Unit 12: Animal World: The Medusa and the Snail | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | Neb English Support

Unit 12: Animal World: The Medusa and the Snail | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | Neb English Support
Neb English Support Class 12

Unit 12: Animal World: The Medusa and the Snail | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | NEB English Guide

Unit 12: Animal World: The Medusa and the Snail


Unit 12 Class 12 English

a. What do these pictures mean?


These pictures represent two different concepts. The first picture means the concept of self-reliance, whereas the second picture means the concept of interdependence.

b. How are they different?


They are different, as both pictures have presented two different concepts of self-reliance and interdependence. The first picture shows a human puppet in the middle who seems different from other human puppets. The picture tries to show the concept of self-reliance. The next picture shows the concept of interdependence, where every single object is dependent on another. If one falls, every single object falls.


Unit 12 Class 12 English

A. Read the text and tick the best alternative to fill in the gaps.

a. Persons who are related to you and who live after you, such as your child or grandchild are called ……...........

i. relatives

ii. descendants

iii. siblings


ii. descendants

b. ‘…………...’ means to turn or spin around and around quickly

i. Twirl

ii. Fold

iii. Fetter


i. Twirl

c. ........……….. are proteins which contain oligosaccharide chains (glycans) attached to amino acid side-chains

i. Glycoproteins

ii. Legumes

iii. Meat products


i. Glycoproteins

d. ....………. are carbohydrate-binding proteins that are highly specific for sugar groups that are part of other molecules and so cause agglutination of particular cells.

i. Lactose

ii. Legumes

iii. Lectins


iii. Lectins

e. ....…...... are abnormal tissue growths that most often look like small, flat bumps or tiny mushroom like stalks found in the phylum Cnidaria and the medusa

i. Polyps

ii. Buds

iii. Tulips


i. Polyps

f. ......…………. is a biological interaction where one organism, the predator, kills and eats another organism, its prey.

i. Murder

ii. Homicide

iii. Predation


iii. Predation

g. ......………. is a genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family.

i. Anemone

ii. Ammonia

iii. Amoeba


i. Anemone

h. A/An …………… person is extremely or excessively particular, exacting, or meticulous in taste or standards.

i. arrogant

ii. finicky

iii. symbiotic


ii. finicky

i. .....…………. is a group of soft-bodied, marine gastropod molluscs which shed their shells after their larval stage.

i. Shell

ii. Nudibranch

iii. Jellyfish


ii. Nudibranch

j. A ….......…. is a free-swimming sexual form of a coelenterate such as a jellyfish, typically having an umbrella-shaped body with stinging tentacles around the edge. 

i. medusa

ii. sea horse

iii. sea slug


i. medusa

B. Look up a dictionary and write the meanings of the following words then use them in your own sentences. 

arthropod, gastropod, biomass, calcification, metamorphosis, sturgeon



Meaning 》An invertebrate animal of the phylum Arthropoda, characterized by a chitinous exoskeleton and multiple jointed appendages

Sentence 》Ants are categorized as arthropods. 


Meaning 》Any member of a class of mollusks (Gastropoda) that includes snails and slugs; univalve mollusk.

Sentence 》Very few gastropod species transmit animal diseases.


Meaning 》Vegetation used as a fuel, or source of energy, especially if cultivated for that purpose.

Sentence 》the biomass is made from plant life, it's a source of energy that can be recreated.


Meaning 》The process of change into a stony or calcareous substance by the deposition of lime salt; -- normally, as in the formation of bone and of teeth; abnormally, as in calcareous degeneration of tissue.

Sentence 》Smoking is associated with increased calcifications in the heart and major arteries.


Meaning 》A change in the form and often habits of an animal after the embryonic stage during normal development. (e.g. the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly or a tadpole into a frog.)

Sentence 》During this particular metamorphosis, the caterpillar becomes a butterfly.


Meaning 》Any marine or freshwater fish of the family Acipenseridae that are prized for their roe and are endemic to temperate seas and rivers of the northern hemisphere, especially central Eurasia.

Sentence 》A lot of sturgeon were caught and brought into the fish market to sell.


Unit 12 Class 12 English

Answer the following questions:

a. What are the indicators of the fact that we are very self-conscious about ourselves these days? 


Following are some indicators of the fact that we are very self-conscious about ourselves these days:

▪︎  self-realisation

▪︎  self-help

▪︎  self-development

▪︎  self-awareness

▪︎  self-respect

▪︎  self-enlightenment

The above-mentioned indicators are taught by popular magazines, books, and sessions.

b. How have we celebrated the fact that we have our individual identity?


We have celebrated the fact that we have our individual identity by providing ourselves with a real name.

c. Are we, human beings, really unique? Why/Why not? 


No, we human beings aren't unique because uniqueness is so commonplace a property of living things that there is really nothing at all unique about them. The phenomenon can't be unique and universal at the same time.

d. How do fish recognize each other?


Fish recognise each other by the smell of themselves.

e. What is the function of individuality?


The function of individuality is self-preservation and maintaining individuality.

f. What does the mix-up of two selves tell us about our identity?


The mix-up of two selves tells us about our identity: they are a single organism, and they need cooperation and unity with each other for existence or survival.

g. What does the author illustrate with the tale of the nudibranch and the medusa? 


The author illustrates the value of co-existence, cooperation, helpfulness, collaboration and togetherness with the tale of the nudibranch and the medusa. It also projects the significance of friendship and dependence on each other for survival and existence.

h. Why is the author disturbed by the thought of the creatures like the nudibranch and medusa?


The author is disturbed by the thought of creatures like the nudibranch and medusa because it provides him with an odd feeling and confuses him with vague and bizarre concepts like a dream.

i. What does the writer mean by “they remind me of the whole earth at once?”


By "they remind me of the whole earth at once'", the writer means to say that it is very complicated and bizarre to justify the relationship between and among the creatures and non-living things of the world. The more one tries to understand, the more he or she gets confused.


Unit 12 Class 12 English

a. How does the author make satire on the modern idea of the ‘self’ based on individuality, independence and uniqueness? 


This essay, "The Medusa and the Snail," by Lewis Thomas, is about the importance of interdependence at present.

The author of this text makes satire of the modern idea of self-reliance on individuality, independence, and uniqueness by presenting the close relationship between the nudibranch and medusa in the Bay of Naples.

In his introductory essay, The Medusa and the Snail, Thomas details a mutually symbiotic relationship between a mature jellyfish (Medusa) and a small sea slug (Snail). As the two creatures begin working happily together in the Bay of Naples, Thomas describes a slowly developing relationship that turns into symbiosis. First, he builds a connection between himself and others by demonstrating how slugs and jellyfish find each other. The jellyfish, located on the ventral surface of the slug, actively surrounds the slug, forming a beneficial bond between the two entities. Over time, however, the slugs gradually eat the jellyfish bit by bit, until the jellyfish reduces to a "successfully edited parasite" attached to the skin around the slug's mouth. Thomas details how a "mix of interests" evolved from a mutually beneficial symbiosis to a parasitic symbiosis, altering the health of both organisms along the way. He uses this metaphor to refer to the uniqueness of nature that is shared among macros and microorganisms.

This essay suggests that the two creatures could not live any other way; they depend on each other for their existence. The author reflects the values of coexistence, cooperation, helpfulness, collaboration, and solidarity. The story of Nudibranch and Medusa also shows the importance of friendship and interdependence for existence and survival. Through this, the author justifies that the pride of modern people in the concept of individuality, freedom, and uniqueness does not apply in real and practical life.

b. Analyze the essay as a creative defense of the interdependence observed in the ecosystem.


The essay "The Medusa and the Snail' by Lewis Thomas is presented as a creative defence of the interdependence observed in the ecosystem. 

The essay has focused on the relationship between jellyfish and snails in the Gulf of Naples and their dependence on each other for survival. With the help of their existence, the text has presented the interdependence in the ecosystem.

The term Interdependence emphasizes how people or animals relate to each other and go well with the existing norms of their lives and society. This gives rise to the idea that people are not alone in their pursuit of mental growth and development but are provided with each other's support to grow socially. It also promotes good and meaningful relationships and strong relationships between individuals, both personally and professionally.  Furthermore, the author states that ecosystems are closely related to the conservation and protection of the living and non-living things or creatures and animals.  The essay closely links the two species living in the Gulf of Naples whose interdependence justifies not only their existence and existence but also the balance in the ecosystem.


Unit 12 Class 12 English

A. Write an essay on “Independence vs. Interdependence” in about 250 words.


       Independence vs. Interdependence

Human beings usually classify themselves into individual or group entities. These self-perceptions usually pop into people's minds and determine their motivation and cognition. People generally have two perceptions of themselves regarding their relationships with others. The first is the independent self-concept, where a person's belief about his own existence is that he exists separately from other people. The independent self-concept includes a person's behavioural traits, preferences, and attitudes. The second perception is the interdependent self-concept, where a person belongs to or feels connected to others. This paper explores the benefits of interdependence as opposed to independence. Gish Jane argues that "the joy of a functioning, interdependent relationship can be overwhelming."

Unlike the free self, which focuses on individual responsibility isolated from society as a whole, the interdependent self-concept emphasises shared responsibilities. The main principle of the interdependent self-concept is the dependence that exists between individuals in society for survival and mutual development. Interdependence self-establishes the idea that people are not alone in their efforts for mental growth and development. People also supported each other to develop socially. The interdependent self-concept also promotes responsibility sharing by encouraging individuals to play different roles, which contribute to the growth and development of society.

An interdependent self-concept is also important for overcoming fear. Unlike independence, which pits an individual against the rest of society, interdependence promotes harmony among members of society, thus helping individuals experience lower levels of fear and insecurity. Recognition of the fact that one has the support of others is key to reducing negative feelings that can trigger fear in individuals. Support for each other is possible only in a society where people feel close to each other and where society is characterised by a high degree of interdependence.

Interdependence emphasises how people relate to and relate well to existing norms of society, which determine how people relate. The intrinsic qualities of individuals do not play any major role in the way they think, feel, or act. However, Jane also argues that "we need both an interdependent and independent self," appealing to people on both sides of self-concepts to accommodate and understand each other.

B. Write a newspaper article highlighting the increasing individualism in the modern Nepali society.

Increasing Individualism in the Modern Nepalese Society

Kathmandu Post

September 23, 2021

By individualism, we mean the moral stance, political philosophy, or social outlook that promotes the independence and self-reliance of individual people while opposing the interference with each person's choices by society, the state, or any other group or institution. It is the freedom to do what we want to do as free people. Individualism is important because if everyone was able to pursue their goals, we would have a stronger society overall. Individualists believe that each individual should be able to make decisions and act independently. Individualism is essential for the individual development of each individual, which in turn leads to economic benefits for society. Continue reading to understand more about the concept of individualism.

In the context of Nepal, the concept of individualism is increasing in every Nepalese society. The concept of individualism emphasises individual freedom and achievement. Therefore, individualistic culture assigns a social status to individual achievements such as significant discoveries, innovations, or great artistic achievements. Individualism has become a core value in Nepalese society at the present time. But individualism should always move ahead in a positive sense, not in a negative sense. The positive aspect of individualism includes the freedom of an individual to choose his own destiny. Many organisations are working in favour of providing personal identity to every citizen, whether they are male or female. It is significantly associated with the support of gender-equal attitudes regarding employment, income, education, and political leadership. Individualism is also associated with higher levels of women providing employment and educational attainment, as well as lower levels of fertility.


Unit 12 Class 12 English

Passive voice

A. Make passive sentences from the following information as in the example.


Toyota cars/Japan/make: Toyota cars are made in Japan.

a. volleyball/every/country/play


Volleyball is played in every country. 

b. spaghetti/boiling water/cook


Spaghetti is cooked in boiling water. 

c. each lesson/an exercise/follow


Each lesson is followed by an exercise.

d. taxes/the price/include


The price is included with taxes.

e. extensive information/the internet/find


Extensive information is found in the internet. 

f. our order/the waiter/took


Our order was taken by the waiter. 

g. the schedule/the participants/will distribute


The schedule will be distributed to the participants. 

h. the police/footprint/found


Footprint was found by the police. 

i. the children/the sandcastles/built


The sandcastles were built by the children. 

j. the father/the window/not going to open


The window isn't going to be opened by the father. 

B. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice using the correct form of verbs in the brackets.

a. Call the ambulance! Two boys ......... (injure) in a motorbike accident.


have been injured 

b. The clock ............ (use) since the 17th century.


has been used

c. I had to wait outside the classroom while the classroom ......... (clean).


was being cleaned

d. The problem ............ (discuss) by the subject specialists at the moment.


is being discussed

e. By the time I came back, the task ............... (finish).


had been finished

f. Women .............. (say) to be happier than men.


are said

g. Look! The house ........... (destroy) by the fire.


is being destroyed 

h. The other three reports ..................... (submit) by next month.


will have been submitted 

i. Many people .......... (rescue) from the floods by the security persons this year.


have been rescued 

j. The state of Florida ................ (hit) by a hurricane that did serious damage. 


was hit


Unit 12 Class 12 English

Expressing Counter Arguments

A. Read the following conversation between two friends on animal testing and notice the expressions of counter arguments.

A: Hi Pooja! How are things?

B: Fine, and you?

A: I’m feeling rather upset today. I could not see some animals being ripped off alive in the science lab.

B: Well, I must say using animals as test subjects for health products is justifiable.

A: As far as I am concerned, I take it as inhumane activity.

B: To be fair, animal testing has been used in the past to aid the development of several vaccines, such as smallpox and rabies. However, animal testing for beauty products causes unneeded pain to animals.

A: Don’t you think it is possible to use human volunteers instead of using animals?

B: Exactly. Animals should not be exploited as far as possible.

B. Work with a small group to talk around the questions given below. Use the clues of expressing counter arguments from the box.

From my point of view,............

It seems to me…..........

Personally, I believe/feel…............

What I reckon is….........….

If you ask me…….........

I’m convinced that ……........

a. Is your hometown a good place to live?


Yes, my hometown is a good place to live. From my point of view, my hometown is the best place in the entire country. It seems to me like a place with all kinds of facilities. Personally, I feel that the place will surely have a good ranking in terms of its geographical features. What I reckon about this place is that the environment is so hygienic for healthy living. If you ask me about the best aspect of this place, I'll favour the people of this place who are united in the matter of its development. I'm convinced that my life is blessed to have the chance to live here.

b. What’s the best thing to eat in your city/village?


The best thing to eat in my village is the nettle's vegetables. From my point of view, nettles are very essential for our bodies. It seems to me that nettle helps to maintain healthy living. Personally, I feel that nettles can cure various kinds of diseases. What I reckon is that most of the people in our village prefer to have nettles every day. If you ask me about a healthy diet, I'll favour nettles. I'm convinced that nettles are useful for all.

c. Is teaching your dream job?


Yes, teaching is my dream job. From my point of view, teaching is a fine social service. It seems to me that this service is the main source of satisfaction. Personally, I believe that this service provides lots of knowledge to all. What I reckon is that teaching makes people enlightened. If you ask me about the best side of this profession, I'll favour atisfaction. I'm convinced that I'm a teacher.

d. Is it better to seek jobs in a foreign country?


No, it is not better to seek jobs in a foreign country. From my point of view, working in foreign countries won't provide us with satisfaction. It seems to me that those who work in foreign countries always have nostalgic feelings. Personally, I believe that we should work in our native countries. What I reckon is that we need satisfaction in our lives instead of money. If you ask me about doing the job, I'll always prefer my native country. I’m convinced that I work in my own country.

e. Is the reservation of quota for a particular sex or caste a good thing?


No, the reservation of quotas isn't a good thing for a particular sex or caste. From my point of view, everyone should have equal rights. It seems to me that the reservation quota isn't good for everyone. It has brought inequality to society. Personally, I feel that this kind of bias should be banned from society. What I reckon is that this concept has only brought differences between human beings. If you ask me in favour of rights, I'll favour equality for all. I’m convinced that I haven't shown bias towards others in my life before.




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