Unit 15: Leisure and Entertainment: A Journey Back in Time: Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | Neb English Support

Unit 15: Leisure and Entertainment: A Journey Back in Time: Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | Neb English Support
Neb English Support Class 12

Unit 15: Leisure and Entertainment: A Journey Back in Time: Exercise & Grammar | Language Development Class 12 | NEB English Guide

Unit 15: Leisure and Entertainment: A Journey Back in Time!


Unit 15 Class 12 English

a. What are the children doing in the picture?


The children are enjoying their swimming in the lake.

b. What do you love doing in your free time? 


I love reading books in my free time. 


Unit 15 Class 12 English


1. outdated, of or relating to the Middle AgesMEDIEVAL 

3. the character and atmosphere of a place AMBIENCE 

6. highly decorated ORNATE 

7. beat with a strong, regular rhythm; survive THROB

10. with the agreement of all people involved UNANIMOUSLY 

11. the destructive effects of something RAVAGES 


1. a large cityMETROPOLIS 

2. wandering from place to place without any purpose LOITERING 

4. an unpleasant place; a place of extreme miseryHELLHOLE

5. an active revolt or uprising INSURGENCY 

8. paved with cobbles COBBLED 

9. prosperous and growing; flourishing THRIVING 

B. Look up the meanings of the following words in your dictionary.

amenities, exquisite, etiquette, accommodation, mainstay, antique 


Meaning 》The quality of being pleasant or agreeable, whether in respect to situation, climate, manners, or disposition; pleasantness; civility; suavity; gentleness. 


Meaning 》Especially fine or pleasing; exceptional.


Meaning 》Pleasant in manner,  good manner


Meaning 》Lodging in a dwelling or similar living quarters afforded to travellers in hotels or on cruise ships, or prisoners, etc.


Meaning 》A chief support.


Meaning 》Belonging to former times, not modern, out of date, old-fashioned.

C. Underline the content words in the following sentences. 

Example: A brown fox jumps over the lazy dog quickly. 

a. The cat sat lazily on the dirty mat. 

b. She gives performances on the stage beautifully. 

c. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched

d. I came I saw I conquered

e. It is my life, my very identity.


Unit 15 Class 12 English

Answer the following questions.

a. Why did the author and his classmates decide to visit Bandipur?


The author and his classmates decided to visit Bandipur because all of them were fed up with the hectic pace of life in the Kathmandu metropolis.

b. What is special about Bandipur? 


What is special about Bandipur is that it is a place where old Nepal still lives in that cool, cobbled Newar settlement.

c. How has the business changed in Bandipur today?


Today, the traditional variety of business has changed into tourism. It is a tourism-related business in Bandipur.

d. Why do the local people who have migrated to Kathmandu visit Bandipur time and again?


The local people who have migrated to Kathmandu visit Bandipur time and again because they want to be free from the hectic life of Kathmandu. They feel quite peace and happiness in Bandipur.

e. How do the local people learn to speak English in Bandipur? 


The local people learn to speak English in Bandipur from the local schoolchildren. People need the English language for family business and to interact with tourists.

f. What does the author mean when he says that ‘time stops in the town of Bandipur’?


When the author says that "time stops in the town of Bandipur', he means to appreciate the natural beauty of Bandipur, where everyone gets lost in its beauty and originality.


Unit 15 Class 12 English

a. The writer seems to believe that rural life is better than urban life. Do you agree with him? 


Yes, I agree with him. Here, the writer seems to believe that rural life is better than urban life because he finds the place Bandipur more than his expectations. Living at a hectic pace in Kathmandu, he and his friends were quite fed up. All of them want to feel the real beauty as well as the peace of the natural town of Bandipur, a place where time stops and old Nepal lives. The writer feels extremely pleased to find the natural beauty of the place in Bandipur. He finds complete peace in this place. He feels engrossed in the natural environment of Bandipur. He finds Bandipur a real place to stay for a better life.

Living life in a dusty, noisy, and polluted city, he decides to visit a place where he can get complete freedom and peace. The visit to Bandipur has left a great impression on him as well as on his friends. He realises the real essence of his life in Bandipur and believes that rural life is far better than urban life. He visits various places, meets various people, and enjoys various facilities in Bandipur. In a comparison of urban life, he seems quite satisfied to see Bandipur for various reasons. He knows a variety of facts regarding the place and its people.

Following are some of the reasons that make the writer believe that rural life is better than urban life.

▪︎  Rural life is free from various kinds of pollution. He feels complete peace in Bandipur.

▪︎  Living in a rural place is safer than urban life. Bandipur is quite away from the concept of crimes and criminals.

▪︎  We can get organic food items at cheap rates in a rural place. He enjoys organic food items in Bandipur at cheap rates.

▪︎  We can enjoy the freshness of the environment in a rural place. He finds freshness in the environment of Bandipur.

▪︎  In the matter of hospitality, the rural place is far better than the urban place. He gets very good hospitality and facilities in Bandipur.

b. Is the writer’s way of looking at Bandipur just a gaze of an urban tourist? Why? Why not?


No, the writer's way of looking at Bandipur is not just the gaze of an urban tourist. He doesn't visit Bandipur just as an urban tourist. Being fed up with his hectic life in Kathmandu, he visits there along with his friends to feel the peaceful environment and amazing beauty of the place in his heart. At Bandipur, he and his friends are enchanted by the local cultures, behaviours, and organic and delicious food items.

The writer and his friends see the cultures of Old Nepal in Bandipur. Due to this particular culture as well as the natural beauty of the place, they decide to stay in Bandipur for a few days. All of them enjoy their stay in Bandipur a lot.

Bandipur is a hilltop settlement and a rural municipality that lies in the Tanahu district of Nepal. This place is the centre of attention for various reasons. The true and original beauty of the place attracts most tourists to this place. This place is quite famous for its ancient culture. The environment of the place is free from any kind of pollution. The tourists feel heavenly pleasure after enjoying this particular place on the hilltop.

The writer spends his best time in Bandipur. He enjoys various places in Bandipur along with his friends. His gaze towards this beautiful place is more than that of an urban tourist. He feels himself heartily connected to this place, where he gets all sorts of refreshments, which he has been looking for.

He learns about places, people, and their tourism businesses. The writer learns that most people visit Bandipur to get relief from their stressful lives. There are many beautiful ancient temples, facilities for mini-bus safaris, elephant rides, etc. This place is quite perfect for adventure and peacefulness. The writer feels extremely ecstatic in this particular place.


Unit 15 Class 12 English

Write a letter to a business organization overseas describing the prospects of the tourism industry in your local place. Consider the following points in the letter.

•  Propose to venture in tourism business.

•  Persuade the organization head to visit the place once.

• Clearly dig out the specialties and potentialities of the place.

• Explain its archaeological and historical importance. 



The Chairperson

The World Tourism Organization 

Madrid, Spain 

Respected Sir

I am writing this letter to inform you about the prospects of the tourism industry in my local area in response to your letter, which you mentioned in the previous letter.

Our country, Nepal, and its various places have immense potential in the field of tourism. The nation of the Himalayas is renowned for its natural beauty: the highest peaks in the world, national parks rich in flora and fauna, snow-capped rivers, extraordinary trekking routes, wonderful lakes, and welcoming people. Nepal is also rich in its cultural and religious diversity. Similarly, in my local area, there are many possibilities for the tourism industry.

I'm a native of Tekanpur, which is situated in the Sindhupalchok district of Nepal. This village is quite beautiful and is famous for its religious and historical sites. This village is full of beautiful plant varieties. There are many interesting places to visit. In this place, the prospects for the tourism industry are so high. Most people from all over the world visit our place to enjoy different interesting places. The geographical structure of this place is favourable for tourists. I would like to make my deep request to you to venture into the tourism business here in this place. Due to this place's popularity, I would like to welcome you to visit this place once. I'm really very sure that this place will certainly gain popularity if your organisation supports it. The main attraction of this place is the Sunkoshi River, where tourists enjoy rafting most of the time. We do have fine facilities for accommodation as well as transportation in our village. The place has very easy access from Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. Our place is quite famous for its archaeological and historical importance. There are various places in our village where tourists can get a chance to learn about and see varieties of archaeological remains and ancient temples. All our native people have seen the future potential of tourism here in this place. We are eagerly waiting for your kind consideration.

Yours faithfully.

Ram Bohara


Unit 15 Class 12 English

Miscellaneous Agreements

A. Tick the correct one.

a. He has obtained full mark/marks.✔

b. More than two boys were ✔/was absent.

c. One of the boy/boys✔ was not found there.

d. His wonder knew no bounds ✔/bound.

e. I give you my words/word✔.

f. He gave me much✔/many good advice ✔/advices.

g. He gave wrong information✔/informations.

h. Give me two dozens/dozen✔ eggs.

i. Six miles is✔/are a long distance.

j. The clock has struck four hours✔/hour. 

k. Would you lend me a ten rupees/rupee✔ note? 

l. Nepal government makes five year✔/years development plan. 

m. They went to Singapore on a four days/day✔ trip. 

B. Which of the sentence is correct in each pair? Rewrite the correct one.

a. My all books are lost. All my books are lost. 

》All my books are lost.

b. His both brothers are ill. Both his brothers are ill. 

》Both his brothers are ill.

c. Give me a hundred rupee. Give a hundred rupees.

》Give me a hundred rupee.

d. Everybody except me was absent. Everybody except I was absent. 

》Everbody except me was absent. 

e. He was died of fever. He died of fever. 

》He died of fever.

f. It is raining for a week. It has been raining for a week. 

》It has been raining for a week.

g. I have seen my friend long ago. I saw my friend long ago. 

》I saw my friend long ago.

h. My friend has gone out before I arrived. My friend had gone out before I arrived.

》My friend had gone out before I arrived.

i. He said he has never seen him before. He said he had never seen him before.

》He said he had never seen him before.

j. He assured he will come. He assured he would come. 

》He assured he would come.


Unit 15 Class 12 English

Expressing Indifference

A. Study the following expressions of indifference.

So what?

Who cares!

I don’t care!

I’m easy.

I don’t mind./ I don’t mind whatever you do.

Do as you like.

It’s all the same to me.

It doesn’t matter to me.

I have no preference.

I suppose so.

It doesn’t matter what you think.

What difference does it make?

I couldn’t care less.Whatever you do?

It’s your decision.

Who knows!

Why should I care?

It makes no difference to me. 

The whole thing bores me to death.

B. Read the conversation and mark the expressions of indifference. 

Two students are talking in the cafeteria.

A: Hey, Sudhir! Are you OK?

B: Fine, Rajendra. What’s up?

A: I suppose you are going to join the protest march this afternoon. Is it true?

B: Oh, why bother? Nothing’s going to change from it.

A: You never know. The administration might listen to us this time….

B: It doesn’t matter to me. I don’t mind what you do, but exclude me.

C. Work in pairs. Have conversations in the following situations. Use the expressions of indifference.

a. You have no particular interest in something and your friend is still talking about it. 

A: Hey, Ram! Are you okay?

B: Fine, Raj. What’s up?

A: Why don't we move there and talk to him?

B: It’s your decision. I don’t care!

A: Think about him. He is the right person to talk with.

B: I have no preference.

b. You are in a restaurant and you ordered some appetizers and then there’s just the last piece of the spring roll in front of you. Your friend asks if he could have it.

A: Hey, Raj!

B: Hi, Ram!

A: Could I have this last piece of the spring roll?

B: Do as you like.

A: Are you sure, dear?

B: I don’t mind whatever you do.

c. You are waiting outside a mall for someone and then there’s someone who’s smoking around you. He asks if it’s OK for you. 

A: Hi, Excuse me.

B: Hi, yes.

A: Is it okay for you if I smoke here?

B: It’s your decision.

A: Are you sure?

B: Yes, I don't mind.

d. You are going to a party and you are confused about selecting a good dress. You ask your friend about it and he is indifferent to any dress you choose.

A: Hey, John. Do me a favour.

B: Hey, Jane. Sure.

A: Which dress should I wear to a party?

B: Wear as you like.

A: Are you sure?

B: Yes, it's your decision.

e. Two teachers are talking about their promotion. One of them is indifferent to it.

A: Finally, the year has come.

B: So what?

A: We have to apply for our promotions this year.

B: Do as you like.

A: Don't you need a promotion?

B: It doesn't matter to me.

f. Two women are talking about the development progress in Nepal. 

A: The development of Nepal is in progress.

B: I don't care.

A: We have to be proud of our country's development.

B: It doesn't matter to me.

g. A student can’t do well in English exam. He is neither taking interest in English lessons nor he is doing any of the work.

A: Hey, buddy. You have been attentive to your English lessons.

B: I don't care.

A: I think you should study hard.

B: It doesn’t matter what you think.

A: Don't you wish to secure good marks in English?

B: I don’t care!

h. You are queuing in to pay for your electricity bill and one man jumps the queue. You let him do it.

A: Excuse me. Do you mind if I jump the queue?

B: No, do as you like.

A: Are you sure?

B: Yes, I don't mind whatever you do.






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