Unit 19: Migration and Diaspora: Dediasporization: Homeland & Hostland | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | Neb English Support

Unit 19: Migration and Diaspora: Dediasporization: Homeland & Hostland | Grammar & Exercise | Language Development Class 12 | Neb English Support
Neb English Support Class 12

Unit 19: Migration and Diaspora: Dediasporization: Homeland & Hostland | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | NEB English Guide

Unit 19: Migration and Diaspora Dediasporization: Homeland and Hostland


Unit 19 Class 12 English

a. What is the approximate number of Nepali people living in foreign countries?


The approximate number of Nepali people living in foreign countries is about three million.

b. How long can people continue speaking their native language in foreign countries?


People can continue speaking their native language in foreign countries as long as they wish to. It depends on their interests in their native traditions and cultures.

c. Are people likely to permanently return to their homeland once they have settled down in the foreign countries? Give reasons.


No, people aren't likely to permanently return to their homeland once they have settled down in their foreign countries. It is because people who have settled down on foreign lands get far better opportunities and facilities in the foreign lands than in their homelands.


Unit 19 Class 12 English

A. Find the words from the text that have the following meanings. The first letter of the word has been given. 

a. s……………… a person who resides temporarily in a place 


b. t……………… existing in or involving different countries


c. r……………… a sum of money sent in payment or as a gift


d. a……………… the process of allowing somebody to become a part of a country or community


e. m……………… a name or a word that is not appropriate or accurate


f. c……………… to give somebody an award or a particular honour or right


g. d……………… not active or growing now but able to become active 


h. p……………… the act of treating somebody in a cruel and unfair way


B. Consonant sounds

a. A consonant sound is one in which the air flow is cut off, either partially or completely, when the sound is produced. There are twentyfour consonants in English. They are given in the table below. The representing letters are underlined below.

b. Pronounce the following words. What sounds do the underlined letter(s) represent?

ribbon, filled, phone, often, ghost, who, back, edge, jellyfish, Christmas, acclaim, spell, summer, sink, tongue, happy, wrong, sun, batter, five, why, yellow, treasure, cheese, shark, thief, feather.


ribbon 》/ˈɹɪbən/

filled 》/fɪld/

phone 》 /fəʊ̯n/

often 》/ˈɒf(t)ən/

ghost 》 /ɡəʊst/

who 》/huː/

back 》 /bæk/

edge 》/ɛdʒ/

jellyfish 》 /ˈdʒɛliˌfɪʃ/

Christmas 》/ˈkɹɪsməs/

acclaim 》/ə.ˈkleɪm/

spell 》 /spɛl/

summer 》/ˈsʌmə(ɹ)/

sink 》/skɪn/

tongue 》/tɒŋɡ/

happy 》 /ˈhæpiː/

wrong 》 /ɹɒŋ/

sun 》/sʌn/

batter 》 /ˈbætə(ɹ)/

five 》 /faɪv/

why 》/waɪ/

yellow 》/ˈjɛl.əʊ/

treasure 》 /ˈtɹɛʒɚ/

cheese 》/t͡ʃiːz/

shark 》 /ʃɑɹk/

thief 》/θiːf/

feather 》/ˈfɛð.ə(ɹ)/

c. The vocal cords vibrate while producing voiced sounds. The initial sound /dʒ/ in jam is a voiced sound. The vocal cords do not vibrate while producing voiceless sounds. The initial sound /p/ is a voiceless sound. Pronounce the sounds in the above chart. While pronouncing notice whether the vocal cords vibrate or not and categorize them into voiced and voiceless sounds.

Phoneticists (who study the sound of the human voice) divide consonants into two types: voiced and voiceless. Voiced consonants require the use of the vocal cords to produce their signature sounds; voiceless consonants do not. Both types use the breath, lips, teeth, and upper palate to further modify speech.

Voiced Consonant Sounds 》b, d, g. j, I, m, n, ng, r, sz, th, v, w, y, z

Voiceless Consonant Soundsch, h, f, k, p, s, sh, t, th.

Write the number of syllables and mark the stressed syllable of the following words.

certificate, holiday, zoology, photographic, geography, curiosity, mechanically, characteristics, examination, negotiation, paraphrase, paradoxically, territoriality, 



Unit 19 Class 12 English

A. Match the first halves of the sentences (a-g) with their second halves (i-vii). 

Write the numbers in the box. One has been done as an example.

a. The term assimilation has been used iii. as an analytical tool in the study of integration of the migrants.

b. It is essential to study the process of diasporization v. in order to understand the description of immigration. 

c. The definition of dediasporization vii. focuses only on the aspect of relocating migrants to their homelands. 

d. The dediasporization process for migrants who have not given up their native citizenship 》 vi. requires them only to return to their homeland. 

e. Some countries grant full citizenship to the returneesiv. while some countries bar them from certain rights. 

f. It is surprising that i. in some countries the returnees are referred as diaspora. 

g. The role of a state in dediasporization ii. reveals its identity. 

B. Answer the following questions.

a. According to the author, what are the three aspects of migration?


According to the author, the three aspects of migration are as follows:

▪︎  The forward motion

▪︎  The migrants themselves

▪︎  The backward motion

b. Which aspect of migration is neglected by the researchers?


Pluridimensionality of the dedasporization phenomenon aspects of migration is neglected by the researchers.

c. What is ‘dediasporization’? 


Dediasporization is the process by which a diasporic subject either reacquires homeland citizenship by returning to the sending country, effects generational assimilation in the host state, or reinscribes himself or herself in the transnational circuit of the transnation-state.

d. Why is the role of the state important in dediasporization?


The role of the state is important in diasporization because it intervenes in the process to assure itself of the eligibility of such a person to reacquire state citizenship, with all of its privileges and obligations. It provides a frame of reference for this type of legal intervention.

e. How is Chinese diaspora in the Caribbean different from others?


The Chinese diaspora in the Caribbean is different from others as they are considered foreigners by the local Caribbean citizens, though they have been living there for more than a century.

f. Why is it difficult to regain citizenship after returning to the homeland?


It is difficult to regain citizenship after returning to the homeland because the integration of citizens into society depends on the state's bestowal of legal legitimacy. Some countries have the provision of abdicating one's citizenship, and there are many difficulties in the procedures for regaining citizenship.

g. What do the Germans feel towards the returnees from Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan? 


The Germans feel quite alienated towards those returning from Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. They have distinct feelings for the citizens, groups and the rest of the people living in society.

h. How are the returnees’ activities in Israel different from that of other countries?


The returnees' activities in Israel are different from those in other countries, as these individuals assert full citizenship, form their own political parties, grant freedom, and advocate for the rights of other citizens of the country.

i. What is the role of the individual in dediasporization? 


The role of the individual in dediasporization is to assimilate with the people and culture, maintain citizenship, and help in the nation-building process.


Unit 19 Class 12 English

a. Many Nepali people are living in foreign countries now and they are known as Non-Residential Nepalis (NRNs). The NRNs are asking for dual citizenship rights. Do you think the Government of Nepal should address their demands? 


It's clear that many Nepali people are living in foreign countries now, and they are known as non-resident Nepalis (NRNS). Here in our country, Nepal, people are leaving the country and settling their lives in foreign countries. This is the present trend.

For the sake of better job opportunities, security, finance, a prosperous future, etc., people have been on the way to leaving their homeland and making their fine settlement in foreign countries. They keep on doing this for the betterment of their family members.

The lives of Nepali people in foreign countries are different. In foreign lands, some Nepali people have the citizenship of the foreign countries and have lived their settled lives over there.

These NRNs have been asking for dual citizenship rights while living their lives in foreign countries. They want to have dual citizenship in their lives. But, in the context of Nepali laws, our government doesn't allow people to live with dual citizenship. If one needs the citizenship of Nepal, he or she must leave his or her earlier citizenship. In this way, most Nepali people have lost their citizenship in Nepal after getting foreign citizenship.

I don't think the government of Nepal should address their demands. This is absolutely an illegal act that shouldn't be supported by the government of any country. The Nepalese people who are living in foreign countries have extreme love, affection, and a feeling of patriotism towards their country, but their demands aren't right at all. No one should be promoted in the matter of acquiring dual citizenship in two countries. If these non-resident Nepalese people really want to have Nepali citizenship, they have to leave the foreign lands and live in their own motherland. They have to work within their own country for the development of their own country. I think the government of Nepal should create various fine opportunities for the people of Nepal to work within the country. This is the best solution for the settlement of this particular problem.

b. The NRNs celebrate festivals like Teej, Dashain, Lhosar, Id and Holi in foreign countries. What do these celebrations signify?


NRNs refer to those people who are living in foreign countries. These people are spending their lives far away from their motherland. They have left their motherland and settled their lives in foreign lands for better opportunities and a better future. Nepali people always try to settle their lives in foreign lands for the betterment of their families. The process of permanent residence is quite difficult in foreign lands, but people keep on trying to get citizenship in foreign lands. Most Nepali people have become successful in getting citizenship in foreign lands.

Being non-resident Nepalis as well as living quite away from their homeland, they miss their country so much. They have a deep attachment to their country. They have feelings of love, affection, and patriotism towards their country. We have heard about NRN activities in foreign lands regarding their Nepali cultures and traditions. They enjoy their festivals in foreign lands with much joy and enthusiasm. They celebrate festivals like Teej, Dashain, Lhosar, LD, Holi, and many other festivals in foreign countries. All these celebrations of NRNs signify the following things related to the NRNs:

▪︎  Their love and affection for their country.

▪︎  Their deep feelings of patriotism.

▪︎  Their interest in their beautiful cultures, traditions, rituals, norms and values, festivals, etc.

▪︎  Their Nepali unity in foreign lands.


Unit 19 Class 12 English

A. The following words and phrases are used in interpreting data of different types of charts and diagrams. Study the words/phrases and put them in the right column.

stay constant, decline, collapse, grow, go up to, boom, peak, fall, drop, dip, go down, reduce, level up, decrease, remain stable, rise, no change, remain steady, stay, maintain the same level, crash, plunge, climb, increase, plummet 


Upward Trend 》grow, go up to, boom, peak, level up, rise, climb, increase 

Downward Trend 》decline, collapse, fall, drop, dip, go down, reduce, decrease, crash, plunge, plummet 

Stable Trend 》stay constant, remain stable, no change, remain steady, stay, maintain the same level

B. Interpret data in the following charts and graphs using appropriate words and phrases. Make comparisons when required. 

a. Nepali student migration

》The given bar diagram below shows the migration trend of Nepalese students from 2009–10 up to 2018–19. From 2009 to 2010, the number of migrant students was 26948, but in the following two years, 2010/11 and 2011/12, the trend of migration decreased and reached 10258 students. This is the lowest number of migrant students from 2009 to 2019. From 2012–13 on, the number of migrant students started growing at a slow pace each year. The migrated number of students increased steadily every year and reached 63259 students in the years 2018–19.

Hence, the present data shows that the number of students increased at a high pace in the initial year of 2008–2009 and then suddenly dropped. It began gradually increasing between 2011 and 2012. This number reached 63259 eventually in the years 2018–19. The year 2018–2019 had the highest number of migrant students, and the lowest number of migrant students was in 2011–2012.

b. Reasons for internal migration

》The present pie chart below shows the reasons for the internal migration of people within the country. The pie chart presents various reasons, like marriage, other family reasons, new business, study or training, looking for work, an easier lifestyle, and other reasons for people's migration within the country. It presents marriage as the most responsible factor behind the internal migration of people within the country. About 54% of people migrate within the country due to marriage.

Another family factor is the reason for the lowest rate of migration of people within the country. This shows that other family factors are also responsible for the migration of people within the country. The second biggest factor responsible for the migration of people is an easier lifestyle. People migrate from one place to another and similarly migrate from rural areas to urban areas for the same reasons.

Above all, the given graph shows how the number of migrants increases as their demands aren't fulfilled by the place they are residing, and it presents marriage and an easier life as the main responsible factors for the migration of people inside the country.


c. Trend of death of migrant workers

》The following graph lines show the trend of deaths among migrant workers from 2008/09 to 2017/18. It has been shown that the number of migrant workers' deaths in 2008/09 was 77, which is the lowest number of workers' deaths in the years. Then, the death toll of migrant workers increased steadily and rose to 1006 in 2014–15. On top of this, the death rate of migrant workers was the highest. It increased in numbers from 77 to 419, 566, 648, 722, 877, and 1006 in the years 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14, and 2014/15, respectively. After that, the death rate of migrant workers dropped by two years in 2015/16 and 2016/17. The death toll of migrant workers in 2017/18 was 821.

Overall, it shows how the number of deaths of migrant workers increased initially, then decreased, and finally increased to some extent. The highest number of deaths of migrant workers was 1006 in 2014/15, and the lowest number of deaths of migrant workers counted was 77 in 2008/09.


Unit 19 Class 12 English

Would / Used to

A. Make sentences from the table below using used to / didn’t use to as shown in the example.

Example: She used to travel a lot but now she rarely leaves her town. 


1. She used to travel a lot but now she rarely leaves her town.

2. She used to be lazy but now she works hard.

3. She didn't use to like junk food but she eats momo and noodles these days.

4. She used to have a pet but it died last year.

5. She used to be a school teacher but now she is a professor.

6. She used to have many friends but now she has limited friends.

7. She did not use to read many books but she reads a lot books.

8. She didn't use to take coffee but now she drinks coffee.

9. She used to go to parties a lot but now she doesn't attend parties.

Study the following sentences and find the differences between them. 

a. My grandfather used to smoke but he doesn’t smoke now. 

b. I would always talk to my grandfather whenever I had a problem

Now, complete the sentences with used to or would.

a. My sister ……………. have short hair when she was young. 

used to

b. We …… have lunch in the same school café when I was in middle school. 

used to

c. My father ………… play badminton before he had backbone problem. 

used to

d. When I was very young, I …….(not) like milk. 

didn't use to

e. She ……. call me after class for a chat. 


f. My mother ……… (not) wear glasses when she was at the university. 

didn't use to

g. When I was a child, we …………..live in a village. 

used to

h. On Sundays, My mother …………..wake up and go to the temple. 


i. How many friends ……………..have in class ten? 


j. My father ……….always read me bedtime stories before bed. 



Unit 19 Class 12 English

Narrating Past Events

A. Read the narration of a past event and present it as your own event.

One afternoon in late June, as the sun streamed into the ground, I sat gazing at my teachers. It was the Farewell Programme for the students who had just completed SEE. I was also a member of that batch. The teachers seemed so happy and excited. Our head teacher delivered a short speech and extended congratulation to us from side of the school family. It was a surprise for me! I was invited to speak something on behalf of our batch. I don’t know what I did speak there. It was a memorable day for me. I feel vibration in the body, as I remember it. 

B. Make a presentation in the class narrating the following past events.

Make a presentation in the class narrating the following past events.

a. Welcome programme for new-comer

》After the SEE result, we were eagerly waiting for new students in our school. As students in class 12, we were quite excited to celebrate their welcome ceremony. We had already made all the essential arrangements in the hall room. We had asked our three students to stay at the gate to select the new faces who were in dresses. Our students selected all the new students and took them to the hall room, where we were all waiting for them. As they entered the hall room, we all stood up, playing a fine song related to welcome. We cheered a lot and even greeted them all. We introduced ourselves to them and also asked them to introduce us one by one. We cordially asked them to sit on the chairs and start our function. We started our function with a variety of speeches from both teachers' and students' sides. We performed drama and dances on the stage for their entertainment. We provided them with fine snacks along with sweet items. The function was as wonderful as I expected it to be. All the newcomers felt so pleased with our hospitality. They enjoyed that particular day a lot.

b. The Children's Day

》 On the occasion of "Children's Day', our teachers decided to take all of us on a march around the whole town. It was so much fun and a matter of pride for all of us who participated in the march as students. We started our march with our unique school dresses, along with the cards and banners regarding the children's rights. During March, we kept on using slogans related to children's rights. On the way, people gathered a lot to see our rally pass. Our teachers guided us around the town. They even provided us with a fine lunch. We enjoyed that march a lot.

c. Birthday party

》I was invited to one of my best friends birthday  parties.After buying a proper gift, I went to my friend’s birthday party on Friday evening. When I reached there, I felt so shy because there were lots of new faces. I moved directly towards my friend and wished him a glorious birthday along with a gift. There were many boys and girls whom I hadn't seen or met before. All of them were enjoying their dance. In that crowd of dancing people, I felt uneasy and moved towards the corner to sit. My friend Shyam came in front of me and offered me a beer. Actually, I had never taken beer before. But he forced me to take one bottle. After having that beer, I was totally out of control. Then, I also ate so much delicious food—milkshakes, ice creams, and various other tasty things. After that, I joined the disco. At the disco, I danced as much as I could. At the end of the party, Shyam himself took me to my home. The next day, he informed me that I had danced for 3 hours continuously with a girl named Jenny, a girl whom I didn't know.

d. Marriage ceremony

》I had attended many marriage ceremonies in my life before. During my winter vacation, when I moved to one of my friends' countrysides, I got a chance to attend a marriage ceremony, where I found a quite different tradition of the marriage ceremony. We both moved into marriage. I got a chance to see a variety of new things in that marriage. Before the marriage ceremony, the bride had to perform a cultural dance in front of the groom's team. At the end of the dance, the groom had to join the bride's dance. That dancing part was very important before the marriage ceremony. Next, the wonderful part was the game of hide and seek among both bride and groom. In that game, the groom had to hide himself, and the bride had to find him. The game was quite interesting and wonderful. I couldn't help laughing. The bride found out about the groom within 3 minutes. Actually, the groom mistakenly hid himself in a toilet. These two new things that I saw in that marriage were quite unforgettable for me.

e. The first air travel

I think air travel is the fastest and safest way to travel. Most of us have travelled by air most of the time.

I always remembered my first air travel in my life. There was a long waiting process at the airport. It took almost 3 hours for me to board the plane. While waiting, I was quite nervous. After boarding the plane, I was confused about how to select my seat. I was helped by an air hostess. She showed me my seat and even the proper way to tie the seat belt. When the plane ran on the runway and took off, I was thoroughly scared. The air hostess encouraged me to be calm with her smiling tone. A bit later, I felt relaxed to see the mountains and clouds through the window. I felt strange when the aeroplane moved ownward. Finally, after one hour of air travel, we landed at the airport in Pokhara. My first air trip was so memorable.

f. Educational excursion

》Our class students decided to move to Godawari for their educational excursion. We collected money from each student for that educational excursion. We booked a bus to move there. From Sindhupalchok to Godawari, it took us 4 hours to reach our destination. When we reached there, it felt quite wonderful to find the natural beauty of the place. We roamed different places in Godawari and enjoyed ourselves a lot. We clicked a lot of group photos in different beautiful places. The Japanese Garden was so beautiful to watch. The cottages were quite beautifully decorated in Godawari. Most of us got a chance to see a variety of flowers and butterflies. We started making notes regarding different things that we saw in Godawari. We prepared our breakfast and lunch there and had a lot of fun. That day, we reached our homes quite late.

g. Holiday trip

We all went on a vacation this summer. We decided to spend our time in one of the most famous and beautiful places in Nepal, which is Manakamana. We started our journey from Kathmandu via minibus. The journey by minibus was quite a joyful experience for all of us. It took us about three hours to reach the place by bus from Kathmandu. Our bus journey was so interesting. We got a chance to see the scenic beauty on the way. The flow of the river Trisuli made us feel good all the time. When we reached the gate of Mankamana, we felt as if our hearts were purified. The garden in Mankamana was outstanding. We took out our cellphones to click our photos there. The most interesting part of this trip was the ride in the cable car. It was much fun to have a ride on the cable car. As in my case, I really felt scared and excited on my first trip. My brothers encouraged me not to be afraid. When I was in the cable car, I felt tremble on my feet. When I got down, I was shocked to see the crowd of people. The place was fully crowded. We found a lot of foreign tourists over there. People were standing in a queue for their turns to worship Mankamana Mai. After worshipping the goddess Mankamana, we moved to a very fine restaurant to have our meals. After having a meal, we passed the time taking photos again. The scenery around Mankamana Temple fascinated us greatly. We felt extremely relaxed after being there. My brothers prepared their diaries about that wonderful trip. That trip had really given us extreme pleasure. That trip was a worthwhile experience for me.

h. Road accident

》Last night, while I was sitting in a restaurant with my friends, I saw a terrible road accident involving a passenger bus that was going to Kathmandu from Pokhara. The registration number of the bus was Na.3 Kha 781. We heard a loud collision and even the cries of people. We rushed there. We found the bus in the very worst condition. The bus was stuck on the pine trees down the hill. That accident took place near Krishna Hill’s turning in about 9 o'clock. We found out most unconscious people inside the bus. We tried our best to take the injured people out of the bus. A bit later, the police also arrived and started their rescue task. Police took out 20 dead bodies from the bus. I felt hopeless to see the dead bodies. I helped most of the injured people by providing them with first aid. I even called an ambulance to help the injured people. That was one of the most horrible experiences of my life.






Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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