Unit 10: Careee Opportunity: Presenting Yourself | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | Neb English Support

Unit 10: Careee Opportunity: Presenting Yourself | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | Neb English Support
Neb English Support Class 12

Unit 10: Careee Opportunity: Presenting Yourself | Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | NEB English Guide

Unit 10: Career Opportunity: Presenting Yourself


Unit 10 Class 12 English

a. Have you ever applied for a job? 


Yes, I have applied for a job many times.

b. What documents do you need while applying for a job? 


I need the following documents while applying for a job:

▪︎  A handwritten application

▪︎  My detailed CV

▪︎  Xerox of my academic certificates

▪︎  My recent passport-sized photos

c. Are you familiar with the terms: bio-data, resume, CV and personal profile? Do you have any of them?


Yes, I'm familiar with the terms: biodata, resume, CV, and personal profile. Yes, I do have my detailed CV.


Unit 10 Class 12 English

A. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box below.

position redundant professional referee verification consultant competence  opportunity imperative  achievement

a. You must learn about 2000 Kanji to develop …………….. in spoken Japanese language. 



b. I can type both English and Nepali but not as fast as …………….. typists. 



c. When she was in class eight, she got the ……………. to participate in a national painting competition.



d. The Prime Minister gave a long list of his …………………..



e. He spent many years in jail before reaching the ………… of a minister. 



f. About fifty workers were made ……… because of the financial crisis in the factory. 



g. He is affiliated to the World Bank as a senior ………………..



h. They registered my application after making …………… of my documents. 



i. I requested my teacher to be my …………… in my CV. 



j. To make our country self-sustained in food production is ………… need at present. 



B. Define the following employment-related terms and use them in the sentences of your own.

volunteering, on the job training, career opportunity, skill development, apprenticeship, career counselling, credentials, human capital, internship, soft skills, minimum wage, recruitment, role model, aptitude and assessment



Definition 》work for an organization without being paid.

Sentence 》He always keeps on volunteering in social functions. 

on the job training:

Definition 》On the job training is a form of training provided at the workplace.

Sentence 》I got chance to learn various work skills on the job training.

career opportunity:

Definition 》 an opportunity of employment

Sentence 》Ram has got career opportunity after his hard efforts. 

skill development:

Definition 》Skill development is a process of identifying your skill gap and ensuring you develop these skills.

Sentence 》Skill development helps us to get fine opportunities for jobs.


Definition 》The system by which a person learning a craft or trade is instructed by a master for a set time under set conditions.

Sentence 》He has spent his nine months in his apprenticeship.

career counselling:

Definition 》Career Counseling is a process that will help you to know and understand yourself and the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions. 

Sentence 》He has become quite experienced in providing career counselling. 


Definition 》Documentary evidence of someone's right to credit or authority, especially such a document given to an ambassador by a country.

Sentence 》I have already provided all the photocopies of my credentials in that office.

human capital:

Definition 》the skills, knowledge, and experience possessed by an individual or population, viewed in terms of their value or cost to an organization or country.

Sentence 》We won't find human capital here in this particular place.


Definition 》A job taken by a student in order to learn a profession or trade.

Sentence 》He is doing his internship in one of the reputed banks.

soft skills:

Definition 》A personal skill that is usually interpersonal, non-specialized, and difficult to quantify, such as leadership or responsibility.

Sentence 》These soft skills will pave your fine route ahead.

minimum wage:

Definition 》the minimum amount of remuneration that an employer is required to pay wage earners for the work performed during a given period.

Sentence 》He is not able to run his family with his minimum wage.


Definition 》The process or art of finding candidates for a post in an organization.

Sentence 》The policy of recruitment in the company must be changed for its development. 

role model:

Definition 》A person who serves as an example, whose behavior is emulated by others.

Sentence 》I always consider you as my role model. 


Definition 》Natural ability to acquire knowledge or skill.

Sentence 》His aptitude will really help him in his upcoming future. 


Definition 》the act of judging or deciding the amountvaluequality, or importance of something, or the judgment or decision that is made.

Sentence 》John hasn't completed his assessment yet.

C. Based on their pronunciation, divide the following words into two groups so that the vowel sounds rhyme with here and hare.

fear, fare, fair, bear, bare, beer, care, heir, ear, air, share, lair, leer, cheer, chair, share, sheer, shear, tear (v.), tear (n.), mere, mare, deer, dear, dare, clear, sneer, snare, gear

         Here                                  Hare

         fear                                   fare

         bear                                  fair

         beer                                  bare

         heir                                   care

         ear                                    air

         leer                                   share

        cheer                                 lair

        sheer                                chair

        shear                                mare

        tear                                   dare






       sheer                               snare



Unit 10 Class 12 English

Answer the following questions.

a. What does a CV mean and why is it important in one’s career?


CV, or Curriculum Vitae, is a Latin word that means "course of life." It is a document that sets up a whole host of your details, experiences, and achievements as they relate to our working lives. It is important in one's career because it is an important opportunity to reflect and plan for further developments in your career.

b. Does the same CV work for all job opportunities? Why or why not?


Yes, the same CV works for all job opportunities, but it is best to do a little to make sure the CV highlights your most relevant skills and qualifications using basic job descriptions and job listings.

c. What are the different areas where CV can help you?


There are different areas where a CV can help us in applying for jobs, seeking promotion, and seeking research funds.

d. What do you mean by ‘staying CV’ and ‘leaving CV’? Which one would you develop for yourself as a freshman?


By'staying CV', we mean the good university citizen, including plenty of committee work and administration, pastoral care of students, a heavy teaching load, as well as a credible research record.

By 'leaving CV', we mean to reflect the interests of a prospective new employer and will probably highlight research achievements while still showing that you are generally competent and willing across the range of duties undertaken by academics. I want to develop a "staying CV" for myself as a freshman.

e. How can you draft a good CV?


I can draft a good CV from people who know you or who know what an academic CV' should look like and ask for feedback.

f. What is the difference between academic CV and non-academic CV. 


The difference between academic CVs and non-academic CVs is that academic CVs tend to be quite a bit longer than those of non-academics, and they get longer as a person's career develops.


Unit 10 Class 12 English

a. CV may not represent a person’s skills and abilities accurately because one’s confidence cannot be rendered in a paper. What do you think the employers should do to find the best people for the job?


As we know, a CV, or curriculum vitae, is a written record of a person's career, qualifications, and education. Generally, when we are applying for a job, we prepare our CV and apply for the job. A well-written CV summarises our education, skills, experience, etc. But some people manipulate employers by creating an effective CV with the help of other people. On the contrary, some people may not show their true potential, skills, and confidence in their CV due to a lack of writing skills. Maybe what we write in our CV doesn't reflect who we really are. A good employee must have a positive attitude towards work, punctuality, flexibility, verbal communication, etc., which is not shown in the CV. In addition to relying solely on CVs and covering letters, potential employers should also conduct interviews with candidates. A well-done interview determines whether the candidate is the right person for the job or not. Workstyle, conversation style, body language, confidence level, passion for the job, etc. help in finding the right candidate for the job. Such things should be evaluated when offering a job to someone relying only on CVs.

b. If the employers provide job opportunity by assessing one’s CV, how can fresh graduates compete with the experienced competitors? 


A CV plays an important role in the process of recruitment in any organisation, company, or institution. When a vacancy is announced for any post, many candidates apply for the same job along with their CVs. In the recruitment process, candidates get marks based on work experience and educational qualifications. Such a tradition creates the least potential for fresh graduates. Both fresh and experienced candidates compete for the same job, and the experienced candidates surely have the maximum chance of getting the opportunity. For fresh graduates to get jobs, any organisation or office should provide opportunities for volunteer work. It's one of the fastest and easiest ways to create an experience.


Unit 10 Class 12 English

Study the following advertisement. Write an application for one of the positions. Prepare your CV too that suits for the job.


To the manager
M M Construction Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu
P.O. Box: 44600

Subject: An application for the vacant post of Site Supervisor

Respected Sir,
I put forward this piece of written application to your table, especially to apply for the vacant post of site supervisor in your company. I came to know about this vacant post from Kantipur Post, a daily newspaper in Nepal. I have attached all the required academic as well as other documents' photocopies for this vacant post along with this handwritten application.

I'm an energetic and qualified guy, 32 years old. I have passed the bachelor level with a good percentage from one of the reputed colleges in Pokhara. In the matter of language, I'm quite fluent in both English and Nepali. I have even five years of working experience as a site supervisor at K.D. Company of Pokhara. If I get the chance to work as a site supervisor for your company, I won't give you a chance to complain. I will try my best for the development of this company.

I look forward to your kind response.

Yours sincerely
Anil Bohara

                   CURRICULUM VITAE

DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                                                        Name               :   Anil Bohara                              Date of Birth   :  January 6, 1991                         
Father’s Name  :  Rana Bahadur Bohara
Mother’s Name :  Maya Bohara
Birth Place/ Permanent Address : Tekanpur-6, Sindhupalchok, Nepal
Religion      : Hindu
Nationality : Nepali
Marital Status : Single
Height              :  5 Feet 8 Inches 
Present Address : Kathmandu – 6, Nepal
E-mail abohara63@gmail.com,  
Mobile No : 9806400000
Facebook user name: Anil Bohara 

Native language Nepali, English and Hindi are spoken and written fluently.  Good understanding of Tharu language.

Special Area of Interest:
Reading books, Internet surfing, Listening to the music, Singing, Sense of humour

Academic Qualification: 

2010 to 2013: Bachelor level [T.U] Pokhara College in good second division

2009: HSEB BOARD Intermediate level in First Division from Kalika Ma. Vi  Tekanpur-6, Sindhupalchok, Nepal

2007: S.L.C in second division from Kalika Ma.Vi  S.L.C. Board of Nepal with Additional Economics.


Five years experience in K.D Company in Kathmandu 


Unit 10 Class 12 English

Conditional Sentences

A. Study the following examples which are taken from the text above.

a. If you have a staying CV when it does, then you won’t be in the best possible position to grab it.

b. A prospective employer may need to verify your statements regarding, for example, work permit status, qualifications and may need to take a criminal record check especially if the job involves working with children.

B. Rewrite the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs. 

a. If you sell your stocks now, you ………much money for them. (not/get)


If you sell your stocks now, you won't get much money for them.

b. A lot of people would lose job if the factory ………. (close down)


A lot of people would lose job if the factory closed down

c. Our country won’t have to export wheat if it …………………… in November and February. (rain)


Our country won’t have to export wheat if it rains in November and February.

d. If we …………….. him earlier, we could have saved his life. (find)


If we had found him earlier, we could have saved his life.

e. If he had not been wearing helmet, he ………….. seriously injured. (be)


If he had not been wearing helmet, he would have been seriously injured.

f. Unless you follow the instructions, you ……………. pass the exams. (not/pass)


Unless you follow the instructions, you won't pass the exams.

g. I don’t mind walking home as long as the weather …….. fine. (be)


g. I don’t mind walking home as long as the weather is fine.

h. The bank will sanction you the loan provided you ……. a collateral. (deposit)


The bank will sanction you the loan provided you deposit a collateral.

i. What …………… if you had not got this job? (you/do)


What would you have done if you had not got this job?

j. If you had the choice, where ……………? (you/live)


If you had the choice, where would you live?

C. Change the following sentences into ‘if sentences’ as in the example. 

Example: I did not go to a restaurant because I was not hungry.

I would have gone to a restaurant if I had been hungry.

C. Change the following sentences into if sentences' as in the example.

Example: I did not go to a restaurant because I was not hungry.

I would have gone to a restaurant if I had been hungry.

a. The driver was talking on the phone so the accident happened.

》If the driver wasn't talking on the phone, the accident wouldn't have happened.

b. There is no anyone at home because all the lights are off.

》If there was someone at home, all the lights wouldn't be off.

c. He must be an educated person because he has subscribed 'The Kathmandu Post'

》If he wasn't an educated person, he wouldn't subscribe 'The Kathmandu Post'.

d. His head was not injured in the accident because he had put the helmet on.

》His head would have been injured in the accident if he hadn't put the helmet on.

e. I am sure he passed the exam because he gave a heavy treat to his friends.

》If he hadn't passed the exam he wouldn't have given a heavy treat to his friends.

f. You didn't take any breakfast so you are hungry now.

》 If you had taken some breakfast, you wouldn't have got hungry now.

g. I am sure he is a doctor because he is wearing the white gown.

》 If he wasn't a doctor, he wouldn't be wearing the white gown.

h. She is very rich so she drives a Mercedes.

》 If she wasn't very rich, she wouldn't drive a Mercedes.

i. I didn't know it was only half a kilometer from my house, so I booked a ride.

》 If I had known it was only half a kilometer from my house, I wouldn't have booked a ride.

j. He has hidden something in his mind, so he does not look fresh.

》 If he hadn't hidden anything in his mind, he would have looked fresh.


Unit 10 Class 12 English


A. Study the following short exchanges.

A: You have to finish the website details today.

B: Can you repeat that?

A: The website has to be ready today.

A: We are going to reduce some costs.

B: Can you be more specific?

A: We are going to work from home.

B. Work in pairs. One of you will act as a candidate and the other as an interviewer. Now, conduct an interview with the help of the skeleton given below.

Candidate: May I come in sir/ma'am?

Interviewer: Yes, you may. Please be seated.

Candidate: Thank you Sir.

Interviewer: Give your academic and professional introduction. 

Candidate: Thank you for your question. My name is Ram Tiwari. I am from Dhangadi. I have completed my Master Degree from Tribhuwan University. I play cricket regularly. I am interested in playing cricket. I am hardworking, energetic and dedicated guy of 25 years old. My father is a teacher in government school and my mother is a housewife. I am still single in my relationship. 

Interviewer: OK, tell me why do you want to work here? 

Candidate: Well, I'm keen interested in technology and its related tasks.

Interviewer: Do you have any weaknesses? 

Candidate: Well, my family is my weakness. I give much value to my family.

Interviewer: What kind of working environment do you prefer?

Candidate: I prefer to work in an environment where I get freedom to show my full dedication. 

Interviewer: Do you become nervous at work? 

Candidate: Absolutely not Sir.

Interviewer: Why should we hire you, not others?

Candidate: It's because I'm far talented than others with 8 years of fine experience working with an organisation related to technology. 

Interviewer: Will you be ready for overtime work?

Candidate: Yes, Sir I'll.

Interviewer: Do you want any information from us?

Candidate: No, Sir. Not right now.

Interviewer: Thank you. You may leave now. Please, wait for the result. 

Candidate: Welcome Sir. Hoping for your kind response

C. Suppose you are the head teacher of a school. You are taking a job interview for the post of Secondary Level English Teacher. Draft some questions for the interview and then practise it with one of your friends.


Following is a draft of some questions for the interview:

▪︎  Give me your academic and personal introduction.

▪︎  Why do you want to work here at this school?

▪︎  Do you have any teaching experience?

▪︎  Are you interested in politics?

▪︎  Tell me about your weakness.

▪︎  How much salary do you expect from this teaching job?

▪︎   Will you be ready to do any task for the welfare of the school?

▪︎   Tell me about your preferred working conditions.

▪︎   Would you like to leave this school if you got a higher salary from other schools?

▪︎   Do you want any information from us?






Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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