Unit 13: History: After the World Trade Centre | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | Neb English Support

Unit 13: History: After the World Trade Centre | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | Neb English Support
Neb English Support Class 12

Unit 13: History: After the World Trade Centre | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | NEB English Guide

Unit 13: History: After the World Trade Centre


Unit 13 Class 12 English

a. What do you see in the given pictures?


In the given pictures, we see two different pictures of the twin towers of the World Trade Centre of the USA. In the very first picture, we see the fine condition of the towers, whereas in the second picture, we see the terrible condition of towers under attack.

b. Have you heard/read about September 11, 2001 attack on the twin towers in the USA? If yes, share your ideas to the class.


Yes, I have heard or read about the September 11, 2001, attack on the twin towers in New York, USA.

The twin towers' attack was so terrible that it affected most Americans as well as people around the world. The attack by the terrorists during that time created a fearsome condition all over the USA.

This attack is commonly called 9/11. The attack was made by al-Qaeda against the USA. In that attack, nearly 3,000 people were killed. The terrorists made their attacks through planes. 


Unit 13 Class 12 English

A. Match the words with their definitions/meanings. 

a. passion 》iv. any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate 

b. surveillance 》viii. continuous observation of a place, person, group, or ongoing activity in order to gather information

c. integrity 》x. the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished

d. avuncular 》i. like an uncle

e. livelihood 》ix. a means of supporting one’s existence

f. fascination 》ii. powerful attraction

g. innovation 》vi. an idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new

h. panorama 》v. an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive area in all directions

i. resilience 》iii. the power or ability of a material to return to its original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched

j. evacuation 》vii. the removal of people or things from an endangered area

B. Define the following professionals. One has been done for you.

architect, civil engineer, mechanical engineer, aerospace engineer, automobile engineer, electronic engineer, electrical engineer, computer engineer, food engineer, chemical engineer, biomedical engineer. 


An architect is an engineer who designs buildings and advises in their construction.

Civil Engineer:

A civil engineer is an engineer who designs and oversees the construction of public works.

Mechanical Engineer:

A mechanical engineer is an engineer who designs, produces, and operates machines.

Aerospace Engineer:

An aerospace engineer is an engineer who designs, tests, and manages the manufacturing of aircraft.

Automobile Engineer:

An automobile engineer is an engineer who designs, manufactures, and cares for vehicles.

Electronic Engineer:

An electronic engineer is an engineer who designs, develops and manufactures electrical equipment.

Electrical Engineer:

An Electronic engineer is an engineer who creates, designs and manages electricity.

Computer Engineer:

A computer engineer is an engineer who evaluates, designs and maintains computer hardware and software systems.

Food Engineer:

An food engineer is an engineer who ensures the safety and efficient processing, packaging and delivery of food items to stores.

Chemical Engineer:

A chemical engineer is an engineer who develops and designs chemical manufacturing processes.

Biomedical Engineer:

A biomedical engineer is an engineer who develops new equipment for improving human health.

C. With the help of your teacher or a dictionary, pronounce these words. What vowel sounds do they contain? Make a list of them.

but, cut, sun, lust, fun, gun, run, jump, bulb, blood

top, lot, job, sob, box, bomb, dog, hot 

the, ago, again, alike, father

caught, bought, thought, taught, 

naught, sought, born, torn

bird, first, fur,  turn, girl, sir, firm, germ, learn, verb


but 》/bʌt/

cut 》 /kʌt/

sun 》/sʌn/

lust 》/lʌst/

fun 》/fʌn/

gun 》/ɡʌn/

run 》/ɹʌn/

jump 》/dʒʌmp/

bulb 》 /bʌlb/

blood 》/blʌd/

Used vowel sounds in the above words: /ʌ/

top 》/tɒp/

lot 》/lɒt/

job 》/d͡ʒɒb/

sob 》/sɒb/

box 》/bɒks/

bomb 》/bɒm/

dog 》/dɒɡ/

hot 》/hɒt/

Used vowel sounds in the above words: ɒ /

the 》/ðə/

ago 》 /əˈɡoʊ/

again 》 /əˈɡɛn/

alike 》/əˈlaɪk/

father 》/ˈfɑːðə(ɹ)/

Used vowel sounds in the above words: ə /

caught 》 /kɔ(ː)t/

bought 》/bɔːt/

thought 》/θɔːt/

taught 》/tɔːt/

naught 》/nɔːt/

sought 》/sɔːt/

born 》/ˈbɔːn/

torn 》/tɔːn/

Used vowel sounds in the above words: / ɔː /

bird 》 /bɜːd/

first 》/fɜːst/

fur 》/fɜː(ɹ)/

turn 》/tɜːn/

girl 》/ɡɜːl/

sir 》/ˈsɜː(ɹ)/

firm 》/fɜːm/

germ 》/d͡ʒɜːm/

learn 》/lɜːn/

verb 》/vɜːb/

Used vowel sounds in the above words: / ɜ: /


Unit 13 Class 12 English

Answer the following questions.

a. Where were Frank and Nicole employed?


Frank and Nicole were employed at the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in the USA.

b. How does the author describe Frank's attachment to the twin towers?


The author describes Frank's attachment to the Twin Towers by stating that Frank would talk about the Twin Towers with absorbed fascination. The twin towers were both a livelihood and a passion for him.

c. How did the two families become intimate with each other?


The two families became intimate with each other with the help of their children.

d. What, according to Nicole, did Frank think of the towers?


According to Nicole, Frank thought that the twin towers were an incredible human feat. He was amazed by the scale, magnitude, innovative design, and efficient use of materials of the towers. He repeatedly said that they were built to take the impact of a light aeroplane.

e. Why did Frank want to help the people in the tower after the attack?


Frank wanted to help the people in the tower after the attack because there were people on their floor who had been hurt due to the blast.

f. Why did Frank not follow Nicole's request even after knowing that the building was on fire?


Frank did not follow Nicole's request even after knowing that the building was on fire because there were injured people on their floor, and he hoped to help the injured people on their way to a safe place without hurting himself.

g. Who did Frank call from the building after the attack?


After the attack, Frank called his sister, Nina, who lived on West 93rd Street in Manhattan, from the building.

h. How did Nicole feel after the collapse of the first tower?


After the collapse of the first tower, Nicole felt it was the beginning of a nuclear war. There was complete silence, and she felt in the middle of a fog that was as blindingly bright as a snowstorm on a sunny day.

i. Were Frank's children serious as soon as they heard the news of their missing father? Why?


Frank's children weren't serious as soon as they heard the news of their missing father because they turned their attention towards their uninterrupted games away from fear and worry.


Unit 13 Class 12 English

a. Many innocent people lose their lives in ruthless attacks every year. What do you think the governments should do to protect their people from such attacks and make the world a safer place to live? Discuss with your friends.


In the present world, most innocent people have become victims of ruthless attacks. These ruthless attacks have snatched innocent people's lives too. In the present world, terrorism has taken its place everywhere. Due to terrorism, life on this planet isn't secure. The sole cause behind all these attacks is the concept of political and religious identity. These concepts have divided people into different groups who work against the concept of humanity. These concepts have increased enmity between people around the world. Terrorism in the world is at its height. The attack on 9/11 can be taken as the best example of terrorism. Nearly three thousand people lost their lives in that attack.

Terrorists keep on making such ruthless attacks time and again for the sake of their own political and religious identity, their rights, etc. The government of any nation must think about this serious problem for the security of its citizens. It's the prime duty of the government of any nation to secure their people from such ruthless attacks by terrorists.

I think governments should do the following important things to protect their people from such attacks and make the world a safer place to live:

▪︎  Governments should implement strict rules and regulations against terrorism.

They must have strict monitoring mechanisms to identify terrorists.

▪︎  They should launch various awareness programmes against terrorism for common citizens.

▪︎  They should encourage the citizens by providing them with ways to secure their lives during times of crisis.

▪︎  They should motivate people not to move on the wrong tracks against humanity.

▪︎  All the nations and their governments must be united to root out terrorism around the world.

b. Revenge and violence are the integral parts of the history and civilization. They can’t be ignored, only managed. Do you agree or not with this statement? Present your logic.


Revenge and violence are integral parts of history and civilization. They can't be ignored; they can only be managed. Yes, I agree with this statement. By revenge, we mean the act of hurting someone in return for hurting someone. It is associated with injury and damage. On the other hand, violence is the use of physical force for the purpose of harming or killing. So revenge and violence are the two integral parts. One cannot be separated from the other. Instead of seeking revenge, a spirit of forgiveness is very essential to stopping the violence. The concept of revenge only has disastrous consequences. Revenge for hurt, insults, anger, hatred, jealousy, envy, or shame leads to more violence. Revenge can be seen not only in humans but also in animals. But it is not as harmful as humans. For the sake of revenge, humans use both physical force and weapons. This is an animal tendency that cannot be eradicated. But it has been managed. By spreading the spirit of brotherhood, the need for peace and harmony, and making forgiveness the norm, we can manage both revenge and violence. The governments, as well as the people of the world, must be united to manage these concepts. It's the responsibility of humans to make this planet secure to live on.


Unit 13 Class 12 English

A. Write a description of an event that you have recently witnessed.


                  Road Accident

Last night, I witnessed a terrible road accident involving a passenger bus that was going to Kathmandu from Pokhara. The registration number of the bus was Na.3 Kha 781. The accident took place at 9 p.m. The bus collided with a big pine tree near Krishna Hill’s turning. In that collision, 20 people were killed on the accident spot, and 17 people were seriously injured. The injured people were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. According to the police report, the main cause of that terrible accident was careless driving as well as overspeeding. The bus driver escaped from the accident spot. The police are still on their duty of identifying the dead. The transportation company has promised to pay compensation to each dead person's family.

B. Human life does not pass as one expects. You might have also gone through different but memorable incidents. Write an essay on 'An Unforgettable Event in my Life' in about 500 words.


        An Unforgettable Event in my Life

There are numerous events that I have experienced and witnessed in my life. These events are directly connected with my life's ups and downs. I have experienced both good and bad events in my life. I can still remember many events of my life, but the one that I will never forget is the riot during the time of political unrest in Nepal. During the insurgency period, I witnessed a terrible event in front of my eyes and became successful in making a narrow escape from the spot.

During the evening, when I was in the market area of my locality, I saw a huge crowd of people running here and there. All the people in the market seemed quite panicked. A bit later, people started attacking each other with different kinds of weapons. I even heard the sound of guns. I saw people tearing other people apart ruthlessly with swords. I couldn't believe my eyes. I tried to hide myself in one of the corners, but people started burning the houses. A group of people with weapons approached me. I felt so afraid and started running as fast as I could. The people also started following me with terrible weapons. I jumped off the road in the fields and tangled in the bushes. The people looked for me there for some time and returned from there. I spent my whole night in those bushes. I had a very narrow escape from that event. That event is really an unforgettable event of my life.


Unit 13 Class 12 English


A. Look at the following examples. Which parts of speech do the words in bold belong to?

a. She was born in Basel Switzerland and met Frank while studying design in New York. Frank’s offices were on the 88th floor of the tower. 

b. My wife and I were befriended by Frank and Nicole in 1999. At about noon, we took the children to Fort Green Park. 

c. He suddenly saw Sue across the room.

d. I’d seen them walking along the road past my window several times before.

e. The castle sat in the mountains above the town.

f. She stood among all her friends in the room and felt very happy.

g. He sneezed during the performance.

h. You can’t catch a big fish with a small rod like that.

i. Do not throw stones at the dogs. They may bite you.

B. Complete these sentences with the correct prepositions.

a. The relationship ………..the two boys has changed significantly over the past few years.



b. In Nepal, many girls get married ………..an early age.



c. I’m not ………..the mood for such silly games.



d. There were no security personnel………..duty at that time.



e. The new smartphone is similar ………..the one I bought a few years ago.



f. My dad insisted ……….. taking the later train.



g. People ……….. ambition always try to achieve their goals, no matter what happens.



h. Mr Jenkins has been disabled all his life as a result …….. a childhood illness.



i. We bought the TV because it was ……….. sale.



j. She has no understanding ……….. how computers really work.



k. I gave him my new T-shirt in exchange ……….. a few cigarettes.



l. The company is run ……….. two people who hardly ever meet.



m. All the celebrations and parties were called ………… because of the tragic accident.



n. There was a great need ……….. volunteers at the site of the crash.



C. Complete the following text with correct prepositions.

What are we seeing here? One very real possibility is that these are the educational consequences of the differences......... parenting styles that we talked about ………..... the Chris Langan chapter. Think back to Alex Williams, the nineyear-old whom Annette Lareau studied. His parents believe………......concerted cultivation. He gets taken………...........museums and gets enrolled…….....…..special programs and goes ……….....summer camp, where he takes classes. When he’s bored……...…..home, there are plenty of books to read, and his parents see it as their responsibility to keep him actively engaged ……..the world ……..him. It’s hard to see how Alex would get better……..reading and math …….. the summer.


What are we seeing here? One very real possibility is that these are the educational consequences of the differences in parenting styles that we talked about in the Chris Langan chapter. Think back to Alex Williams, the nine-year-old whom Annette Lareau studied. His parents believe in concerted cultivation. He gets taken to museums and gets enrolled in special programs and goes to summer camp, where he takes classes. When he's bored at home, there are plenty of books to read, and his parents see it as their responsibility to keep him actively engaged in the world for him. It's hard to see how Alex would get better at reading and math in the summer.

Simple future, future continuous, future perfect and future perfect continuous

A. Study the following sentences. Notice the verb forms in bold.

a. She will win the competition.

b. She will be waiting when we arrive.

c. I will have finished this work by next week.

d. I will have been living here for one-year next month.

B. Make sentences from the given clues as stated in brackets.

a. Who/pass the exam? (future simple)


Who will pass the exam?

b. How/you/get home? (future continuous)


How will you be getting home?

c. I/come later. (future simple)


I'll come later.

d. She/catch the train by 3 pm. (future perfect)


She will have caught the train by 3 PM.

e. It/rain tomorrow. (future simple)


It will rain tomorrow.

f. John/sleep at 4 am. (future continuous)


John will be sleeping at 4 am.

g. How long/you/see your boyfriend when you get married? (future perfect continuous)


How long will you have been seeing your boyfriend when you get married?

h. It/rain in Kathmandu next week. (future continuous)


It will be raining in Kathmandu next week.

i. How long/you/work here when you retire? (future perfect continuous)


How long have you been working here when you retire?

j. He / not / finish the cleaning by the time she gets home. (future perfect)


He won't have finished the cleaning by the time she gets home.

C. Complete the following sentences with the correct future tense form of the verbs in the brackets.

a. It ………… (snow) in Brighton tomorrow evening.


will snow

b. On Friday at 8 o’clock, I ………… (to meet) my friend.


'll have to meet

c. Wait! I ………… (to drive) you to the station.


am going to drive

d. When they get married in March, they …… (to be) together for six years.


will have been 

e. You’re carrying too much. I ………… (to open) the door for you.


'm going to open

f. Do you think the teacher ………… (to mark) our homework by Monday morning?


will have marked

g. When I see you tomorrow, I ………… (show) you my new book.


'll show

h. After you take a nap, you ………… (to feel) a lot better.


will feel

i. I ………… (to let) you know the second the builders finish decorating.


'm going to let

j. We ………… (to wait) in the shelter until the bus comes.


'll be waiting

k. I’m very sorry, Dr. Jones ………… (not be) back in the clinic until 2pm.


won't be

l. This summer, I ………… (to live) in Birgunj for four years.


'll have been living

m. I don’t think you ………… (to have) any problems when you land in Pokhara.


will have 

n. The baby should be due soon, next week she ………… (to be) pregnant for nine months.


will have been 

o. By the time we get home, they ………… (to play) football for 30 minutes.


will have been playing 

p. When you get off the train, I ………… (to wait) for you by the ticket machine.


'll be waiting

q. This time next week, I ………… (ski) in Switzerland!


'll be skiing 

r. Now, I ………… (to check) my answers.


'm going to check 


Unit 13 Class 12 English


A. See what the following people are talking.

B. Read the following dialogue. Underline the expressions that express speculations.

Kripa: Have you heard the story about the recent acid attack on a young woman in Biratnagar?

Bijay: No, that sounds horrible! Can you tell me more about the incident?

Kripa: Well, her husband threw acid on her face.

Bijay: Her husband? Why would he do that? 

Kripa: He could be a victim of depression.

Bijay: No, that’s crazy. Instead, I dare say he was not satisfied with dowry.

Kripa: Yeah, that’s quite likely. Or, it seems to me that he wanted a male child from his wife.

Bijay: Definitely! That’s most likely. 

Kripa: I believe recent changes in law will help mitigate all sorts of acid attacks against women.

Bijay: Let’s hope so.

C. Choose the correct option for each of the gaps below.

a. It ………… be a good idea, but I doubt it. (must/ probably/ possible/ could)



b. It’s ………… going to happen. (definitely/sure/hardly/well)



c. There’s a fifty percent ………… of rain in the afternoon. (gamble/chance/odds/bet)



d. There’s a ………… possibility of rain. (slight/medium/middle/wide)



e. It might ………… break down. (well/may be/certainly/have)



D. Work in pairs and take turns to speculate in the following situations. Use the structures from the box.

…........ seems / looks (like) …………….

I guess / I imagine ………….

…………. is obviously / probably ….......

…...... might / may/ maybe / perhaps …...…. 

I’m not sure exactly but …........ 

I suppose / I’m fairly sure …........

I expect ….

a. What kind of food is most popular in your country?


I guess junk food is most popular in my country. Nepali people seem to enjoy junk food a lot nowadays. Junk food is probably the most preferred food item in Nepal. Junk food might be the best choice for all. I'm not sure exactly, but junk food is gaining popularity all over the world. I suppose junk food is available in every single store. I expect that junk food will surely be the number one choice for all.

b. Why is fast food more popular among youths?


Fast food is more popular among youths because it is probably their number-one choice. Young people seem too attracted to fast food. I guess fast food is preferred by most young people around the world.

c. Why isn’t organic food more popular?


Organic food isn't more popular because most people seem to enjoy junk food a lot. I guess people don't get organic food items in every place. Perhaps people have no choice left except to choose junk food items.






Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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