The Penalty of Death Summary | H. L. Mencken | Major English Class 12 by Suraj Bhatt

The Penalty of Death Summary | H. L. Mencken | Major English Class 12 by Suraj Bhatt
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The Penalty of Death Summary | H. L. Mencken | Major English Class 12

The Penalty of Death by H. L. Mencken


The Penalty of Death by H.L Mencken

This essay, “The Penalty of Death,” has been written by H.L. Mencken. The writer advocates in favour of the penalty of death. According to the writer, capital punishment for death is a beneficial component of any justice system.

The writer thinks that the death penalty should be given to those who take the lives of other people, challenging all civilised orders. He presents three main reasons behind giving capital punishment to criminals. The three reasons are as follows:


The pleasantness of ancient art

Abolitionists (people who are against capital punishment) argue that capital punishment should be banned because hanging a man is not good and it cannot stop other people from committing the same crime. They are also humans, and they have the right to live. They should be given time to change themselves. Mencken attacks the abolitionists' idea, saying that a hangman’s job is unpleasant. He claims that many jobs are unpleasant, like those of a soldier, sweeper, plumber, etc. But these jobs are needed in society. He thinks that the hangman is satisfied to practice his ancient craft and is also needed by society. The writer has never heard any complaints from people against hangmen, and he thinks that hangmen enjoy their ancient art of hanging criminals.



Secondly, the writer mentions the aim of deterrence. The capital punishment of death for the criminals saves the lives of the people. It deters or stops those murderers from ever murdering again. It even deters potential murderers from ever committing the crime. When the criminals are hanged, the potential criminals will be afraid.



The last reason that Mencken gives is the strongest of all. He claims that the main reason for death punishment is to provide catharsis to the victims, their relatives, and society at large. For the term catharsis, the writer uses the term revenge. Catharsis is the healthy release of emotions such as grief, hatred, or anger. It provides sudden emotional and mental satisfaction. It also brings a sense of security and mental peace to the public at large.



The Penalty of Death by H.L. Mencken

The abolitionists argue that capital punishment should be abolished because hanging a man is an unpleasant job and because it does not stop other people from committing the same crime. However, the writer thinks that the death penalty should be retained. He refutes the arguments of the abolitionists. He says that there are many other unpleasant jobs, but no one thinks of abolishing them. Moreover, the hangman has never complained about his work. But he seems to have enjoyed practicing his ancient art.

In the second argument, the abolitionists have made a basic error. Deterrence is not the only aim of punishing criminals; it is one of the aims of punishment. Of the other six aims, revenge is one. But Mencken likes to use the word "katharsis." It means a healthy release of emotions or power. After the crime, the victim thinks of his suffering, and he loses peace of mind. When the criminal is punished, the victim is satisfied to see him suffering, and the accounts are balanced. His emotional tension is released, and he is happy. The desire for this sort of satisfaction may not be excellent, but it is common. If the injury is not serious, it is forgiven. If it is serious, even the saints want to take their revenge. Human beings should not be forced to control this desire. If a bookkeeper has misused a large amount of money, the shopkeeper will be pleased after the man is put in prison. He will sleep happily and dream that the man is bitten by rats and scorpions in the cell. He is so happy that he forgets his money. He has got his katharsis.

If a criminal destroys the security of the whole community, everyone feels endangered and unhappy until the scoundrel is destroyed. When the criminal has been punished, there is a sigh of relief, or katharsis.

The writer demands the death penalty for the murderer who takes human life deliberately and inexcusably by openly challenging human civilization. People will not be satisfied with any lesser penalty. They will have katharsis if the criminal is hanged.

The writer has nothing to say if the criminal is executed at once. Everyone must die soon or late. When the murderer committed the crime, he had expected his death. But if his execution is delayed, he has to wait for months or years under the shadow of death. It is unbearable for him. The lawyers demand a lot of money. When he can't pay them, he is sure to die soon. That wait is very cruel. It is better to kill him soon after the court has passed his death sentence. He can make peace with God in just two hours.





Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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