Unit 17: War and Peace: Train to Pakistan | Language Development Class 12 | Neb English Support

Unit 17: War and Peace: Train to Pakistan | Language Development Class 12 | Neb English Support
Neb English Support Class 12

Unit 17: War and Peace: Train to Pakistan | Language Development Class 12 | NEB English Guide

Unit 17: War and Peace: Train to Pakistan


Unit 17 Class 12 English

a. Have you ever travelled by train? Share your experiences. 


Yes, I have travelled by train many times. I travelled by train while I was in India.

b. What does it feel like while travelling on a crowded train like in the second picture?


It feels quite uneasy while travelling on a crowded train, like in the second picture. It is difficult even to get space to stand on a crowded train.


Unit 17 Class 12 English

A. What do the underlined words in the following sentences mean? Tick the best answer.

a. The shouting and clamour would continue until long after the train had left the station.

i. clapping

ii. music

iii. a loud and confused noise

iv. train whistle


iii. a loud and confused noise

b. There were dozens outside perched precariously on footboards holding on the door handles. 

i. not securely

ii. carefully

iii. joyfully

iv. prudently 


i. not securely

c. The book had gone round the compartment for scrutiny.

i. appreciation

ii. examination

iii. entertainment

iv. religious ritual


ii. examination

d. But Jugga had run away, absconded

i. committed suicide

ii. killed a fellow friend 

iii. surrendered

iv. hid somewhere secretly 


iv. hid somewhere secretly 

e. His countrymen’s code of morals had always puzzled him, with his anglicized way of looking at things. 

i. characteristics of Indians

ii. characteristics of English 

iii. characteristics of Pakistani

iv. characteristics of Aryans 


ii. characteristics of English

f. Iqbal felt a little silly for coming out with these platitudes

i. commonplace remarks

ii. philosophical remarks 

iii. critical remarks

iv. doubtful remarks 


iv. doubtful remarks

B. Many words have been borrowed in English from different languages.

Find the meaning of the following words which are borrowed from Hindi language.

veranda, khaki, pashmina, pajamas, pukka, pundit, avatar, bangle, cheetah, guru, jungle, karma, nirvana, shampoo, raita

veranda 》A gallery, platform, or balcony, usually roofed and often partly enclosed, extending along the outside of a building.

khaki 》A strong cloth of wool or cotton, often used for military or other uniforms.

pashmina 》Cashmere: a soft fabric made from this wool.

pajamas 》Clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in, usually consisting of a loose-fitting shirt and pants/trousers.

pukka 》Superior or of high quality; first-class.

pundit 》A learned person in India; someone with knowledge of Sanskrit, philosophy, religion and law; a Hindu scholar.

avatar 》the incarnation of a deity, particularly Vishnu.

bangle 》A rigid bracelet or anklet, especially one with no clasp. 

cheetah 》A distinctive member (Acinonyx jubatus) of the cat family, slightly smaller than the leopard, but with proportionately longer limbs and a smaller head. It is native to Africa and also credited with being the fastest terrestrial animal.

guru 》A Hindu or Sikh spiritual teacher. 

jungle 》A large, undeveloped, humid forest, especially in a tropical region, that is home to many wild plants and animals; a tropical rainforest.

karma 》A force or law of nature which causes one to reap what one sows; destiny; fate.

nirvana 》Complete cessation of suffering; a blissful state attained through realization of sunyata; enlightened experience.

shampoo 》A traditional Indian and Persian body massage given after pouring warm water over the body and rubbing it with extracts from herbs.

raita 》A condiment used as a dip or sauce in the cuisine of southern Asia, made from seasoned yogurt.

C. Add the given suffixes to the following words to make new words. Notice whether ‘e’ is retained or dropped. 

a. change + -able / -ing / -ed / - less 

》changeable, changing, changed, changeless

b. time + -ly / -ing / -ed / -less

》 timely, timing, timed, timeless

c. notice + -able / -ing / -ed

》 noticable, noticing, noticed

d. praise + -worthy / -ing / -ed 

》praiseworthy, praising, praised

e. home + -less / -ing / -ly

》homeless, homing, homely 

D. Study a list of English vowels with their example words and write more example words with the help of a dictionary.


Unit 17 Class 12 English

Answer the following questions.

a. Why did Iqbal want to sleep in the afternoon?


Iqbal wanted to sleep in the afternoon because he had spent the night sitting on his bedroll in a crowded third-class compartment of the train.

b. How did people react with each other in the train?


People reacted in a very loud way to each other on the train. People argued most often and cried over one another as the train was overcrowded with passengers.

c. Why did the book Iqbal was reading bring commotion in the compartment?


The book Iqbal was reading caused commotion in the compartment because he was reading an English book. The people in the compartment thought that reading the book in the English language was wise, praiseworthy, and prestigious, as they did not know the language.

d. Why did Iqbal have to give clarification with his personal details?


Iqbal had to give clarification with his personal details about his background because the travellers on the train came to know that he was the only person who had good knowledge of the English language. They thought of him as an intellectual and wise person, and therefore, they insisted that he reveal his background.

e. Who was Meet Singh and what did he report to Iqbal?


Meet Singh was a priest of Gurudwara, and he reported to Iqbal about the murder of a fellow villager, perhaps by a village's dacoit named Jugga.

f. How according to Meet Singh, was Jugga Sing different from his forefathers?


According to Meet Singh, Jugga Singh was different from his forefathers in the sense that his forefathers were also dacoits like him in the past. They never looted or harmed their own village or its people. They used to keep the villagers safe from dacoits. But Jugga robbed the people of his own village and even killed the people of his village. He killed one of the people in his village.

g. How does the author show contradiction in Meet Singh's character?


The author shows contradictions in Meet Singh's character in two ways:

▪︎  Meet Singh was not bothered by Jugga's act of murdering a fellow villager.

▪︎  As a priest of Gurudwara, he even wanted to swear on the holy Granth to defend Jugga from the crime of murder. According to him, Jugga was praying at Gurudwara at the time of the murder.

h. Who was Hukum Chand and how did he succeed in his career?


Hukum Chand was the Deputy Shahib. He was known as Nar Adami. He succeeded in his career by pleasing his Shaibs most of the time. Due to his acts of pleasing his Shahibs, he kept on getting promotions one after another.


Unit 17 Class 12 English

a. Iqbal is addressed as Babu Sahib by general folk simply because he knew English. Are Nepali people who can speak English taken with respect? Discuss the importance of learning English in the Nepali context. 


In this essay, "Train to Pakistan," the author, Khuswant Singh, presents the main character, Iqbal, as a prestigious person, as he knows English well. On the train, he is addressed as Babu Sahib by generals simply because he knows English. He is given respect by all due to his talent for the English language. He is regarded as an educated person simply because he has an English book with good reading skills.

Yes, Nepali people who can speak English are treated with respect. In our country, Nepal, the English language is given more priority by the people. Most people in Nepal try to learn the English language. Those people who have good knowledge of the English language are regarded as educated people. They are given much respect in different sectors.

In Nepal, people start learning the English language through their early education. In schools, colleges, and universities, as well as academic institutions, the English language is a compulsory subject. Every Nepali parent expects their children to be good in the subject of English. In terms of its usage, the English language has been used as the medium of communication in different sectors of Nepal. The English language has great importance in everyone's life. People in Nepal use the English language in banks, railway stations, bus stations, airways, educational sectors, medical sectors, private sectors, etc. English is a lingua franca and is used in trade and commerce both nationally and internationally. Above all, a Nepali who speaks English and has extensive knowledge is widely respected in society.

b. Do you agree with Iqbal’s comments on crime and punishment? In your view, what should the state, society and individuals do for peace and order in social lives? 


Yes, I agree with Iqbal's comments on crime and punishment in the essay "Train to Pakistan." In my view, the state, society, and individuals should do the following things for peace and order in social institutions:



The state plays a very important and responsible role in maintaining peace and order in social life. The state has to implement various rules and regulations for the sake of peace and order in social life. It should focus attention on the security of social lives by minimising crime and violence from the state. The state must have strict rules against crime and criminals. It should have proper management of punishment for the criminals too.



Next, society also plays a very important role in maintaining peace and order in social lives. In society, every family has to be united to make their society a fine and secure place to live in. There should be a special team in society that takes care of peace and order. This team has to perform its duty for peace and order management and determine the punishment for the criminals. With the help of common people and the police, this team should try to move ahead for the sake of society and its peace and order.


Individuals are the main ones who play a vital role in maintaining peace and order in social lives. Individuals in any society must be responsible towards their society. They should have a deep attachment to and love for their places. All of them try their best to make their place free from violence and crime. They should be careful about their social lives. They should be cooperative with each other and practice fighting against crimes and criminals by being united. Individuals should always be ready to develop their places with perfect peace and order.


Unit 17 Class 12 English

A. Meet Singh says Jugga a badmash. There can be such people in your locality, too. Write a paragraph describing him / her. 


Yes, there is a badmash in my locality too. His name is Kalman (Thaggi). He is quite famous in my locality for his bad deeds. He is good for nothing. He is quite deceitful in his manners and acts. He is a tall guy with immense power. In my locality, including mine, every single person, no matter how old or young, male or female, got beaten by him. He is remembered by my locality's people all the time. Thaggi is the main topic of discussion for people. Every single day, we get a chance to hear the news of his bad deeds in our locality. During the nighttime, Thaggi walked in the street drunk. With his loud voice, people locked their doors, fearful. Thaggi is cursed by people each time. He is a carefree person who seeks his betterment at every opportunity. He is the only guy in the village, and he seems healthy and powerful.

B. You may have travelled by bus or train. During your travel, you might have got different experiences. Write a letter to your friend describing about your unforgettable journey.


Date: 2078/7/10

Tekanpur: 6

Tripura Sundari Rural Municipality

Sindhupalchok (Nepal)


Dear Anil,

Sweet remembrance

I'm feeling too glad to receive your letter this morning. I'm fine here. I hope that you are also fine there. I felt so happy to know about your promotion to your job. Today, I would like to share with you one of my unforgettable journeys by train in India in this letter.

Last Friday, we were in India to attend a marriage ceremony. We got a chance to travel by train from Delhi to Uttarakhand while returning from there. The journey by train was 9 hours. We felt too excited to travel by train. After buying tickets for us, we boarded the train. Our compartment was packed with a lot of passengers. There was quite a noisy environment. We managed our seat numbers and sat accordingly. The passengers were sitting on the compartment's floor. The temperature inside the compartment was so high. On our first trip on the train, we felt quite uneasy due to the crowd inside the compartment. When the train rumbled and started to move on the track, we felt quite afraid. The train ran on the track at its average speed. We expected much speedy travel on that train. Later on, we knew that it was a local train that had an average speed. It kept stopping at many small stations on its way. We had a great time looking out the window at the scenery outside. After 9 hours of travel, we reached our destination. It was quite a good experience for all of us travelling on the train for the first time.

Now, I'm going to stop my pen. More discussion will be in our next letter. I'm getting late for my job. Okay, take care. Bye, bye

Your best friend

Ram Tiwari


Unit 17 Class 12 English

Past simple, past continuous, past perfect and past perfect continuous tense

A. Study the following sentences. 

a. My head was aching again, so I went home early.

b. Sanita was teaching to the children while Nitesh was washing up.

c. He worked hard all his life.

d. Just as I was getting into the bath the fire alarm went off.

e. Before he stopped laughing, everyone had left.

f. The film had already begun by the time we got to the cinema.

g. She had returned to the house where she had been staying with friends.

B. Here is an extract from a newspaper article about a missing boy (Ronish) and his father (Naresh). Decide why different forms of past tenses were used.

Naresh said that Ronish, who used to enjoy riding with him on his bike, followed him as he set off. He told the child to go back to his mother, and rode away. Meanwhile, Ronish’s mother thought that Ronish had gone with Naresh; Naresh believed Ronish had stayed behind. It was only some hours later, when Naresh returned, that they realized Ronish had vanished. 

C. Fill in the gaps with the suitable form of the verb in the brackets. Use past simple/past continous/past perfect tenses. You may need to use negative too.

It was Sunday afternoon. I ……….. (watch) a cookery programme on TV when I …………. (realise) how hungry I was. But of course, I was hungry; I ………. (eat) anything since lunch, and I …….. (run) a race in the morning. “Biscuits!” I …….. (think). My mother …………. (give) me a jar of delicious home-made biscuits.

I ….. (go) into the kitchen, …… (open) the fridge and ……. (pour) some milk in a big glass. Then I …….. (look) for the kitchen chair but it …… (be) there: somebody ……. (take) it away. And there were no biscuits in the biscuit jar: somebody …… (eat) them all! I was sure I …… (put) the jar there the previous day and I ………. (eat) only one cookie. It was very strange. 

A few minutes later, I ………. (drink) my glass of milk when I ………. (hear) a loud noise coming from the dining room. I …….. (go) there quickly and I ……. (open) the door. I couldn’t believe my eyes. An enormous monkey …….. (eat) the biscuits excitedly on the kitchen chair.


It was Sunday afternoon. I was watching (watch) a cookery programme on TV when I realised (realise) how hungry I was. But of course, I was hungry; I hadn't eaten (eat) anything since lunch, and I had run (run) a race in the morning. "Biscuits !" I thought (think). My mother had given (give) me a jar of delicious home-made biscuits.

I went (go) into the kitchen, opened (open) the fridge and poured (pour) some milk in a big glass. Then I looked (look) for the kitchen chair but it wasn't (be) there: somebody had taken (take) it away. And there were no biscuits in the biscuit jar: somebody had eaten (eat) them all! I was sure I had put (put) the jar there the previous day and I had eaten (eat) only one cookie. It was very strange. 

A few minutes later, I was drinking (drink) my glass of milk when I heard (hear) a loud noise coming from the dining room. I went (go) there quickly and I opened (open) the door. I couldn't believe my eyes. An enormous monkey was eating (eat) the biscuits excitedly on the kitchen chair.

D. Rewrite the following sentences correcting the mistakes.


Did you ever see her before you met her at school? 

Had you ever seen her before you met her at school? 

a. She played the flute and then she had sung in their choir. 


She had played the flute and then she had sung in their choir. 

b. I borrowed Rima’s car. Had you known about it? 


I had borrowed Rima’s car. Had you known about it? 

c. After the lesson had finished, we run out of school. 


After the lesson had finished, we ran out of school. 

d. Had you be there? - Yes, the previous year. 


Had you been there? -Yes, the previous year. 

e. Did you liked my article published in the Himalayan Times yesterday? 


Did you like my article published in the Himalayan Times yesterday? 

f. I recognized him because I saw him before. 


I recognized him because I had seen him before.


g. I hadn’t gone out because I hadn’t finished my homework. 


I didn't go out because I hadn’t finished my homework. 

h. We had done nothing like this at that time. 


We did nothing like this at that time.

i. It was quite difficult. I had had no idea what to do. 


It had been quite difficult. I had no idea what to do. 

j. As far as I’d known, she had always had some pets. 


As far as I knew, she had always had some pets.


k. When I met Jim, he was already a soldier for three years. 


When I met Jim, he had already been a soldier for three years.

l. He had gone to the coffee because somebody had told him. 


He went to the the coffee because somebody had told him. 


Unit 17 Class 12 English

Making announcements

A. Study the following announcements and practise them turn by turn. 

a. Pre-boarding announcement Good afternoon. May I ask for your attention, please? This is the pre-boarding announcement for the Silk Air flight to Singapore Flight No. 56B. We are now inviting the business class passengers, passengers with small children, and the passengers requiring special assistance to proceed for boarding. Please, have your boarding pass and identification ready. You are requested to proceed to gate No. 3. Thank you!

b. Final boarding announcement Your attention, please. This is the final boarding call for passengers of the Silk Air, Flight No. 56B to Singapore. All the remaining passengers are requested to proceed to gate No. 3 immediately. The flight departs on time. Thank you!

B. Here are some useful expressions used in making an announcement. Study them.

a. Attention, please.

b. Can I have your attention, please?

c. Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make. 

d. I’d like to make an announcement. 

e. Here’s an announcement from the Prime Minister. 

f. I’d like to announce that our space mission is a success.

C. How will you make announcements in these situations? Work in small groups.

a. You are the chief judge of the beauty contest and have to announce the final results.


Attention, please. Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make. Today, here in this beauty contest, I would like to make an announcement regarding the best and most beautiful lady in our beauty contest. As we know, we select the contestants according to the votes that they receive from their audience. After counting all the votes and including my points, I have come to this wonderful result. So, today in this beauty contest, the top candidate is Miss Radha, the number one beautiful lady in our contest. A big round of applause. 

b. You are the secretary of a community club. Make an announcement about the decisions taken by the board meeting. 


Can I have your attention, please? Ladies and gentlemen, as the secretary of this community club, I would like to make an announcement about the decisions taken by the board meeting. It's really a very wonderful occasion for all of us. I hope that the decisions that our board members have taken will certainly bring a smile to your faces. I would like to inform you that our board meeting has cancelled all the taxes of its members. It has even promised to provide a budget for sports events this year.

c. People are at a party. You’ve to attract their attention about sudden change in the schedule. 


Ladies and gentlemen! May I have your attention, please? As the host of this party, I would like to make an announcement about a change in the schedule. As far as I know, most of us are eagerly waiting for our chief guest or our health minister at this party. Due to the flight delay, he is 3 hours late. He will be here after 10 p.m. only. I would like to request that you all enjoy the party and wait three more hours to meet our chief guest. Thank you very much.

d. You’re the ground staff of Nepal Airlines. Make an announcement to the passengers about the delays in the flights.


Ladies and gentlemen, I'm on the ground staff of Nepal Airlines. I would like to make an urgent announcement regarding your flights from Kathmandu to Pokhara. All the passengers from Kathmandu to Pokhara are kindly requested to wait for a few more hours for their flights. All the flights from Kathmandu to Pokhara are delayed due to the bad weather. Due to the foggy weather, we are unable to take flights. I would like to apologise for your inconvenience. 





Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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