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Unit 3: Sports: Euro Cup 2020 | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | NEB English Guide
Unit: 3: Sports: Euro Cup 2020
a. What does UEFA stand for?
UEFA stands for the Union of European Football Associations.
b. How many teams competed in Euro Cup 2020?
Twenty four teams competed in Euro Cup 2020.
c. Which is your favourite team? Why?
My favourite team is Italy because this football team has unique strategies to win the games.
Unit 3 Class 12 English
A. Many English words are from other languages, such as redemption in the news above comes from the Latin word redimere, a combination of re(d)-,meaning “back” and emere, meaning “buy”.
Now, find out the origin and the meaning of the following words from the text.
penalty, major, stadium, trophy, defender, anthem, dejection, jubilant, record, suave, podium, tournament, reminiscent, incredible, savor
Origin: This word "penalty" is derived from the Old French word "penalite" and Medieval Latin word "penalitatem".
Meaning: A punishment for violating rules of procedure.
Origin: The word "major" is derived from the Latin word "maior" (earlier *magios).
Meaning: Greater in dignity, rank, importance, significance, or interest.
Origin: The word "stadium" is derived from the Latin form of the Greek word "stadion"
Meaning: A venue where sporting events are held.
Origin: The word "trophy" is derived from the Old French word "trophée"
Meaning: An object, usually in the form of a statuette, cup, or shield, awarded for success in a competition or to mark a special achievement.
Origin: The word "defender" is derived from Anglo-Norman defendour, from Old French defendeor.
Meaning: One of the players whose primary task is to prevent the opposition from scoring.
Origin: The word "anthem" is derived from Middle English anteme, from Old English antefn, antefen and Old French antiene.
Meaning: A choral or vocal composition, often with a religious or political lyric.
Origin: The word "dejection" is derived from From Old French dejection, from Latin dejectio.
Meaning: A low condition; weakness; inability.
Origin: The word "jubilant" is derived from Latin jūbilāns shouting for joy, from jūbilāre.
Meaning: Making a joyful noise.
Origin: The word "record" is derived from Middle English -, borrowed from Old French record, from recorder.
Meaning: An item of information put into a temporary or permanent physical medium.
Origin: From Middle English suave, borrowed from Latin suāvis; doublet of sweet.
Meaning: Charming, confident and elegant.
Origin: The word "podium" is borrowed from Latin podium, from Old Greek πόδιον, from diminutive of πούς ("foot").
Meaning: Little Foot
Origin: The word "tournament" is derived from Old French torneiement.
Meaning: A series of games; either the same game played many times, or a succession of games related by a single theme; played competitively to determine a single winning team or individual.
Origin: The word "reminiscent" is derived from Latin reminīscēns, present participle of reminīscor, from re- + min-, base of me-min-isse, akin to mens; see mental, mind, etc.
Meaning: Suggestive of an earlier event or times.
Origin: The word "incredible" is borrowed from Latin incrēdibilis, from in- ("not") + crēdibilis ("worthy of belief"), from crēdō ("believe").
Meaning: Too implausible to be credible; beyond belief; unbelievable.
Origin: The word "savor" is derived from Middle English savour, from Old French savour, from Latin sapor, from sapiō ("taste of, have a flavor of").
Meaning: The specific taste or smell of something.
B. Consult a dictionary and define the following terms related to cricket.
two sets of three sticks standing in the ground with pieces of wood lying.
One of three small wooden posts which together with the bails make the wicket and that the fielding team attempt to hit with the ball.
One of the white lines drawn on the pitch to show different areas of play; especially the popping crease, but also the bowling crease and the return crease.
An edge or line marking an edge of the playing field.
a hit by the player of cricket for six runs.
A ball, bowled by a leg-break bowler, that spins from off to leg (to a right-handed batsman), unlike a normal.
A leg bye is a run scored by the batting team if the batsman has not hit the ball with their bat, but the ball has hit the batsman's body or protective gear.
One of the two wooden structures at each end of the pitch, consisting of three vertical stumps and two bails; the target for the bowler, defended by the batsman.
An over in which no runs are scored.
That point of the ground on which the ball pitches or lights when bowled.
Powerplay is the term given to a set of overs with special fielding rules during a limited-overs cricket match.
A ball delivered by a bowler in violation of any of the various laws; the extra run then credited to the batting side; the signal, with an arm outstretched, then made by the umpire.
C. Pronunciation
Divide the following words into two groups in accordance with their pronunciation /aɪ/ and /eɪ/.
fine, shine, rein, rail, why, sleigh, height, bright, might, snail, break, fake, five, freight, eight, game, claim, friend, sight, white, gait, by, hail, frame
1. /ai/
fine, shine, bright, might, five, why, sight, white, by
2. /ei/
rein, rail, sleigh, break, freight, eight, game, claim, friend, gait, hail, frame
Unit 3 Class 12 English
A. State whether the following sentences are True or False or Not Given.
a. England was the champion of 1996 World Cup Football.
b. Italy bagged its first Euro Cup trophy in the Euro Cup 2020.
c. The English team has won more trophies in International Football than Italy.
d. According to the captain of the English team, the pain of losing a match has lasting effects.
e. The Italian team was playing in their home ground.
f. The goalkeeper of the Italian team had performed the best than any other players in the match.
B. Answer the following questions.
a. Why does the reporter say that England is waiting to heal its half-century long pain?
The reporter says that England is waiting to heal its half-century-long pain because England lost many matches after their first win in the year 1966 AD. They are waiting to heal, which means they are waiting to recover their losses.
b. How did the Italian players react as soon as they became the champions?
As soon as they became the champions, Italian players reacted by shouting on live TV, directly mocking England's football team's anthem. They shouted a line that was "It's coming, Rome," just against England's anthem, which was "It's coming home."
c. Why did Saka and Sancho cry?
Both Bukayo Saka and Jadon Sancho from the English football team cried because the English football team lost their match against Italy in the Euro Cup 2020 in the penalty shootout.
d. Penalty shoot-out has long been a bitter experience for the English team. Why?
Penalty shoot-outs have long been a bitter experience for the English football team because the team has lost its major games through penalty shootouts most of the years. The penalty shooters from the English football team have failed many times in history.
e. State the contribution of Roberto Mancini to the Italian football.
Roberto Mancini brought unprecedented achievements to the Italian football team. Due to his contributions, the Italian football team was able to achieve a national record of winning 34 games as well as the title of the greatest football team in Europe. He was the person whose efforts had brought the Italian team from the worst state to the top. Through his efforts, he was able to bring great confidence to the Italian football team and lift the trophy of the Euro Cup 2020.
f. How does the Euro Cup final 2020 remind the audiences of the 2018 World Cup semifinals? How?
The Euro Cup final 2020 reminds the audiences of the 2018 World Cup Semifinals with the same strategic plan of the Italian players against English players that the English players applied against Croatian players during the 2018 World Cup Semifinals. During the game, Italy's midfielders controlled possession, and England was forced to drop deep and have nine or ten outfield men behind the ball, as was generally predicted before the match. In the 2018 World Cup semifinals, England scored early against Croatia and then spent the rest of the game chasing its opponent's midfield before losing in extra time due to a recent Croatian goal.
Unit 3 Class 12 English
a. "Every match is a new opportunity. Put its failure behind and start over again." Does this apply to the Italian football team when we analyse their performance from their failure to qualify for the World Cup Football to their victory in the European Championship in these four years?
Yes, the above-mentioned line applies to the Italian football team when we analyse their performance from their failure to qualify for the World Cup Football to their victory in the European Championship in these four years.
The Italian football team was the team of hope, which brought unprecedented changes and achievements in the history of world football. This team seemed quite hopeful within these four years. This team kept on improving its playing strategies constantly. The Italian football team moved ahead with certain aims, leaving disparity behind. The players as well as the coach of the team kept on doing their hard struggles to achieve the trophy of champions. For all the entire team, their way to the destination of champions was full of hardships and struggles. They kept on moving ahead with full enthusiasm, without any feeling of regret. For them, every single game was a new opportunity. They improved their games and strategies after matches. For them, the game of football was culture itself.
The Italian football team had faced many defeats. They were even not able to qualify for the World Cup. They kept on playing clubs' matches most of the time. Their hard work and team spirit led them to glorious wins in the top-division national football leagues. They won most of the national matches and even became successful enough to qualify for the World Cup tournament. This team was full of excellent and qualified members. Every single member of the team was quite brilliant at management, strategic planning, and physiotherapy. Within these four years, the team was well guided by the team coach. Behind the success of this team, coach Roberto Mancini was the one who contributed to it. The team had been drastically changed under his guidance. He did a fine job, giving his full dedication to his team.
This football team had proved themselves by winning the European championship and qualifying for the World Cup. In the present time, the Italian football team has become the role model for various teams in the world. After the European Championship, the Italian football team has been followed by a huge number of fans around the world.
b. When a team plays in a home ground, it gets a huge support from the audience in the stadium. Does this support them to win the match or the players may feel pressure to win and thus lose? What do you think?
I think the concept of the home ground, as well as a supportive audience, has both pros and cons. Games and their results are always uncertain.
In games, players show their keen enthusiasm to perform their games in front of their supportive audience on their home grounds. Players feel quite confident playing their games on their home ground with their cheering and supporting audience. Yes, this aspect supports the players a lot. But various situations in the games may bring unexpected results for the players too.
On the ground, the support of the audience for the team players means a lot. A homely environment and supportive audience make the environment of the games quite different.
Sometimes, players even feel pressure to play their games on their home ground, along with their supportive audience. Players don't want to lose their games in front of their audience. They feel mental pressure about the result of the game. They have pressure to win their games against their rivals on their home ground. They start playing with nervousness, committing mistakes most of the time. In this manner, they lose their games and face the criticism of their fans and media.
Unit 3 Class 12 English
A. The following passage does not have any punctuation marks. Punctuate it with appropriate punctuation marks.
a lot of people try to get away from home for a few days each year for a holiday there are lots of things to choose from and where you go depends on how much money you have got to spend ideas for holidays include relaxing on a beach exploring cities and skiing one man wanted to go to australia but thought hed never have enough money to get there he will go to his brothers caravan at the seaside instead a young woman wanted to go clubbing in Ibiza as shed heard its a lot of fun
A lot of people try to get away from home for a few days each year for a holiday. There are lots of things to choose from, and where you go depends on how much money you've got to spend. Ideas for holidays include relaxing on a beach, exploring cities, and skiing. One man wanted to go to Australia but thought he'd never have enough money to get there. He'd go to his brother’s caravan at the seaside instead. A young woman wanted to go clubbing in Ibiza as she'd heard it was a lot of fun.
B. Write a news story based on the given information.
Argentina beat Brazil to win Copa America
by Reuters
first major title in 28 years
first medal for Lionel Messi in a blue-and-white shirt
Di Maria goal gave them a 1-0 win over Brazil
15th Copa America equal to Brazil
Brazil piled on the pressure but they could not get an equaliser
Brazil - more aggressive in the second half
Argentine defence - outstanding
Argentina beat Brazil to win the Copa America.
by Reuters
After 28 years, Argentina won their first major title on Saturday with the help of Di Maria's goal. The goal provided them with a 1-0 win over Brazil. Argentina was able to lift the trophy of the 15th Copa America.
The victory of Argentina over Brazil was a particular triumph for Barcelona striker Lionel Messi, who picked up his first medal in a blue-and-white shirt after more than a decade of the club and individual honours.
Di Maria started for just the second time in the Copa, and he justified his selection by scoring the opener midway through the first half.
After the goal, there was more pressure on the players in Brazil. The game seemed quite exciting in the second half. The players of Brazil started playing aggressively in the second half, but even with five strikers on the field, they could not get an equaliser against an Argentine defence protected by the outstanding De Paul.
Brazil seemed helpless until the end. Argentina played quite tactically, defending Brazil.
C. We can see many countries competing to host the great international sport events like the World Cup Football. But, there are arguments that hosting an event like World Cup Football can have more problems than benefits. What do you think? Write your arguments in favour or against hosting an international sport event in about 500 words.
I think that hosting an international sports event like the World Cup itself is a task with both pros and cons. Most countries in the world compete to get this chance to host the event in their lands. The task of hosting a world sports event isn't minor. Getting this kind of task is a matter of pride, not only for the country itself but also for its people and neighbouring countries. It takes a long time for any country to manage itself. World sports events like the World Cup of Football occur once every four years. To achieve this glorious chance of hosting events, the countries must meet various requirements. The country that gets a chance to host such kinds of events has to make a lot of preparations for years. The hosting country must have good economic conditions as well as geographic locations.
Following are some of the pros of hosting world sports events:
▪︎ The country gets developed where hosting takes place. The government tries its best to build new infrastructure and improve different locations in the country. They try to make their country look more attractive. The citizens of the country get employment to work for the country.
▪︎ The team of the hosting country gets a fine chance to play in the World Cup Tournament. This team automatically qualifies for the World Cup. The hosting country and its team get a chance to represent themselves with pride in front of the world. For the whole nation, this event is a kind of festival.
▪︎ There is a fine increment in the economic status of the country. They get more revenue than their investments. They get various rights regarding revenue generation. They sell tickets, merchandise, copyrights to radio and television broadcasts, etc. Foreign currencies are seen in the country in huge portions.
▪︎ The national team of the hosting country gets a chance to shine on the world stage. They get the chance to present their game's capabilities. The people of a hosting country get a chance to meet the foreign people in their country.
▪︎ World sports events like the World Cup of Football inspire countries' people. The awareness of people towards games also increases.
Following are some of the cons of hosting a world sports event:
▪︎ Getting this glorious chance of hosting a world sports event may bring unfortunate events too. The hosting country might get threats from terrorists.
▪︎ The country has to be responsible for the security of every foreign visitor in their country. There should be proper security for fans and players. The officials of the hosting country have to be on duty most of the time.
▪︎ The chances of crime are quite high in such kinds of events. There must be high security all the time, and the government has to bear a lot of controversies.
Unit 3 Class 12 English
Determiners and quantifiers
A. Observe the following examples.
a. People have unethical justifications for all their actions.
b. Americans throw away around 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour.
c. Around 2 billion litres of human and industrial wastes are dumped into it each day.
d. All of these create the illusion of complete pleasure at our fingertips, with none of the hassles of pain.
e. If a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the whole ocean does not become dirty.
The words in bold face in the examples above are called determiners and quantifiers. We use determiners to identify things (the book) and we use quantifiers to say how much or how many (a few drops). The following table shows the determiners and quantifiers in English.
Definite article: the
Indefinite articles: a/an
Possessives: my, your, his, her, our, their, its
Demonstratives: this, that, these, those
Interrogatives: which, what
Quantifiers: any, all, many, much, most, some, a few, a lot of, a little, none and the cardinal numbers (one, two, three), etc.
B. Complete the following sentences with much, many, few or little.
a. He is an introvert. He has got very………….friends.
b. I am busy in preparing my examinations. I have very………..time to give to you.
c. The entire winter season was dry this year. We had ………….rain.
d. Our town has almost been modernized. There are …… old buildings.
》a few
e. You can come today. I haven’t got ……………to do.
f. The party was crowded. There were too ……..people.
g. How ………. photographs did you take while you were in Switzerland.
h. There was…………….traffic so I came in time.
i. Can I borrow …………..books from you?
》 some
j. Mohan can’t be a good teacher. He has…………patience.
C. Put each or every in the following sentences.
a. The party split into three factions, ……………. faction headed by a former prime minister.
b. Leap years occur…………..four years.
c. ……...…. parent worries about their children.
d. We had a great time in Singapore. We enjoyed ……............ minute of our time.
e. I could catch the main idea of his speech but I didn’t understand ……........ of his words.
f. In Nepal, ………...…. motorcycle rider should wear a helmet.
g. You must read ……....... of these books for the exam.
D. Rewrite the following sentences using all of, most of, none of, both of or some of.
a. Your garden is superb. …………….. the flowers are beautiful.
》 All of
b. Do you know Bharat and Kamal? Of course, I do. …............. them are my friends.
》 Both of
c. I bought a box of apples thinking it would be cheaper but I was mistaken. …………… them were rotten.
》Some of
d. When I was in the town, I asked some people for direction but ………………. them were able to help me. I had to call my friend.
》none of
e. We all were soaked in the rain because ……….. us had carried an umbrella.
》none of
f. My father is healthy in his seventies but he feels isolated because …………….. his friends are dead now.
》most of
g. All of the tourists are not Chinese …………….. them are Korean too.
》Some of
E. Choose the best word from the brackets to complete the sentences.
a. Give me …...….. money I owe you. (which/the/a/an)
b. I want ……...… boat which would take me to the island. (the/an/those/a)
》 a
c. Could you pour me ……....… water, please? (many/few/these/some)
d. Only ……..... employees know how important the project was. (a few/a little/little/few)
》a few
e. He was looking for ……........... umbrella. (an/a/those/these)
f. ...........………. water was evaporated due to excessive heat. (A large number of/ A lot of/ A large amount of/Many)
》A large amount of
Unit 3 Class 12 English
Asking for and giving reasons
A. We use the following expressions to ask for and give reasons in a discussion. Study them carefully.
Asking for reasons
Why do you say ..............…?
What makes you say .........…?
How come you think ….........?
Why do you think …..........?
Why do/did you …............?
Why don't/didn't you ...........…?
Why is/are/was/were .............…?
Giving reasons
I say that because …..........
Well, because .............
Well, in my experience ................
I think so as ….............
Well, …...... so as to ...............…
The reason was that .............…
Let me explain …..............
B. Read and practise the following conversations.
▪︎ Why didn't you come to the party last night?
▪︎ Well, because I was tired after the flight.
▪︎ Sir, I'm resigning.
▪︎ Why? What makes you think that?
▪︎ The main reason is that I want to spend more time with my family.
C. Work in pairs. Have similar conversations in the situations given below.
a. You are on a ride with your friend who does not allow you to drive the bike?
I: Why don't you allow me to drive the bike, my dear?
Friend: Well, because the road ahead is quite narrow and sloppy, with many bends.
b. One of your friends did not go to the cinema with you last Saturday.
I: Why didn't you go to the cinema with me last Saturday?
Friend: The reason was that my brother had been quite sick at home.
c. Your friend thinks that technical education is more important for Nepal.
I: Why do you think that technical education is more important for Nepal?
Friend: Let me explain it. Technical education provides instant jobs for people.
d. One of your friends is of the opinion that health facilities should be free in the country.
I: What makes you say that health facilities should be free in the country?
Friend: I say that because health is quite an important aspect for all. It should be well-cared for and cured for free all the time.
e. A friend of yours has the opinion that politicians are in politics to serve themselves.
I: What makes you say that politicians are in politics to serve themselves?
Friend: Well, because politicians are so corrupt and selfish by nature.
f. Your friend thinks that people are basically selfish and greedy.
I: Why do you think that people are basically selfish and greedy?
Friend: I think so, as I have seen many people and experienced their different behaviours.
g. Your teacher suggests you to check the bill before you pay it.
Teacher: Why does your teacher suggest you check the bill before you pay it?
Well, because he wants to see me active while buying something.
D. Use the following prompts to express your own opinions as conversation starters in pairs. Ask for and give reasons for the opinions.
I think our newspapers ….............
a. do a great job reporting the news.
b. do a poor job reporting the news.
a. I think our newspapers do a great job reporting the news.
: Why do you think our newspapers do a great job reporting the news?
: Well, because our newspapers provide all the people with various important news.
b. I think our newspapers do a poor job reporting the news.
: Why do you think our newspapers do a poor job reporting the news?
: I think so, as I have read various bad comments from the readers on our website related to our newspapers.
In my opinion, taxes should be …..............
a. reduced.
b. spent to help those in need.
a. In my opinion, taxes should be reduced?
: What do you think taxes should be reduced for?
: Well, because people in Nepal are suffering due to the high taxes.
b. In my opinion, taxes should be spent to help those in need.
: Why do you think taxes should be spent to help those in need?
: Well, because most of the people are suffering from starvation in this country.
I think crime is …............
a. on the rise.
b. on the decline.
a. I think crime is on the rise.
: Why do you think crime is on the rise?
: Well, because everywhere there is news related to criminal activities.
b. I think crime is on the decline.
: Why do you think crime is on the decline?
: Well, because there is no news in the newspaper related to the crime.
In general, I think art museums are …........
a. pretty useless.
b. really important.
a. In general, I think art museums are pretty useless.
: What makes you think art museums are pretty useless?
: Well, because nowadays, art museums seem empty most of the time.
b. In general, I think art museums are really important.
: What makes you think art museums are really important?
: Well, because art museums provide people with knowledge related to art.
I think the medical care in our country is …....
a. getting better.
b. worse
a. I think the medical care in our country is getting better.
: Why do you think the medical care in our country is getting better?
: Well, because poor people are getting medical care for free.
b. I think the medical care in our country is worse.
: Why do you think the medical care in our country is worse?
: Well, because doctors in our country are money-minded.
Overall, our education system is …............
a. excellent.
b. in need of major improvements.
a. Overall, our education system is excellent.
: Why do you say our education system is excellent?
: Well, because our education system is based on authentic knowledge.
b. Overall, our education system is in need of major improvements.
: Why do you think our education system is in need of major improvements?
: Well, because it has nothing to do with the practical lives of people.
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