with the express purpose of destroying bacteria and other parasites nor other purification methods were employed in Western civilizations. 

B. Rewrite the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.

a. The invitation is for one person. I don’t mind whether you or she (come) to the party. 


The invitation is for one person. I don’t mind whether you or she comes to the party. 

b. Neither the MPs nor the Prime Minister (have) felt regret for the party split.


Neither the MPs nor the Prime Minister has felt regret for the party split.

c. I don’t care whether he or she (win) the lottery. 


I don’t care whether he or she wins the lottery. 

d. Either the Kantipur or the Republica (be) used for the advertisement. 


Either the Kantipur or the Republica is used for the advertisement. 

e. She speaks in a strange accent. Neither I nor my sister (understand) her. 


She speaks in a strange accent. Neither I nor my sister understands her. 

f. I forgot whether the singers or the actress (be) given the Film Fair Award last year.


I forgot whether the singers or the actress was given the Film Fair Award last year.

g. Neither the tracksuit nor the pajamas (fit) me perfectly. 


Neither the tracksuit nor the pajamas fit me perfectly. 

h. Neither the gas fire nor the electric heaters (be) suitable for room heating.


Neither the gas fire nor the electric heaters are suitable for room heating.

C. This passage contains the agreement errors. Correct the subjects or verbs that don’t agree with each other. Remember to use present tense in your corrections. 

Within the state of Arizona, Rob, along with his family, move frequently, from city to city. After his arrival, one of his first tasks are to find an apartment close to work as he do not have a car. Usually, there is many different places to choose from, and he consider cost, location, and luxury. If one apartment has a washing machine and dryer and cost four hundred dollars a month, he prefer to rent it over another apartment which have significantly less rent located two blocks from a Laundromat. Rob's family never wants to live in an apartment on the thirteenth floor since all of them fears heights. He also try to choose an apartment with landlords recommended by former tenants. Everybody know that it is important to find a responsible landlord. Rob and his wife loves to cook together when both is free, so he need a spacious, well-equipped kitchen. Rob often also look for a place with an air conditioner because there is so many scorching days and nights in Arizona. Whenever Rob find a new apartment, all of his concerns disappears. He feel relieved and call his mother. Someone understands!


Within the state of Arizona, Rob, along with his family, moves frequently from city to city. After his arrival, one of his first tasks was to find an apartment close to work, as he did not have a car. Usually, there are many different places to choose from, and he considers cost, location, and luxury. If one apartment has a washing machine and dryer and costs four hundred dollars a month, he prefers to rent it over another apartment which has significantly less rent and is located two blocks from a Laundromat. Rob's family never wanted to live in an apartment on the thirteenth floor, since all of them fear heights. He also tried to choose an apartment with a landlord recommended by former tenants. Everybody knows that it is important to find a responsible landlord. Rob and his wife love to cook together when both are free, so they need a spacious, well-equipped kitchen. Rob often looks for a place with an air conditioner because there are so many scorching days and nights in Arizona. Whenever Rob finds a new apartment, all of his concerns disappear. He felt relieved and called his mother. Someone understands!


Unit 4: Class 12 English


A. Read and act out the following conversation.

Anita has invited me to her birthday party next Sunday. But, I'll be in my village with my parents that day.

She has invited me, too. And, I'll be in a meeting in Pokhara.

I'm also busy that day. In other words, none of us can go.

B. Respond to the situations below as in the example. You can use the expressions in the box to summarise.

In other words, ......…   Basically, …............
What I'm saying is, .......  In a nutshell, …......
The point I'm making is, ......…  In short, …....... To sum up, …......   To summarise, ….......


You want to know from someone about the best way to travel from Kathmandu to Pokhara. You want to do it cheaply.

A: How can I travel cheaply from Kathmandu to Pokhara?

B: The plane is too expensive. Perhaps you could go by bus. Or, cheaper still hitch-hike. On the other hand, the most convenient way is to hire a car. But, then that's expensive, too.

C: To sum up, whether you hitch-hike or go by bus.

a. You want your friends to tell you how to throw a dart in a game of darts.

A: How can I throw a dart in a game of darts? Could you please tell me about this?

B: It's so simple. Basically, while holding a dart, we have to be relaxed both physically and mentally. We have to think about our goal from a certain distance. While throwing it, we have to use three techniques: take-back, release, and follow-through. In short, we have to throw a dart while applying these three techniques while being mentally and physically relaxed.

b. You want to know from your friends about their meeting with the principal regarding the school picnic.

A: Would you like to tell me about your meeting with the principal regarding the school picnic?

B: Yes, we would. The meeting with our principal has been done perfectly. In short, he has given us permission for our picnic. He seems quite happy to hear our proposal. To sum up, we are going to have a great picnic.

c. Your sister is receiving treatment in hospital. You want the hospital staff to tell you about her condition.

A: Nurse, I would like to know about my sister's condition as a patient in Ward No. 6.

B: Don't you worry. She is fine right now. But you need to pay much attention to her health. Basically, she has been suffering from trauma. In other words, she is emotionally injured. To sum up, we must not provide mental stress to such patients. Try to make her happy most of the time.

d. Your bike is out of order. You want to know from the mechanics what actually has happened.

A: What has really happened to my bike? It has stopped all of a sudden.

B: There is nothing to worry about about this. It's a minor fault. The plug of your bike's piston is quite old and dirty. In short, the plug on this bike must be replaced. Basically, the bikes stop due to dirt in the plugs. To sum up, you need a new plug for your bike. It will run smoothly after changing the plug.

e. You missed a class and thus want to know about the assignment from your friends.

A: Will you please let me know about today's assignment by our science teacher?

B: Sure, we'll. Our teacher has provided us with both practical and theoretical assignments. In short, the assignment is from page 63 of our book. To sum up, we need to write an assignment from page 63, both practical and theoretical, by Monday.

C. You are going to conclude a speech on the need of modern technology in Nepal. How do you actually sum up your speech?

》I actually sum up my speech in this way: It is very essential for all of us to apply modern technology in our lives. In short, modern technology is our life. Every Nepali citizen should utilise modern technology for their bright future. To sum up, I would like to request that all of you change your living styles through the tremendous usage of modern technology.



Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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