To Bobolink, for her Spirit Summary | William Inge | Major English Class 12

To Bobolink, for her Spirit Summary | William Inge | Major English Class 12
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To Bobolink, for her Spirit Summary | William Inge | Major English Class 12

To Bobolink for her Spirit by William Inge


To Bobolink for her Spirit by William Inge

This one-act play "To Bobolink, for Her Spirit" has been written by American playwright and novelist William Inge. This one-act play is about the lives of autograph hunters. Their main hobby is taking autographs of different celebrities.

In this one-act play, Bobolink, Nellie, Renaldo, Annemarie, Fritz, Gretchen, Doorman, etc. are the main characters. Bobolink is the leader of the Tyrone Power Fans Club. She is the leader of all the autograph hunters. Bobolink is a fat, young, and happy girl. She wears a simple dress and thick glasses. She leads all of the autograph hunters and also gives them directions about the next steps. She convinces all of her companions by sharing her views and decisions. She is so crazy about collecting the signatures of movie stars. Her favourite stars are Lana Turner and Perry Como. Bobolink herself is a good observer. She studies the manners of not only the celebrities but also the doormen. According to her doorman, they are not interested in movie stars because they are tired of looking at stars all the time. Bobolink also says that the best movie stars are not boastful. They never boast about their high rank and fame. The best movie stars are quite polite, simple, and friendly. She gives the example of Lana and Tyrone to prove it. She even addresses her friends as kids to prove her maturity.

She is so determined and confident. She never feels bored while waiting for the autographs of stars. In her fan club, there are 43 members. She has gotten an appreciation signature from Tyrone too. Tyrone has written a line, "To Bobolink, for her faithful enthusiasm and spirit," in her diary. Renaldo is a young boy who is Fritz's friend. Doorman works at the 21st Club. His job is to open the door and get a taxi for customers.


To Bobolink for her Spirit by William Inge

The time is the late 1950s. When the story starts, the six autograph seekers and the doorman are outside of the 21st club to collect autographs of the film stars. While they are waiting, a couple comes out wearing an expensive dress. After inspecting the couple, they express their views about the couple. Fritz asks Renaldo about the couple. Gretchen thinks that the lady is Rosalind Russell. Annemarie is impressed by the dress of that charming lady. Bobolink has doubts about that lady because she isn't as tall as Rosalind. Finally, when Fritz goes for an autograph, the couple gives him their autographs. Later on, they realise that the woman is not a famous star but a Russian lady, Irina Nechibidikoff.

Bobolink has collected many autographs in her life. She is more interested in getting autographs from film stars, especially Perry Como. After some time, another couple comes out of the club. All of the autograph hunters think of the man as Perry Como, but Bobolink doesn't think so. Again, Fritz goes to them for an autograph. The couple smiles at each other and gives their autographs. Annemarie asks the woman if she is in a film, but the woman gets furious with Annemarie and replies negatively. Annemarie thinks that they are lying. Bobolink says that they are not famous, but one day they may be famous in the future. Other autograph hunters think of them as models. 


To Bobolink for her Spirit by William Inge

1. Sketch the character of Bobolink.


Bobolink is the leader of the team of autograph hunters. She is very crazy about the autographs of movie stars. She has already gotten the autographs of almost all the celebrities. She is young, fat, and satisfied. She appears in a simple dress with thick glasses and short, curly hair. She has leadership qualities. She leads the group of autograph seekers and convinces them about her views and decision. Her favourite stars are Lana, Perry Como, and Tyrone Power. She claims that Perry Como has entered the 21 Club and makes her group keep waiting for hours to get his autograph.

Bobolink is a good observer. She studies the manners and activities of not only the celebrities but also the doormen. She says that the doormen of the club have no interest in the stars as they are tired of seeing them. She strongly believes that the best movie stars are never proud. They never boast about their fame and high rank. They are polite, simple, and friendly. To prove it, she gives examples of her meetings with Lana and Tyrone. She proves her maturity by calling her friends kids who gather the autographs of whoever they see. Bobolink looks determined and confident. She is not tired of waiting to get the autographs of the best ones.

She is also the president of the Tyrone Power Fans Club, which has 43 members. Tyrone has even written in her diary, "To Bobolink, for her faithful enthusiasm and spirit."

Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt


  1. Thank you so much sir. It is very helpful 🥰🥰


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